Vocabulary Development through Reading Comprehension English Grammar Primary 6 First Term Lesson Notes Week 1

Subject: English Language
Class: Primary 6
Term: First Term
Week: 1
Age: 10-11 years
Topic: Comprehension
Sub-topic: Vocabulary Development through Reading
Duration: 60 minutes

Behavioral Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Read the given passage with understanding.
  2. Identify and discuss new vocabulary words.
  3. Use the newly learned words in sentences.


  • Comprehension
  • Vocabulary
  • Reading
  • Sentence formation

Set Induction

Begin the lesson by asking pupils about their favorite books or stories. Discuss the importance of reading and how it helps them learn new words and ideas.

Entry Behavior

Pupils should be familiar with basic reading and have experience in identifying simple vocabulary words.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Passage for comprehension (provided by the teacher)
  • Flashcards with new vocabulary words
  • Whiteboard and markers

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

Connect the lesson to previous reading exercises, emphasizing how reading helps improve vocabulary and comprehension skills.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Reading skills
  • Vocabulary development
  • Critical thinking

Learning Materials

  • Whiteboard
  • Markers
  • Flashcards

Reference Books

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Primary Schools
  • Oxford Primary Dictionary

Instructional Materials

  • Printed passage for reading
  • Flashcards with vocabulary words


Reading Passage: (Teacher provides a passage that includes various new vocabulary words aimed at enhancing pupils’ comprehension and vocabulary.)

Sample Passage: “One sunny afternoon, the children gathered in the garden, eager to start their adventure. They were zealous in their quest to find the core of the mysterious tree that was said to bear the most succulent grapes. As they explored, they came across a strange plant, which their teacher warned could cause bacterial infections if touched without proper hygiene. Determined, the children carefully avoided it and continued their search, learning the importance of safety and cleanliness.”

New Vocabulary Words:

  1. Zealous – Showing great enthusiasm or energy.
  2. Core – The central or most important part of something.
  3. Bacterial – Related to bacteria.
  4. Hygiene – Practices to maintain health and prevent disease.
  5. Succulent – Juicy and tasty.


  1. The children were ________ in their quest to find the tree.
    a) lazy
    b) zealous
    c) indifferent
    d) tired
  2. The ________ of the tree was believed to bear the best fruit.
    a) core
    b) leaves
    c) branches
    d) bark
  3. The children learned about the importance of ________.
    a) sleep
    b) hygiene
    c) playing
    d) running
  4. The grapes were described as ________.
    a) dry
    b) succulent
    c) bitter
    d) sour
  5. Touching the plant could cause ________ infections.
    a) bacterial
    b) viral
    c) fungal
    d) parasitic
  6. ________ means to be filled with energy or enthusiasm.
    a) Zealous
    b) Lazy
    c) Tired
    d) Bored
  7. The central part of something is called the ________.
    a) top
    b) bottom
    c) core
    d) side
  8. ________ is the practice of maintaining cleanliness.
    a) Hygiene
    b) Sleeping
    c) Eating
    d) Playing
  9. ________ fruits are juicy and delicious.
    a) Dry
    b) Succulent
    c) Bitter
    d) Sour
  10. ________ is related to bacteria.
    a) Bacterial
    b) Viral
    c) Fungal
    d) Parasitic

Class Activity Discussion

  1. Q: What does the word “zealous” mean?
    A: It means showing great enthusiasm or energy.
  2. Q: What is the “core” of something?
    A: It is the central or most important part of something.
  3. Q: Why is hygiene important?
    A: To maintain health and prevent disease.
  4. Q: What does “bacterial” mean?
    A: It relates to bacteria.
  5. Q: How were the grapes described in the passage?
    A: The grapes were described as succulent, meaning juicy and tasty.
  6. Q: What did the children learn about in the garden?
    A: They learned the importance of safety and cleanliness.
  7. Q: How can touching certain plants be dangerous?
    A: It can cause bacterial infections if touched without proper hygiene.
  8. Q: Use the word “core” in a sentence.
    A: The core of the apple contains seeds.
  9. Q: What is a succulent fruit?
    A: A fruit that is juicy and tasty.
  10. Q: How would you describe a zealous person?
    A: Someone who is full of energy and enthusiasm.


  1. Step 1: Revising the Previous Topic
    Review the importance of reading and how it helps in vocabulary development.
  2. Step 2: Introducing the New Topic
    Distribute the reading passage to the pupils. Have them take turns reading aloud. Highlight the new vocabulary words and their meanings.
  3. Step 3: Allowing Pupils to Contribute
    After reading, ask pupils to identify and discuss the new words they encountered. Encourage them to use the words in their own sentences.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Distribute the reading passage.
  • Guide pupils in reading the passage.
  • Discuss the meanings of new words.
  • Help pupils form sentences using the new words.

Learners’ Activities

  • Read the passage aloud.
  • Identify and discuss new vocabulary words.
  • Use the new words in sentences.


  • Ask pupils to write sentences using the new vocabulary words.
  • Have a short oral quiz on the meanings of the new words.

Evaluation Questions

  1. What does “zealous” mean?
  2. Use “core” in a sentence.
  3. How do you spell “hygiene”?
  4. What does “bacterial” relate to?
  5. Describe the grapes in the passage.
  6. What did the children avoid touching in the garden?
  7. Why is hygiene important?
  8. What is a succulent fruit?
  9. Use “zealous” in a sentence.
  10. What is the core of something?


Recap the key points of the lesson, focusing on the new vocabulary words and their usage. Encourage pupils to use these words in their daily conversations.

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