School Clubs and Security: Ensuring Safety Inside and Outside School Security Education Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 9

Security Education Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 9

Subject: Security Education

Class: Primary 5

Term: First Term

Week: 9

Age: 9 years

Topic: Security Tips in the School (Continued)


  • Importance of school clubs, exit cards, and relating security tips to daily environments

Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Identify different clubs in their school.
  2. Describe the importance of an exit card.
  3. Relate security tips to their school and home environments.

Keywords: Clubs, Exit card, Environment, Security tips, Loitering, Bad gangs

Set Induction: Begin the lesson by asking pupils to name some clubs or groups they know of in their school. Discuss why these clubs exist and how they can benefit pupils.

Entry Behaviour: Pupils have some awareness of school clubs and basic security tips discussed in previous lessons.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Examples of exit cards
  • Diagrams of school environments
  • Posters of different school clubs

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge: Pupils have learned about basic security tips in the school, such as the importance of fencing and having security personnel.

Embedded Core Skills: Safety Awareness, Critical Thinking, Communication

Learning Materials:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Primary 5
  • Security Education textbooks

Instructional Materials:

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Posters of different school clubs
  • Sample exit cards


  1. Identifying Different Clubs in School:
    • Clubs are groups formed within the school to promote specific interests and activities. Examples include:
      • Security Club: Focuses on teaching pupils about security measures.
      • Science Club: Encourages interest in scientific activities and experiments.
      • Literary and Debating Club: Promotes reading, writing, and public speaking skills.
  2. Importance of Exit Cards:
    • Exit cards are used to monitor pupils leaving the school premises. They are important because:
      • They help track who is leaving and ensure it is for a legitimate reason.
      • They prevent unauthorized exit, which could expose pupils to dangers outside the school.
  3. Relating Security Tips to Environment:
    • Pupils should be aware of security measures in both their school and home environments.
    • At school:
      • Security Club: A security club should be formed to educate pupils on security issues.
      • Monitoring Pupils’ Activities: Pupils’ activities should be strictly monitored to prevent them from joining bad gangs or engaging in harmful behavior.
      • Restricted Exit: Pupils should not be allowed to leave the school premises without proper authorization.
      • Avoiding Loitering: Pupils should be discouraged from loitering around the school, as it can lead to unsafe situations.
    • At home:
      • Similar rules apply, such as not going out without informing parents and avoiding unsafe areas.


  1. A group formed within a school to promote specific interests is called a ______.
    a) classroom
    b) club
    c) canteen
    d) playground
  2. The Security Club in school focuses on teaching pupils about ______ measures.
    a) eating
    b) security
    c) dancing
    d) painting
  3. An exit card is used to monitor pupils ______ the school premises.
    a) entering
    b) painting
    c) cleaning
    d) leaving
  4. Exit cards help track who is ______ the school.
    a) visiting
    b) leaving
    c) cleaning
    d) painting
  5. Exit cards prevent ______ exit from the school.
    a) authorized
    b) unauthorized
    c) necessary
    d) planned
  6. A ______ club should be formed to educate pupils on security.
    a) dancing
    b) singing
    c) security
    d) painting
  7. Pupils’ activities should be ______ monitored to prevent joining bad gangs.
    a) ignored
    b) strictly
    c) partly
    d) slowly
  8. Pupils should not be allowed to leave the school premises without ______.
    a) playing
    b) authorization
    c) forgetting
    d) ignoring
  9. Pupils should be discouraged from ______ around the school.
    a) studying
    b) loitering
    c) singing
    d) writing
  10. School clubs help promote ______ interests and activities.
    a) specific
    b) random
    c) unnecessary
    d) unrelated
  11. The Literary and Debating Club promotes ______ and public speaking skills.
    a) swimming
    b) sleeping
    c) reading
    d) eating
  12. The Science Club encourages interest in ______ activities.
    a) scientific
    b) cooking
    c) cleaning
    d) shopping
  13. At home, pupils should avoid going out without informing their ______.
    a) friends
    b) parents
    c) neighbors
    d) teachers
  14. Security measures are important both in school and at ______.
    a) markets
    b) home
    c) malls
    d) parks
  15. Pupils should avoid ______ areas at home to stay safe.
    a) fun
    b) unsafe
    c) crowded
    d) quiet

Class Activity Discussion

  1. What is a club in school?
    A club is a group formed within the school to promote specific interests and activities.
  2. What does the Security Club do?
    The Security Club focuses on teaching pupils about security measures.
  3. What is the purpose of an exit card?
    An exit card is used to monitor pupils leaving the school premises and to ensure it is for a legitimate reason.
  4. Why are exit cards important?
    They help prevent unauthorized exit from the school, keeping pupils safe.
  5. Why should a Security Club be formed in schools?
    To educate pupils on security issues and promote safety awareness.
  6. How should pupils’ activities be monitored?
    Pupils’ activities should be strictly monitored to prevent them from joining bad gangs or engaging in harmful behavior.
  7. Why shouldn’t pupils leave the school premises without authorization?
    Because it can expose them to dangers outside the school.
  8. Why is loitering discouraged in schools?
    Loitering can lead to unsafe situations and distractions from learning.
  9. How can school clubs benefit pupils?
    They help promote specific interests, such as science or public speaking, and provide opportunities for learning outside the classroom.
  10. What should pupils do before leaving their home?
    They should inform their parents to ensure their safety.
  11. Why is security important both in school and at home?
    Because pupils need to stay safe in all environments.
  12. What should pupils avoid at home to stay safe?
    They should avoid unsafe areas and activities.
  13. What is the role of the Science Club in school?
    To encourage interest in scientific activities and experiments.
  14. What skills does the Literary and Debating Club promote?
    It promotes reading, writing, and public speaking skills.
  15. How can pupils contribute to their safety at school?
    By following security tips and being aware of their surroundings.


Step 1: The teacher revises the previous lesson on security tips in the school.

Step 2: The teacher introduces the new topic on school clubs, the importance of exit cards, and how pupils can relate these security tips to their daily environments.

Step 3: The teacher discusses with the pupils the role of clubs, the function of exit cards, and the importance of applying security tips both in school and at home.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Explain the purpose of different clubs in school.
  • Describe the importance of exit cards in monitoring pupils’ movements.
  • Discuss how pupils can apply security tips in their daily environments.

Learners’ Activities

  • Identify the different clubs available in their school.
  • Discuss the importance of having an exit card.
  • Share examples of how they apply security tips at home and in school.


Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is the role of clubs in school?
  2. Why is an exit card important?
  3. How can pupils ensure their safety at school?
  4. What should pupils do before leaving the school premises?
  5. Why should loitering be discouraged in schools?
  6. How can pupils apply security tips at home?
  7. What are some clubs you know of in your school?
  8. What should pupils do before leaving home?
  9. How does the Security Club benefit pupils?
  10. Why should pupils’ activities be monitored?


The teacher goes around to mark the pupils’ work, provides necessary corrections, and reinforces the importance of having proper security measures in both school and home environments to keep everyone safe.

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