Spellings and Dictation Exam Instructions English Grammar Primary 6 First Term Lesson Notes Week 12

Week 12

Spellings and Dictation Exam Instructions

For Teachers:

  1. Prepare the Exam Environment:
    • Ensure the room is quiet and free from distractions.
    • Provide each student with an exam paper and any other necessary materials.
  2. Explain the Rules:
    • Clearly explain the exam instructions to the students.
    • Stress the importance of academic honesty and following exam rules.
  3. Monitor the Exam:
    • Supervise the students to ensure they do not engage in any form of malpractice.
    • Be available to address any questions or issues that arise during the exam.
  4. Handle Malpractice:
    • Follow school policies if any student is caught cheating or breaking exam rules.

For Students:

  1. Follow Instructions:
    • Read all instructions carefully before starting the exam.
    • Listen to any additional instructions given by the teacher.
  2. Avoid Cheating:
    • Do not use unauthorized materials or communicate with other students.
    • Work independently and honestly.
  3. Manage Your Time:
    • Allocate your time wisely to complete all sections of the exam.
  4. Ask for Clarification:
    • If you do not understand any part of the exam, ask the teacher for help.

Part A: Objective Questions

  1. The spelling of “beautiful” is __________.
    • a) beautifull
    • b) beautifull
    • c) beautiful
    • d) beautifull
  2. The correct spelling for a place where people work is __________.
    • a) office
    • b) ofice
    • c) offce
    • d) oifice
  3. The word meaning a small, flying insect is __________.
    • a) bee
    • b) be
    • c) bee
    • d) b
  4. The past tense of “run” is __________.
    • a) ran
    • b) runed
    • c) ran
    • d) runned
  5. The word for a soft, furry animal is __________.
    • a) cat
    • b) kat
    • c) kat
    • d) cat
  6. The correct spelling for the sound made by a bell is __________.
    • a) ding
    • b) din
    • c) ding
    • d) dng
  7. The word for something that flies in the sky is __________.
    • a) airplane
    • b) airplaine
    • c) airplan
    • d) airplane
  8. The spelling of the opposite of “happy” is __________.
    • a) sad
    • b) sad
    • c) saed
    • d) saed
  9. The correct spelling of a fruit is __________.
    • a) apple
    • b) applo
    • c) appple
    • d) apple
  10. The word that means to go from one place to another is __________.
    • a) travel
    • b) treavel
    • c) travel
    • d) trvel
  11. The correct spelling of the object used to write is __________.
    • a) pencil
    • b) pencel
    • c) pencile
    • d) pencil
  12. The spelling of the animal that says “moo” is __________.
    • a) cow
    • b) kow
    • c) caw
    • d) cow
  13. The word that describes the color of the sky is __________.
    • a) blue
    • b) bloo
    • c) ble
    • d) blue
  14. The word for something you wear on your feet is __________.
    • a) shoes
    • b) shoos
    • c) sheos
    • d) shoes
  15. The correct spelling for the number after seven is __________.
    • a) eight
    • b) ate
    • c) eigh
    • d) eight
  16. The word for a place to sleep is __________.
    • a) bed
    • b) bead
    • c) bdd
    • d) bed
  17. The correct spelling of the vegetable that is orange is __________.
    • a) carrot
    • b) carott
    • c) carott
    • d) carrot
  18. The word for a type of tree that has acorns is __________.
    • a) oak
    • b) oack
    • c) oc
    • d) oak
  19. The spelling of the insect that makes honey is __________.
    • a) bee
    • b) be
    • c) b
    • d) bee
  20. The correct spelling of the object that holds water is __________.
    • a) bottle
    • b) botle
    • c) botlle
    • d) bottle
  21. The word for a fun event with games is __________.
    • a) party
    • b) pary
    • c) partty
    • d) party
  22. The spelling of the place where books are kept is __________.
    • a) library
    • b) libary
    • c) librry
    • d) library
  23. The correct spelling of a type of fruit that is red or green is __________.
    • a) apple
    • b) appple
    • c) aple
    • d) apple
  24. The word that means to make something clean is __________.
    • a) wash
    • b) wsh
    • c) wsh
    • d) wash
  25. The spelling of the day that comes after Monday is __________.
    • a) Tuesday
    • b) Teusday
    • c) Tueday
    • d) Tuesday
  26. The correct spelling of the thing used for writing on paper is __________.
    • a) pen
    • b) paen
    • c) peen
    • d) pen
  27. The word for something you use to eat soup is __________.
    • a) spoon
    • b) spn
    • c) spooon
    • d) spoon
  28. The spelling of the bird known for its colorful feathers is __________.
    • a) parrot
    • b) parot
    • c) parrot
    • d) parot
  29. The correct spelling of the action to read aloud is __________.
    • a) recite
    • b) reciet
    • c) recite
    • d) recite
  30. The word for something you use to keep your head warm in winter is __________.
    • a) hat
    • b) hat
    • c) hatt
    • d) hat

Part B: Theory Questions

  1. Describe the correct spelling of the word “apple.”
  2. How do you spell the word for a place where you keep books?
  3. What is the correct spelling for the insect that makes honey?
  4. Spell the word for a type of fruit that is often red or green.
  5. How is the word “library” spelled?
  6. Write the correct spelling of the word for a fun event with games.
  7. How do you spell the object used to hold water?
  8. What is the correct spelling of the day that comes after Monday?
  9. Describe the correct spelling of the object used for writing on paper.
  10. How do you spell the word for a bird known for its colorful feathers?
  11. Write the correct spelling of the word used for something to eat soup with.
  12. How do you spell the word for the vegetable that is orange?
  13. What is the correct spelling for a place to sleep?
  14. Describe the spelling of the word “party.”
  15. Write the correct spelling of the word for a place where people work.
  16. How do you spell the word for something that flies in the sky?
  17. Spell the word for a small, flying insect.
  18. What is the correct spelling of the word for a place to keep books?
  19. Describe the correct spelling of the word “carrot.”
  20. How do you spell the object used to write with?
  21. Spell the word for the action to make something clean.
  22. Write the correct spelling of the word for a type of tree that has acorns.
  23. How is the word “spoon” spelled?
  24. What is the correct spelling of the word for a type of fruit that is red or green?
  25. Describe the spelling of the word “pen.”
  26. How do you spell the word for a fun event with games?
  27. Write the correct spelling of the word for a day after Monday.
  28. What is the correct spelling of the word “hat”?
  29. Spell the word for the object used to write on paper.
  30. Describe the spelling of the word for a bird with colorful feathers.

Part C: True or False Questions

  1. The word “carrot” is spelled with two Rs. (True/False)
  2. The correct spelling of “library” includes two Rs. (True/False)
  3. The spelling of “party” is correct as given. (True/False)
  4. The word “spoon” is spelled with two Os. (True/False)
  5. The word “pen” is spelled with two Ps. (True/False)
  6. The spelling of “apple” has two Ps. (True/False)
  7. The correct spelling of “hat” includes two Ts. (True/False)
  8. The word “book” is spelled with two Os. (True/False)
  9. The word “carrot” is spelled with a single R. (True/False)
  10. The correct spelling of “spoon” includes only one O. (True/False)
  11. The spelling of “hat” includes a single T. (True/False)
  12. The word “bird” is spelled with one R. (True/False)
  13. The spelling of “apple” includes only one L. (True/False)
  14. The correct spelling of “library” includes a single Y. (True/False)
  15. The word “party” is spelled with two Ts. (True/False)
  16. The correct spelling of “carrot” includes a single R. (True/False)
  17. The spelling of “spoon” includes two Os. (True/False)
  18. The word “hat” is spelled with a single A. (True/False)
  19. The correct spelling of “pen” has only one N. (True/False)
  20. The word “library” includes a single R. (True/False)
  21. The correct spelling of “hat” has only one T. (True/False)
  22. The spelling of “party” has two Ps. (True/False)
  23. The word “apple” includes two Ps. (True/False)
  24. The correct spelling of “carrot” includes two Rs. (True/False)
  25. The spelling of “spoon” includes one O. (True/False)
  26. The word “hat” is spelled with one T. (True/False)
  27. The correct spelling of “pen” has two Ns. (True/False)
  28. The spelling of “bird” includes one R. (True/False)
  29. The word “carrot” is spelled with one R. (True/False)
  30. The correct spelling of “apple” has one L. (True/False)

Part D: Fill in the Gaps Questions

  1. The word for a type of fruit that is red or green is __________.
  2. The correct spelling of the insect that makes honey is __________.
  3. The object used to write on paper is __________.
  4. The place where you keep books is __________.
  5. The word for something you use to eat soup with is __________.
  6. The vegetable that is orange is __________.
  7. The day after Monday is __________.
  8. The place where people work is __________.
  9. The bird known for colorful feathers is __________.
  10. The fun event with games is __________.
  11. The action to make something clean is __________.
  12. The object that holds water is __________.
  13. The place where you sleep is __________.
  14. The word for a type of tree that has acorns is __________.
  15. The object used to keep your head warm in winter is __________.
  16. The word for something that flies in the sky is __________.
  17. The spelling of the object used for writing is __________.
  18. The type of event with games is __________.
  19. The place to sleep is __________.
  20. The action to read aloud is __________.
  21. The word for a type of fruit is __________.
  22. The correct spelling of the day after Monday is __________.
  23. The object used to keep your head warm is __________.
  24. The spelling of the bird with colorful feathers is __________.
  25. The vegetable that is orange is __________.
  26. The object used to hold water is __________.
  27. The place where you keep books is __________.
  28. The spelling of the word for a fun event is __________.
  29. The action to make something clean is __________.
  30. The spelling of the place where people work is __________.
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