25 Creative School Events for Nursery and Primary Schools in Lagos


  1. New Year Resolutions Day
    • Date: January 10
    • Activities:
      • Teachers: Guide students in setting personal goals for the year.
      • Learners: Write and share their resolutions.
    • Remarks: Encourages self-reflection and ambition.


  1. World Hijab Day
    • Date: February 1
    • Activities:
      • Teachers: Discuss the significance of hijabs and cultural respect.
      • Learners: Share experiences and participate in a hijab-wearing event.
    • Remarks: Promotes cultural awareness and acceptance.
  2. Healthy Living Day
    • Date: February 10
    • Activities:
      • Teachers: Lead discussions on nutrition and physical health.
      • Learners: Participate in fun physical activities.
    • Remarks: Encourages a healthy lifestyle.
  3. Valentine’s Day
    • Date: February 14
    • Activities:
      • Teachers: Discuss the importance of love and friendship.
      • Learners: Create cards for friends and family.
    • Remarks: Celebrates kindness and relationships.


  1. World Women’s Day
    • Date: March 8
    • Activities:
      • Teachers: Teach about women’s contributions to society.
      • Learners: Create artwork celebrating influential women.
    • Remarks: Empowers students with knowledge of gender equality.
  2. Cultural Diversity Day
    • Date: March 18
    • Activities:
      • Teachers: Organize a cultural parade.
      • Learners: Dress in traditional attire and share cultural stories.
    • Remarks: Celebrates Nigeria’s cultural richness.
  3. Water Fun Day
    • Date: March 22
    • Activities:
      • Teachers: Teach about water conservation and safety.
      • Learners: Engage in water-themed games.
    • Remarks: Teaches important life skills.


  1. Earth Day
    • Date: April 22
    • Activities:
      • Teachers: Lead environmental education sessions.
      • Learners: Participate in tree-planting and recycling activities.
    • Remarks: Fosters environmental awareness.
  2. World Book Day
    • Date: April 23
    • Activities:
      • Teachers: Host reading sessions and discussions.
      • Learners: Dress as favorite book characters.
    • Remarks: Promotes literacy and a love for reading.


  1. Workers’ Day
    • Date: May 1
    • Activities:
      • Teachers: Discuss the role of workers in society.
      • Learners: Create appreciation cards for different professions.
    • Remarks: Teaches respect for various careers.
  2. Children’s Day
    • Date: May 27
    • Activities:
      • Teachers: Organize games, dances, and talent shows.
      • Learners: Participate in outdoor activities.
    • Remarks: Celebrates children’s rights and achievements.


  1. World Environment Day
    • Date: June 5
    • Activities:
      • Teachers: Lead discussions on climate change and conservation.
      • Learners: Create projects about protecting the environment.
    • Remarks: Encourages sustainable practices.
  2. Animal Kingdom Day
    • Date: June 15
    • Activities:
      • Teachers: Organize talks about wildlife.
      • Learners: Present animal-themed projects.
    • Remarks: Increases awareness of animal conservation.


  1. Career Day
    • Date: July 10
    • Activities:
      • Teachers: Invite professionals to speak about their careers.
      • Learners: Dress as their dream job and participate in related activities.
    • Remarks: Inspires students’ future aspirations.
  2. International Day of Friendship
    • Date: July 30
    • Activities:
      • Teachers: Organize friendship-themed games and discussions.
      • Learners: Create friendship bracelets and share stories.
    • Remarks: Promotes teamwork and camaraderie.


  1. International Youth Day
    • Date: August 12
    • Activities:
      • Teachers: Host workshops on youth empowerment.
      • Learners: Participate in discussions and presentations.
    • Remarks: Encourages youth involvement in community service.


  1. Safety and Security Awareness Day
    • Date: September 12
    • Activities:
      • Teachers: Teach safety protocols and conduct drills.
      • Learners: Engage in safety role-playing scenarios.
    • Remarks: Builds awareness of personal safety.
  2. International Day of Peace
    • Date: September 21
    • Activities:
      • Teachers: Lead discussions on peace and conflict resolution.
      • Learners: Create peace-themed art.
    • Remarks: Fosters a peaceful school environment.


  1. Independence Day Celebration
    • Date: October 1
    • Activities:
      • Teachers: Organize a parade and discussions on Nigeria’s history.
      • Learners: Perform cultural dances and wear national colors.
    • Remarks: Celebrates national pride and heritage.
  2. World Teachers’ Day
    • Date: October 5
    • Activities:
      • Teachers: Organize appreciation events for teachers.
      • Learners: Present gifts or cards to their teachers.
    • Remarks: Honors educators’ contributions to society.
  3. Math Fun Day
    • Date: October 15
    • Activities:
      • Teachers: Organize math-related games and competitions.
      • Learners: Participate in puzzles and math challenges.
    • Remarks: Makes learning math enjoyable.


  1. World Science Day
    • Date: November 10
    • Activities:
      • Teachers: Conduct science experiments and discussions.
      • Learners: Present science projects.
    • Remarks: Encourages curiosity and exploration in science.
  2. Talent Show Day
    • Date: November 15
    • Activities:
      • Teachers: Organize a talent showcase.
      • Learners: Perform songs, dances, or skits.
    • Remarks: Celebrates individual talents and boosts confidence.


  1. Christmas Celebration
    • Date: December 18
    • Activities:
      • Teachers: Organize festive activities and games.
      • Learners: Participate in gift exchanges and decorate the school.
    • Remarks: Fosters community spirit and joy.
  2. End-of-Year Reflection Day
    • Date: December 30
    • Activities:
      • Teachers: Guide students in reflecting on their progress.
      • Learners: Share achievements and set goals for the new year.
    • Remarks: Encourages self-assessment and celebrates growth.


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