Understanding and Managing Emotions Speech Work English Grammar Primary 6 First Term Lesson Notes Week 10

Speech Work English Grammar Primary 6 First Term Lesson Notes Week: Topics Covered This Term

Speech Work Primary 6 First Term Lesson Notes Week 10

Subject: Speech Work
Class: Primary 6
Term: First Term
Week: 10
Age: 8 years
Topic: Controlling Emotions
Sub-topic: Understanding and Managing Emotions
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Identify different emotions and their effects.
  2. Describe ways to control and manage emotions effectively.
  3. Demonstrate techniques for calming down and expressing emotions appropriately.


  • Emotions
  • Control
  • Manage
  • Techniques
  • Feelings

Set Induction:

Start with a simple story or scenario where characters experience different emotions. Ask pupils to identify these emotions and discuss how they think the characters should handle them.

Entry Behaviour:

Pupils should have basic knowledge of different emotions like happiness, sadness, anger, and fear.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Emotion flashcards
  • Storybooks with emotional themes
  • Chart paper and markers

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:

Pupils have learned about feelings and emotions in previous lessons. This lesson builds on their understanding by focusing on managing these emotions.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Emotional intelligence
  • Communication skills
  • Problem-solving skills

Learning Materials:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Emotion flashcards
  • Example scenarios and role-play materials

Instructional Materials:

  • Flashcards with different emotions
  • Storybooks
  • Chart paper and markers


  1. Identifying Emotions:
    • Discuss different emotions: happiness, sadness, anger, fear.
    • Use flashcards to show facial expressions and ask pupils to name the emotions.
  2. Effects of Emotions:
    • Explain how different emotions can affect our behavior and interactions with others.
  3. Techniques for Controlling Emotions:
    • Deep Breathing: Teach pupils to take deep breaths to calm down.
    • Counting to Ten: Show how counting can help manage anger.
    • Talking About Feelings: Encourage discussing emotions with trusted adults or friends.
    • Relaxation Techniques: Practice simple relaxation exercises like stretching.
  4. Expressing Emotions Appropriately:
    • Role-play different scenarios where pupils practice expressing emotions in a calm and controlled manner.

15 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions:

  1. Emotions like ______ and ______ can affect how we act and feel.
    • a) joy
    • b) happiness
    • c) sleep
    • d) sadness
  2. When feeling ______, you might want to talk to a friend or adult.
    • a) hungry
    • b) scared
    • c) bored
    • d) angry
  3. ______ is a technique to help calm down when feeling upset.
    • a) Deep breathing
    • b) Jumping
    • c) Shouting
    • d) Running
  4. Counting to ______ can help you manage anger.
    • a) five
    • b) ten
    • c) twenty
    • d) thirty
  5. Talking about feelings with a ______ can help you feel better.
    • a) teacher
    • b) pet
    • c) toy
    • d) stranger
  6. The feeling you get when you lose a game might be ______.
    • a) happy
    • b) sad
    • c) excited
    • d) hungry
  7. ______ is a way to help manage your feelings when you are upset.
    • a) Yelling
    • b) Deep breathing
    • c) Ignoring
    • d) Hiding
  8. When you feel ______, it’s important to stay calm and think before you act.
    • a) sleepy
    • b) angry
    • c) relaxed
    • d) cheerful
  9. ______ to someone you trust can help you deal with your feelings.
    • a) Talking
    • b) Sleeping
    • c) Ignoring
    • d) Hiding
  10. Emotions like ______ can make you feel good and excited.
    • a) fear
    • b) joy
    • c) anger
    • d) sadness
  11. ______ can help you calm down when you are feeling overwhelmed.
    • a) Running
    • b) Counting to ten
    • c) Eating
    • d) Shouting
  12. Feeling ______ is normal when you have a problem or are upset.
    • a) sleepy
    • b) hungry
    • c) emotional
    • d) bored
  13. Practicing ______ can help you manage your emotions better.
    • a) jumping
    • b) deep breathing
    • c) yelling
    • d) sleeping
  14. Discussing your emotions with a ______ can help you find solutions.
    • a) teacher
    • b) stranger
    • c) toy
    • d) TV
  15. Emotions can affect how you ______ with others.
    • a) play
    • b) interact
    • c) eat
    • d) sleep

Class Activity Discussion

  1. Q: What are some common emotions we experience?
    A: Happiness, sadness, anger, and fear.
  2. Q: How can deep breathing help with controlling emotions?
    A: It helps to calm the body and mind when you are upset.
  3. Q: What should you do when you feel angry?
    A: Try deep breathing, counting to ten, or talking to someone you trust.
  4. Q: Why is it important to talk about your feelings?
    A: It helps to process and manage emotions better.
  5. Q: How can counting to ten help with managing anger?
    A: It gives you time to calm down before reacting.
  6. Q: What is an effective way to calm down when feeling overwhelmed?
    A: Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing.
  7. Q: What should you do if you feel scared or worried?
    A: Talk to a trusted adult or use calming techniques like deep breathing.
  8. Q: How does talking about feelings help?
    A: It helps you understand and manage your emotions more effectively.
  9. Q: What is one way to express emotions appropriately?
    A: Use calm and respectful language when discussing your feelings.
  10. Q: How can relaxation techniques benefit you?
    A: They help reduce stress and make it easier to control your emotions.
  11. Q: Why is it important to identify your emotions?
    A: Understanding your emotions helps you manage them better.
  12. Q: What should you do if you are feeling sad?
    A: Try talking to someone you trust or practice relaxation techniques.
  13. Q: How can you use deep breathing to manage emotions?
    A: It helps calm your body and mind, making it easier to handle emotions.
  14. Q: What can you do if you feel overwhelmed?
    A: Practice calming techniques or talk to someone about your feelings.
  15. Q: How can emotions affect your interactions with others?
    A: Emotions can influence how you react and communicate with people.


Step 1: Revision of Previous Topic

  • Review what emotions are and why it is important to understand them.

Step 2: Introduction of New Topic

  • Explain different emotions and their effects. Demonstrate techniques for managing emotions, such as deep breathing and counting to ten.

Step 3: Practice and Application

  • Engage pupils in role-playing scenarios where they practice expressing and managing emotions using the techniques learned. Provide feedback and guidance.

Teacher’s Activities:

  1. Introduce and explain the concept of emotions and their effects.
  2. Teach techniques for managing emotions.
  3. Guide pupils in practicing these techniques through role-play and scenarios.

Learners’ Activities:

  1. Identify and discuss different emotions.
  2. Practice techniques for managing emotions.
  3. Role-play scenarios to express and control emotions appropriately.


  • Observe pupils’ ability to identify different emotions, use management techniques, and express emotions in role-playing scenarios.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What are some common emotions we experience?
  2. How can deep breathing help control emotions?
  3. Why is it important to talk about your feelings?
  4. How can counting to ten help with managing anger?
  5. What is a technique to calm down when feeling overwhelmed?
  6. How should you express your emotions appropriately?
  7. What should you do if you feel scared?
  8. How does relaxation help in managing emotions?
  9. Why is it helpful to identify your emotions?
  10. How can emotions affect your behavior?


  • Review the key points of controlling and managing emotions. Praise pupils for their participation and practice in handling emotions effectively. Provide additional support or practice if needed.

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