First Term Mid Term Test Security Education Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 7

Security Education Primary 5 First Term Mid-Term Assessment

Week: 7

Subject: Security Education

Class: Primary 5

Term: First Term

Age: 9 years

Duration: 1 hour

Part A: Objective Questions (30 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with Options)

  1. The most important rule to follow when someone tries to touch you inappropriately is to ______.
    a) stay quiet
    b) run away
    c) allow it
    d) smile
  2. If you feel unsafe, you should immediately ______.
    a) ignore it
    b) tell a trusted adult
    c) hide
    d) run away quietly
  3. Knowing your ______ is important in case of an emergency.
    a) favourite food
    b) name, home address, and parents’ phone number
    c) best friend’s name
    d) age
  4. You should never accept ______ from a stranger.
    a) gifts
    b) advice
    c) food
    d) all of the above
  5. Playing with fire is ______.
    a) dangerous
    b) fun
    c) safe
    d) okay if an adult is around
  6. If you get lost, it is important to ______.
    a) wander around
    b) stay where you are
    c) find a stranger
    d) cry
  7. Sharing your home address with someone you do not know is ______.
    a) necessary
    b) safe
    c) dangerous
    d) fun
  8. It is not safe to walk ______.
    a) with friends
    b) alone
    c) in groups
    d) to school
  9. The school should have a ______ to protect students.
    a) playground
    b) security fence and gate
    c) library
    d) swimming pool
  10. Visitors should receive ______ before entering the school premises.
    a) a warm welcome
    b) clearance
    c) a gift
    d) food
  11. Pupils should be trained on ______ related subjects.
    a) sports
    b) security
    c) music
    d) dance
  12. The school security personnel should be stationed at the ______.
    a) playground
    b) gate
    c) office
    d) cafeteria
  13. A security club in school helps to ______.
    a) organize parties
    b) promote security awareness
    c) teach music
    d) sell snacks
  14. Pupils’ activities should be ______ to prevent them from joining bad gangs.
    a) encouraged
    b) ignored
    c) strictly monitored
    d) rewarded
  15. Pupils should not be allowed to ______ the school premises at will.
    a) leave
    b) enter
    c) enjoy
    d) stay in
  16. The importance of an exit card is to ensure ______.
    a) fun at school
    b) the safety of pupils
    c) attendance
    d) a smooth exit
  17. If someone touches you in a way that makes you uncomfortable, you should ______.
    a) tell a teacher
    b) ignore it
    c) enjoy it
    d) run away
  18. Running with sharp objects can result in ______.
    a) fun
    b) serious injuries
    c) good exercise
    d) laughter
  19. It is important to ______ the dangers of playing rough.
    a) ignore
    b) understand
    c) enjoy
    d) encourage
  20. Jumping from staircases can lead to ______.
    a) fun
    b) serious accidents
    c) nothing
    d) excitement
  21. The school compound should be ______ to ensure pupils’ safety.
    a) open
    b) fenced and gated
    c) full of trees
    d) large
  22. It is the role of the school to ______ the security of pupils.
    a) ignore
    b) ensure
    c) discourage
    d) neglect
  23. Playing or experimenting with fire is ______.
    a) safe
    b) dangerous
    c) exciting
    d) encouraged
  24. If you see someone you do not know trying to enter the school without permission, you should ______.
    a) ignore them
    b) inform a teacher or security personnel
    c) welcome them
    d) give them a tour
  25. The ______ should be trained on how to handle security situations in school.
    a) pupils
    b) teachers
    c) janitors
    d) cooks
  26. It is important to ______ your surroundings for any unusual activity.
    a) ignore
    b) observe
    c) destroy
    d) leave
  27. ______ is a consequence of keeping bad friends.
    a) Safety
    b) Trouble
    c) Happiness
    d) Learning
  28. You should only share your parents’ phone number in a(n) ______ situation.
    a) friendly
    b) emergency
    c) playful
    d) normal
  29. The presence of security personnel at the school gate helps to ______.
    a) make friends
    b) ensure safety
    c) entertain pupils
    d) cause trouble
  30. Pupils should be discouraged from ______ around the school.
    a) studying
    b) loitering
    c) playing
    d) reading

Part B: Theory Questions (20 Short Answer Questions)

  1. Explain why it is dangerous to run with a pencil in your mouth.
  2. Describe the role of the school in ensuring pupils’ safety.
  3. What should you do if you get lost in a public place?
  4. Why is it important to avoid sharing your home address with strangers?
  5. State the importance of having security personnel at the school gate.
  6. What are the consequences of keeping bad friends?
  7. How can pupils prevent accidents while playing in the school compound?
  8. Why should pupils not be allowed to leave the school premises at will?
  9. What is the significance of an exit card in school security?
  10. Explain why jumping from staircases is dangerous.
  11. What should you do if someone touches you in a way that makes you uncomfortable?
  12. List two general safety rules that pupils should follow in school.
  13. Why is it important for a school to be fenced and gated?
  14. What steps should you take if you see a stranger trying to enter the school?
  15. How can a security club in school promote safety among pupils?
  16. Why should pupils’ activities be strictly monitored?
  17. What should you do if you see someone playing with fire?
  18. Describe the dangers of playing rough in the school compound.
  19. Explain why it is important to report unsafe behaviors in school.
  20. What should you do if you see someone loitering around the school premises?

Part C: True or False Questions (10 True or False Questions)

  1. It is safe to play with fire if an adult is around.
    True / False
  2. Knowing your parents’ phone number is important in case of an emergency.
    True / False
  3. Running with sharp objects can cause serious injuries.
    True / False
  4. It is okay to jump from the staircase if no one is watching.
    True / False
  5. The school should not have any security personnel at the gate.
    True / False
  6. Pupils should be allowed to leave the school premises whenever they want.
    True / False
  7. Keeping bad friends can lead to trouble.
    True / False
  8. Sharing your home address with a stranger is safe.
    True / False
  9. A security club in school can help promote safety among pupils.
    True / False
  10. Playing rough in the school compound can result in accidents.
    True / False
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