First Term Mid Term Test Questions Computer Studies Primary 6 First Term Lesson Notes Week 7




Week 7: Mid-Term Assessment and Break


Information Technology


Primary 6


First Term




10-11 years

Part A: Objective Questions

Instructions: Choose the correct option (a, b, c, or d) to fill in the blanks.

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to ______.
    a) Manual processes
    b) Human intelligence
    c) Machine learning and algorithms
    d) Physical tools
    Answer: c) Machine learning and algorithms
  2. The program used for basic drawing and painting on a computer is ______.
    a) Adobe Photoshop
    b) CorelDraw
    c) Microsoft Paint
    d) Scratch
    Answer: c) Microsoft Paint
  3. In Microsoft Paint, the ______ tool allows you to select and move objects.
    a) Fill
    b) Eraser
    c) Select
    d) Brush
    Answer: c) Select
  4. To change the color of a Sprite in Scratch, use the ______ tool.
    a) Brush
    b) Fill
    c) Resize
    d) Text
    Answer: b) Fill
  5. The script used to create animations in Scratch is the ______ script.
    a) Control
    b) Motion
    c) Looks
    d) Events
    Answer: b) Motion
  6. To add a new backdrop in Scratch, you should click on the ______ button.
    a) Choose backdrop
    b) Import
    c) New sprite
    d) Edit
    Answer: a) Choose backdrop
  7. The ______ script helps manage the flow of a Scratch project.
    a) Looks
    b) Control
    c) Sensing
    d) Variables
    Answer: b) Control
  8. To customize a Sprite’s appearance in Scratch, use the ______ tab.
    a) Sounds
    b) Costumes
    c) Backdrops
    d) Scripts
    Answer: b) Costumes
  9. The tool used to draw shapes in Microsoft Paint is the ______ tool.
    a) Line
    b) Shape
    c) Fill
    d) Brush
    Answer: b) Shape
  10. In Scratch, the ______ script is used to detect interactions with the user.
    a) Sensing
    b) Motion
    c) Looks
    d) Sound
    Answer: a) Sensing
  11. To change the size of a Sprite, you use the ______ tool in Scratch.
    a) Resize
    b) Fill
    c) Move
    d) Rotate
    Answer: a) Resize
  12. To test your Scratch project, click the ______ button.
    a) Stop
    b) Play
    c) Save
    d) Edit
    Answer: b) Play
  13. The ______ script controls what happens when events occur in Scratch.
    a) Control
    b) Events
    c) Looks
    d) Variables
    Answer: b) Events
  14. The tool in Microsoft Paint that changes colors is the ______ tool.
    a) Brush
    b) Fill
    c) Eraser
    d) Text
    Answer: b) Fill
  15. To save a Scratch project, you should click on ______.
    a) Save
    b) Export
    c) Publish
    d) Share
    Answer: a) Save
  16. In Scratch, the ______ script is used for changing the appearance of a Sprite.
    a) Looks
    b) Motion
    c) Control
    d) Sensing
    Answer: a) Looks
  17. To draw freehand lines in Microsoft Paint, use the ______ tool.
    a) Brush
    b) Shape
    c) Line
    d) Eraser
    Answer: a) Brush
  18. The ______ tab is used to add new scripts to a Sprite in Scratch.
    a) Backdrops
    b) Sounds
    c) Scripts
    d) Costumes
    Answer: c) Scripts
  19. To adjust the position of a Sprite in Scratch, use the ______ script.
    a) Motion
    b) Looks
    c) Sensing
    d) Control
    Answer: a) Motion
  20. To import a new Sprite, click on the ______ button.
    a) Choose sprite
    b) Import
    c) Add
    d) Edit
    Answer: a) Choose sprite

Part B: Theory Questions

Instructions: Write a short answer for each question.

  1. Define Artificial Intelligence (AI) and provide one example of its application.
  2. List three drawing packages used for creating digital art and their primary functions.
  3. Explain the function of the Fill tool in Microsoft Paint.
  4. Describe how you would customize a Sprite’s appearance in Scratch.
  5. What are the primary uses of the Motion script in Scratch programming?
  6. How do you add a new backdrop to your Scratch project?
  7. Explain the role of the Control script in managing a Scratch project.
  8. What steps are involved in creating a new project in Scratch?
  9. Describe how you would use the Sensing script to make a Sprite respond to user input.
  10. How can you resize a Sprite in Scratch?
  11. What is the purpose of the Costumes tab in Scratch?
  12. List two tools in Microsoft Paint and their uses.
  13. Explain how to test a Scratch project for functionality.
  14. Describe how you would use the Fill tool to change the background color in Microsoft Paint.
  15. What does the Events script do in Scratch?
  16. How can you save and share a completed Scratch project?
  17. Describe the process of adding a new sound to a Scratch project.
  18. What is the role of the Looks script in Scratch programming?
  19. Explain how to move objects using the Select tool in Microsoft Paint.
  20. What steps would you take to create an animation using the Motion script in Scratch?

Part C: True or False Questions

Instructions: Indicate whether each statement is True or False.

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) can perform tasks that normally require human intelligence.
  2. Microsoft Paint is a drawing package that allows for complex vector graphics creation.
  3. The Fill tool in Microsoft Paint is used to add colors to specific areas.
  4. In Scratch, the Control script manages the visual appearance of Sprites.
  5. You can customize a Sprite’s size in the Costumes tab of Scratch.
  6. The Sensing script in Scratch detects interactions and triggers events.
  7. To change the color of the background in Microsoft Paint, you use the Resize tool.
  8. The Events script in Scratch is used to respond to user inputs.
  9. Microsoft Paint allows you to add and edit text using the Brush tool.
  10. To create animations in Scratch, you use the Motion script.
  11. The Costumes tab in Scratch is used for importing new backgrounds.
  12. To draw straight lines in Microsoft Paint, you use the Line tool.
  13. The Fill tool in Microsoft Paint can only be used to add patterns to drawings.
  14. In Scratch, the Looks script allows you to change the appearance of a Sprite.
  15. You save a Scratch project by selecting the Publish option.
  16. Customizing Sprites in Scratch involves using the Costumes tab.
  17. The Sensing script in Scratch can be used to trigger actions based on user input.
  18. To add a new sound to a Scratch project, you use the Backdrops tab.
  19. The Resize tool in Microsoft Paint changes the size of the canvas, not individual objects.
  20. The Motion script in Scratch is used for changing the position and movement of Sprites.

Part D: Fill in the Gaps Questions

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the correct term.

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is designed to mimic human ______.
  2. The ______ tool in Microsoft Paint is used to color large areas of the drawing.
  3. In Scratch, the ______ tab allows you to modify a Sprite’s appearance.
  4. To add a new ______ in Scratch, you use the Choose backdrop button.
  5. The ______ script in Scratch manages the sequence of actions.
  6. You can use the ______ tool in Microsoft Paint to draw shapes like rectangles and circles.
  7. To resize a Sprite, use the ______ tool in Scratch.
  8. The ______ script allows a Sprite to respond to events and interactions.
  9. In Microsoft Paint, the ______ tool helps in selecting and moving parts of your drawing.
  10. To save your work in Scratch, click on the ______ button.
  11. The ______ script in Scratch is used for changing the visual aspects of a Sprite.
  12. To create an animation, use the ______ script in Scratch.
  13. The ______ tool in Microsoft Paint is used for erasing parts of your drawing.
  14. The ______ tab in Scratch is used for adding new sounds to your project.
  15. In Microsoft Paint, the ______ tool is used to draw freehand lines.
  16. The ______ tab in Scratch is used for adding new backdrops to your project.
  17. To test your Scratch project, you click on the ______ button.
  18. The ______ script in Scratch detects and responds to user inputs.
  19. The ______ tool in Microsoft Paint helps to fill areas with a selected color.
  20. To change the appearance of a Sprite in Scratch, you use the ______ tab.


  • Review the key points covered in the mid-term assessment, including artificial intelligence, drawing tools, and Scratch programming.
  • Discuss the common areas where students excelled and where they need improvement.
  • Provide feedback and suggestions for further study or practice based on their performance.

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