Meaning of Leadership Civic Education Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Civic Education Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Subject: Civic Education
Class: Primary 5
Term: First Term
Week: 5
Age: 9 years
Topic: Meaning of Leadership
Sub-topic: Types of Leadership
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioral Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Explain the term “leadership.”
  2. Identify who a leader is.
  3. Mention the types of leadership.
  4. Analyze the types of leadership.


  • Leadership
  • Leader
  • Types of Leadership
  • Authority
  • Responsibility

Set Induction:

  • Begin the lesson by asking pupils to name any leaders they know, whether at home, in school, or in their community. Discuss briefly what these leaders do.

Entry Behaviour:

  • Pupils should have some understanding of authority and responsibility from previous topics.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Pictures or posters of different leaders (e.g., class prefect, school principal, community leader).
  • Flashcards with words like “leader,” “responsibility,” and “authority.”

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:

  • Link the lesson to pupils’ previous knowledge of loyalty by explaining how leaders need loyalty from their followers to be effective.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Leadership
  • Critical Thinking
  • Social Responsibility

Learning Materials:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Civic Education textbooks for Primary 5

Instructional Materials:

  • Posters showing various types of leaders
  • Flashcards depicting different leadership roles


1. Meaning of Leadership:

  • Leadership is the ability to guide, direct, or influence people to achieve a common goal.
  • A leader is someone who holds a position of authority and is responsible for guiding others.

2. Who is a Leader?

  • A leader is someone who influences or commands others.
  • Leaders can be found in different places like home, school, community, and even the nation.
  • Examples of leaders include the head of a family, a class prefect, a teacher, a community chief, or a president.

3. Types of Leadership:

  • Autocratic Leadership: A type where the leader makes decisions alone without consulting others. The leader has total control and expects everyone to follow their commands.
  • Democratic Leadership: A type where the leader involves others in decision-making. The leader seeks input from the group before making decisions.
  • Laissez-faire Leadership: A type where the leader allows the group members to make decisions on their own with little interference.
  • Transformational Leadership: A type where the leader inspires and motivates others to achieve great things and brings positive changes.

4. Analyzing Types of Leadership:

  • Autocratic Leadership: Effective in situations where quick decisions are needed, but can lead to resentment if used excessively.
  • Democratic Leadership: Encourages participation and creativity, but can be slow in decision-making.
  • Laissez-faire Leadership: Promotes independence, but can result in a lack of direction if not managed well.
  • Transformational Leadership: Fosters innovation and motivation, but can be demanding on both the leader and followers.


  1. ______ is the ability to guide and influence others.
    a) Leadership
    b) Friendship
    c) Conflict
    d) Gossip
  2. A leader is someone who ______ others.
    a) Ignores
    b) Leads
    c) Follows
    d) Disobeys
  3. Autocratic leadership involves making decisions ______.
    a) Alone
    b) Together
    c) Slowly
    d) Quickly
  4. In democratic leadership, decisions are made ______.
    a) Alone
    b) With others
    c) Secretly
    d) Forcefully
  5. Laissez-faire leadership allows group members to make decisions ______.
    a) Independently
    b) Quickly
    c) With the leader
    d) Slowly
  6. Transformational leadership focuses on bringing ______ changes.
    a) Negative
    b) Positive
    c) Minor
    d) Unimportant
  7. The class prefect is an example of a ______ in school.
    a) Follower
    b) Leader
    c) Troublemaker
    d) Bystander
  8. A head of a family is an example of a ______ at home.
    a) Leader
    b) Follower
    c) Stranger
    d) Visitor
  9. ______ leadership is best for promoting creativity and participation.
    a) Autocratic
    b) Democratic
    c) Laissez-faire
    d) Transformational
  10. A president is an example of a ______ in the nation.
    a) Teacher
    b) Leader
    c) Follower
    d) Student
  11. Autocratic leadership can lead to ______ if used excessively.
    a) Respect
    b) Resentment
    c) Creativity
    d) Happiness
  12. Democratic leadership may result in ______ decision-making.
    a) Slow
    b) Quick
    c) Independent
    d) Forceful
  13. Laissez-faire leadership may lack ______ if not managed well.
    a) Direction
    b) Authority
    c) Respect
    d) Friendship
  14. Transformational leadership can be ______ on both the leader and followers.
    a) Easy
    b) Demanding
    c) Unimportant
    d) Minor
  15. ______ is an example of a leader who inspires and motivates others.
    a) Transformational leader
    b) Autocratic leader
    c) Follower
    d) Laissez-faire leader

Class Activity Discussion :

  1. What is leadership?
    • Leadership is the ability to guide, direct, or influence others to achieve a common goal.
  2. Who is considered a leader?
    • A leader is someone who influences or commands others.
  3. Can you name some types of leadership?
    • Autocratic, democratic, laissez-faire, and transformational.
  4. What is autocratic leadership?
    • Autocratic leadership is where the leader makes decisions alone without consulting others.
  5. How does democratic leadership work?
    • In democratic leadership, the leader involves others in decision-making.
  6. What is laissez-faire leadership?
    • Laissez-faire leadership allows group members to make decisions on their own with little interference from the leader.
  7. What is transformational leadership?
    • Transformational leadership is where the leader inspires and motivates others to achieve great things and brings positive changes.
  8. Who is a leader in the school setting?
    • A class prefect or the school principal.
  9. What type of leadership is best for quick decision-making?
    • Autocratic leadership.
  10. Which type of leadership encourages creativity?
    • Democratic leadership.
  11. What can be a drawback of laissez-faire leadership?
    • It can result in a lack of direction if not managed well.
  12. Why is transformational leadership demanding?
    • Because it requires the leader to constantly inspire and motivate, which can be challenging.
  13. How does leadership affect a group or community?
    • Leadership guides the group towards achieving their goals and maintaining order.
  14. Can a leader be both democratic and autocratic?
    • Yes, a leader can adapt their style depending on the situation.
  15. Why is it important to understand different types of leadership?
    • Understanding different types helps in choosing the best approach for different situations.


Step 1: The teacher revises the previous lesson on loyal services to the family, school, and nation.

Step 2: The teacher introduces the concept of leadership, explaining what it means and identifying who a leader is.

Step 3: The teacher discusses the different types of leadership and engages pupils in analyzing how these types apply in various situations.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Explain the meaning of leadership and who a leader is.
  • Describe the different types of leadership.
  • Engage pupils in discussions about how these types of leadership apply in real life.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Listen to the explanations and participate in discussions.
  • Identify leaders in their lives and describe their leadership style.
  • Discuss the pros and cons of different types of leadership.


  1. Define leadership.
  2. Who is a leader?
  3. Name one type of leadership.
  4. What is democratic leadership?
  5. Give an example of a leader in your school.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What does leadership mean?
  2. Who can be considered a leader at home?
  3. Mention one type of leadership and explain it.
  4. How does autocratic leadership work?
  5. What is the role of a leader in a group?
  6. Identify one advantage of democratic leadership.
  7. What is the main characteristic of laissez-faire leadership?
  8. Why is transformational leadership important?
  9. Who is a leader in your community?
  10. How does leadership help in achieving goals?


  • The teacher checks pupils’ understanding through their answers and clarifies any misconceptions. The lesson ends with a summary of the importance of leadership and the different types of leadership.

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