Nommer les jours de la semaine French Primary 6 First Term Lesson Notes Week 9

French Primary 6 First Term Lesson Notes – Week 9

Subject: French
Class: Primary 6
Term: First Term
Week: 9
Age: 10-11 years
Topic: Nommer les jours de la semaine
Sub-topic: Les jours de la semaine et les adverbes de temps
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioral Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Name the days of the week.
ii. State the order of the days of the week.
iii. Recite poems or sing songs about the days of the week.
iv. Associate days of the week with time adverbs.


  • Lundi (Monday)
  • Mardi (Tuesday)
  • Mercredi (Wednesday)
  • Jeudi (Thursday)
  • Vendredi (Friday)
  • Samedi (Saturday)
  • Dimanche (Sunday)
  • Aujourd’hui (Today)
  • Demain (Tomorrow)
  • Hier (Yesterday)
  • Avant-hier (The day before yesterday)
  • Après-demain (The day after tomorrow)
  • Le weekend (The weekend)

Set Induction:

Pupils watch a PowerPoint presentation or video showing the days of the week. Discuss each day and its position in the week.

Entry Behavior:

Pupils have basic knowledge of the concept of days in a week and some adverbs of time.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • PowerPoint presentation or video on the days of the week.
  • Flashcards with days of the week.
  • Song lyrics and poem about the days of the week.
  • Crossword puzzle for practice.

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:

Pupils have previously learned about basic time expressions and can relate days of the week to these adverbs.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Recitation
  • Order and sequence
  • Memory and recall
  • Creative expression

Learning Materials:

  • Flashcards with each day of the week.
  • PowerPoint slides or video clips on the days of the week.
  • Poem and song lyrics.
  • Crossword puzzle.

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Basic French Textbook for Primary 6

Instructional Materials:

  • PowerPoint or video on days of the week.
  • Flashcards with names of days.
  • Lyrics for the song and poem.
  • Crossword puzzle activity sheet.


Manière de dire les jours de la semaine:

  1. Il y a sept jours dans la semaine:
    • Lundi (Monday)
    • Mardi (Tuesday)
    • Mercredi (Wednesday)
    • Jeudi (Thursday)
    • Vendredi (Friday)
    • Samedi (Saturday)
    • Dimanche (Sunday)
  2. Adverbes de temps associés aux jours:
    • Aujourd’hui (Today)
    • Demain (Tomorrow)
    • Hier (Yesterday)
    • Avant-hier (The day before yesterday)
    • Après-demain (The day after tomorrow)
    • Le weekend (The weekend)


  • Les jours de la semaine


  • Le corbeau a sept habits

    Le corbeau a sept habits.
    Un pour le lundi,
    Un pour le mardi,
    Un pour le mercredi,
    Un pour le jeudi,
    Un pour le vendredi,
    Un pour le samedi,
    Et celui qui n’a pas de manche,
    Il le garde pour le dimanche.

Mot Croisé:

  • A crossword puzzle where pupils fill in the days of the week.

15 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with Options:

  1. Le premier jour de la semaine est _____.
    a. Mardi
    b. Lundi
    c. Dimanche
  2. Le jour après mercredi est _____.
    a. Jeudi
    b. Lundi
    c. Samedi
  3. Hier était _____.
    a. Jeudi
    b. Vendredi
    c. Lundi
  4. Demain sera _____.
    a. Samedi
    b. Dimanche
    c. Vendredi
  5. Le weekend commence le _____.
    a. Vendredi
    b. Samedi
    c. Mercredi
  6. Le jour avant samedi est _____.
    a. Jeudi
    b. Vendredi
    c. Dimanche
  7. Après-demain sera _____.
    a. Mardi
    b. Mercredi
    c. Dimanche
  8. Aujourd’hui est _____.
    a. Jeudi
    b. Mardi
    c. Lundi
  9. Le dernier jour de la semaine est _____.
    a. Dimanche
    b. Samedi
    c. Vendredi
  10. Le jour entre lundi et mercredi est _____.
    a. Mardi
    b. Jeudi
    c. Vendredi
  11. Avant-hier était _____.
    a. Lundi
    b. Mercredi
    c. Dimanche
  12. Le jour suivant vendredi est _____.
    a. Dimanche
    b. Lundi
    c. Samedi
  13. Le jour avant dimanche est _____.
    a. Samedi
    b. Vendredi
    c. Jeudi
  14. On chante des chansons sur les jours de la _____.
    a. Semaine
    b. Journée
    c. Mois
  15. Le jour entre jeudi et samedi est _____.
    a. Vendredi
    b. Lundi
    c. Dimanche

15 FAQs with Answers:

  1. Q: Combien de jours y a-t-il dans une semaine?
    (How many days are there in a week?)
    A: Il y a sept jours dans une semaine.
    (There are seven days in a week.)
  2. Q: Quel est le jour avant vendredi?
    (What is the day before Friday?)
    A: Le jour avant vendredi est jeudi.
    (The day before Friday is Thursday.)
  3. Q: Quel est le jour après mardi?
    (What is the day after Tuesday?)
    A: Le jour après mardi est mercredi.
    (The day after Tuesday is Wednesday.)
  4. Q: Que fais-tu le weekend?
    (What do you do on the weekend?)
    A: Je me repose et je fais des activités avec ma famille.
    (I rest and do activities with my family.)
  5. Q: Quel est le premier jour de la semaine?
    (What is the first day of the week?)
    A: Le premier jour de la semaine est lundi.
    (The first day of the week is Monday.)
  6. Q: Que signifie “avant-hier”?
    (What does “avant-hier” mean?)
    A: “Avant-hier” signifie le jour avant hier.
    (Before yesterday means the day before yesterday.)
  7. Q: Quel jour est après dimanche?
    (What day is after Sunday?)
    A: Après dimanche, c’est lundi.
    (After Sunday is Monday.)
  8. Q: Que fais-tu le lundi?
    (What do you do on Monday?)
    A: Le lundi, je vais à l’école.
    (On Monday, I go to school.)
  9. Q: Quel jour est au milieu de la semaine?
    (What day is in the middle of the week?)
    A: Mercredi est au milieu de la semaine.
    (Wednesday is in the middle of the week.)
  10. Q: Comment appelle-t-on le jour avant dimanche?
    (What do we call the day before Sunday?)
    A: Le jour avant dimanche est samedi.
    (The day before Sunday is Saturday.)
  11. Q: Que fais-tu aujourd’hui?
    (What are you doing today?)
    A: Aujourd’hui, je fais mes devoirs.
    (Today, I am doing my homework.)
  12. Q: Quel jour est “demain”?
    (What day is “tomorrow”?)
    A: Demain dépend du jour d’aujourd’hui.
    (Tomorrow depends on today.)
  13. Q: Que signifie “après-demain”?
    (What does “après-demain” mean?)
    A: “Après-demain” signifie le jour après demain.
    (The day after tomorrow.)
  14. Q: Quels jours forment le weekend?
    (Which days form the weekend?)
    A: Le weekend est samedi et dimanche.
    (The weekend is Saturday and Sunday.)
  15. Q: Que fait-on généralement le dimanche?
    (What do people usually do on Sunday?)
    A: On se repose et on passe du temps en famille.
    (We rest and spend time with family.)

Presentation Steps:

Step 1: Revising the Previous Topic

  • Recap the previous lesson briefly if it relates to time or daily routines.

Step 2: Introducing the New Topic

  • Present the PowerPoint or video introducing the days of the week and adverbs of time.

Step 3: Allowing Pupils to Contribute

  • Have pupils practice naming the days of the week, reciting the poem, and singing the song. Encourage them to use the vocabulary in sentences about their own weekly routines.

Teacher’s Activities:

  1. Present the PowerPoint or video on days of the week.
  2. Teach the song and poem about the days of the week.
  3. Facilitate the crossword puzzle activity.
  4. Guide pupils in creating sentences using the days of the week and adverbs of time.

Learners’ Activities:

  1. Watch and listen to the presentation/video.
  2. Participate in the song and poem recitation.
  3. Complete the crossword puzzle with the days of the week.
  4. Create sentences using the new vocabulary.


  • Evaluate pupils’ ability to name and order the days of the week.
  • Assess their participation in the song, poem, and crossword puzzle activities.

10 Evaluation Questions:

  1. Quel jour vient après jeudi?
    (What day comes after Thursday?)
  2. Quel jour est aujourd’hui?
    (What day is today?)
  3. Le jour avant samedi est _____.
    (The day before Saturday is _____.)
  4. Quel jour est “après-demain”?
    (What day is “the day after tomorrow?”)
  5. Récite la poésie des jours de la semaine.
    (Recite the poem about the days of the week.)
  6. Quel est le jour après dimanche?
    (What is the day after Sunday?)
  7. Le jour entre mardi et jeudi est _____.
    (The day between Tuesday and Thursday is ____.)
  8. Que fais-tu généralement le weekend?
    (What do you usually do on the weekend?)
  9. Complète le mot croisé avec les jours de la semaine.
    (Complete the crossword with the days of the week.)
  10. Quel jour est avant demain?
    (What day is before tomorrow?)


  1. Marking: Check pupils’ participation and accuracy in naming and ordering days.
  2. Necessary Actions: Provide extra practice for any areas where pupils need improvement.

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