Dangers of Playing Rough and Safety Measures Security Education Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 10

Security Education Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 10

Subject: Security Education

Class: Primary 5

Term: First Term

Week: 10

Age: 9 years

Topic: Dangers of Playing Rough and Safety Measures


  • Dangers of playing rough in the school compound
  • Risks of running with sharp objects
  • Hazards of jumping from staircases
  • Safety measures to prevent accidents

Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Identify the dangers of playing rough in the school compound.
  2. Recognize the risks of running with sharp objects.
  3. Explain the hazards of jumping from staircases.
  4. Describe safety measures to prevent accidents in school.

Keywords: Playing rough, Sharp objects, Running, Staircase, Safety measures, Accidents

Set Induction: Start by asking pupils if they have ever seen someone get hurt while playing in school. Discuss their experiences briefly to highlight the importance of safety.

Entry Behaviour: Pupils are familiar with basic school rules and know that some activities can be dangerous.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Pictures of accidents caused by rough play
  • Posters of safety rules
  • Examples of sharp objects (e.g., pencils)

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge: Pupils have previously learned about general safety rules and the importance of following safety guidelines in school.

Embedded Core Skills: Safety Awareness, Risk Assessment, Critical Thinking

Learning Materials:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Primary 5
  • Safety Education textbooks

Instructional Materials:

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Safety posters
  • Visual aids showing examples of safe and unsafe behaviors


  1. Dangers of Playing Rough in the School Compound:
    • Playing rough can lead to accidents like:
      • Injuries from falls or collisions.
      • Broken or damaged school property.
      • Disruption of classes and school activities.
  2. Risks of Running with Sharp Objects:
    • Running with objects like pencils or pens in your mouth can cause:
      • Choking or injuries to the mouth and throat.
      • Accidental poking or stabbing of others.
      • Increased likelihood of dropping and damaging the objects.
  3. Hazards of Jumping from Staircases:
    • Jumping from staircases can result in:
      • Serious injuries such as broken bones or sprains.
      • Potential for falling and hitting the head or other parts of the body.
      • Disruption of others using the stairs safely.
  4. Safety Measures to Prevent Accidents:
    • Avoid Rough Play: Engage in safe activities and follow school rules for play.
    • No Running with Sharp Objects: Always carry sharp objects carefully and avoid running.
    • Use Staircases Properly: Walk up and down the stairs calmly and avoid jumping.
    • Report Unsafe Behaviors: Inform teachers or school staff about unsafe behaviors to prevent accidents.


  1. Playing rough in the school compound can lead to ______.
    a) fun
    b) accidents
    c) laughter
    d) noise
  2. Running with sharp objects can cause ______.
    a) fun
    b) injuries
    c) excitement
    d) peace
  3. Jumping from staircases can result in ______.
    a) smiles
    b) accidents
    c) happiness
    d) comfort
  4. To avoid accidents, pupils should ______ while playing.
    a) be careful
    b) play roughly
    c) ignore rules
    d) run fast
  5. Sharp objects should not be carried in the ______.
    a) pocket
    b) mouth
    c) bag
    d) hand
  6. What is a consequence of rough play?
    a) Disruption
    b) Comfort
    c) Peace
    d) Calmness
  7. Why should you not run with sharp objects?
    a) It’s not fun
    b) It can cause injuries
    c) It’s boring
    d) It’s slow
  8. What can happen if you jump from staircases?
    a) You can feel happy
    b) You can get injured
    c) You can make friends
    d) You can laugh
  9. What should you do to prevent accidents with sharp objects?
    a) Run fast
    b) Carry them in your mouth
    c) Carry them carefully
    d) Play roughly
  10. How should you use staircases to stay safe?
    a) Walk calmly
    b) Jump down
    c) Run up and down
    d) Climb quickly
  11. What should you do if you see someone playing rough?
    a) Ignore them
    b) Join in
    c) Report to a teacher
    d) Play more roughly
  12. What is one safety measure to prevent accidents?
    a) Run with sharp objects
    b) Play roughly
    c) Report unsafe behaviors
    d) Ignore safety rules
  13. Why is jumping from staircases dangerous?
    a) It is fun
    b) It can cause serious injuries
    c) It makes you happy
    d) It is relaxing
  14. What should pupils do with sharp objects while running?
    a) Carry them in the mouth
    b) Throw them
    c) Handle them carefully
    d) Ignore them
  15. What is a recommended action to stay safe?
    a) Ignore safety rules
    b) Report unsafe behaviors
    c) Play roughly
    d) Jump from staircases

Class Activity Discussion

  1. What are the dangers of playing rough in the school compound?
    Rough play can cause accidents, injuries, and damage to school property.
  2. Why should you not run with sharp objects?
    Running with sharp objects can cause injuries like choking or cuts.
  3. What can happen if you jump from staircases?
    Jumping from staircases can result in serious injuries such as broken bones.
  4. How can pupils prevent accidents while playing?
    By engaging in safe activities and following school rules.
  5. What should you do with sharp objects to stay safe?
    Carry them carefully and avoid running with them.
  6. Why is using staircases properly important?
    To avoid falling and getting injured.
  7. What should you do if you see someone playing roughly?
    Inform a teacher or school staff member about the unsafe behavior.
  8. How can rough play disrupt school activities?
    It can cause injuries and damage, affecting the smooth running of activities.
  9. Why is it important to report unsafe behaviors?
    To prevent accidents and ensure everyone’s safety.
  10. What should you do to stay safe with sharp objects?
    Handle them carefully and avoid running.
  11. How should you move up and down staircases safely?
    Walk calmly and avoid jumping.
  12. What is one way to avoid accidents in the school compound?
    Follow safety rules and avoid rough play.
  13. What can you do if you are involved in rough play?
    Stop immediately and follow safe practices.
  14. How can accidents be prevented when using staircases?
    By walking calmly and using the stairs properly.
  15. What is a key safety measure for pupils with sharp objects?
    Carry them carefully and do not run with them.


Step 1: The teacher reviews previous lessons on safety and the importance of following rules.

Step 2: Introduce the dangers of rough play, running with sharp objects, and jumping from staircases. Use visual aids and examples to explain these risks.

Step 3: Discuss safety measures and preventive actions to avoid accidents. Engage pupils in a discussion about their own experiences and ways to stay safe.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Explain the dangers associated with rough play, sharp objects, and staircases.
  • Demonstrate safety measures to prevent accidents.
  • Facilitate discussions and answer questions about safety practices.

Learners’ Activities

  • Share experiences of accidents or dangerous situations.
  • Participate in discussions about safety measures.
  • Practice safe behaviors and report any unsafe actions.


Evaluation Questions:

  1. What are the dangers of playing rough in the school compound?
  2. Why is it dangerous to run with sharp objects?
  3. What can happen if you jump from staircases?
  4. What safety measures should you follow to prevent accidents?
  5. How should sharp objects be handled to stay safe?
  6. Why is reporting unsafe behaviors important?
  7. What should you do when using staircases to stay safe?
  8. How can rough play affect school activities?
  9. What actions should be taken to avoid accidents with sharp objects?
  10. How can you stay safe while playing in the school compound?


The teacher reviews the key points of the lesson, reinforces the importance of following safety measures, and goes around to mark and provide feedback on pupils’ understanding.


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