Roman Numerals: Conversion, Addition, and Subtraction Mathematics Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 2

Mathematics Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes

Week: 2

Subject: Mathematics

Class: Primary 5

Term: First Term

Age: 10 years

Topic: Roman Numerals


  1. Changing Arabic Numerals into Roman Numerals
  2. Changing Roman Numerals into Arabic Numerals
  3. Addition and Subtraction Involving Roman Numerals

Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Convert Arabic numerals into Roman numerals.
  2. Convert Roman numerals into Arabic numerals.
  3. Add and subtract using Roman numerals.
  4. Solve quantitative aptitude problems involving Roman numerals.


  • Roman numerals
  • Arabic numerals
  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Conversion

Set Induction:
The teacher will introduce Roman numerals by showing examples of page numbers in books and clocks that use Roman numerals. This will help pupils understand the use of Roman numerals in everyday contexts.

Entry Behaviour:
Pupils are already familiar with basic arithmetic operations and Arabic numerals.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  1. Roman numeral charts
  2. Arabic numeral charts
  3. Worksheets for conversion and arithmetic operations
  4. Flashcards with Roman and Arabic numerals

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge: The teacher will ask pupils if they have seen Roman numerals before, such as on clocks or in books. The teacher will explain that Roman numerals were used in ancient times for numbering.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking
  • Problem-solving
  • Numerical reasoning

Learning Materials:

  1. Roman numeral charts
  2. Arabic numeral charts
  3. Conversion and arithmetic worksheets

Reference Books:
Lagos State Scheme of Work, Primary 5 Mathematics Textbook

Instructional Materials:

  1. Roman numeral charts
  2. Arabic numeral charts
  3. Worksheets
  4. Flashcards


  1. Changing Arabic Numerals into Roman Numerals
    • Explanation of Roman numeral symbols (I, V, X, L, C, D, M).
    • Conversion rules for Arabic to Roman numerals.
  2. Changing Roman Numerals into Arabic Numerals
    • Explanation of how to decode Roman numerals into Arabic numerals.
    • Practice problems for conversion.
  3. Addition and Subtraction Involving Roman Numerals
    • How to add and subtract Roman numerals.
    • Practice problems for addition and subtraction.


  1. Roman Numeral Symbols:
    • I = 1
    • V = 5
    • X = 10
    • L = 50
    • C = 100
    • D = 500
    • M = 1,000

    Example 1: The Roman numeral for 3 is III (I + I + I). Example 2: The Roman numeral for 50 is L. Example 3: The Roman numeral for 99 is XCIX (90 + 9).

  2. Conversion Rules for Arabic to Roman Numerals:
    • 1 to 3 = I, II, III
    • 4 = IV (5 – 1)
    • 5 to 8 = V, VI, VII, VIII
    • 9 = IX (10 – 1)
    • 10 to 39 = X to XXXIX
    • 40 = XL (50 – 10)
    • 50 to 89 = L to LXXXIX
    • 90 = XC (100 – 10)
    • 100 to 399 = C to CCCXCIX
    • 400 = CD (500 – 100)
    • 500 to 899 = D to DCCCXCIX
    • 900 = CM (1,000 – 100)
    • 1,000 to 3,999 = M to MMMCMXCIX

    Example 1: Convert 47 to Roman numerals.

    • Answer: XLVII (40 + 7)

    Example 2: Convert 298 to Roman numerals.

    • Answer: CCXCVIII (200 + 90 + 8)

    Example 3: Convert 842 to Roman numerals.

    • Answer: DCCCXLII (800 + 40 + 2)
  3. Changing Roman Numerals into Arabic Numerals:
    • Add the values of the Roman numerals starting from the largest to the smallest.
    • Subtract when a smaller numeral precedes a larger one (e.g., IV = 4).

    Example 1: Decode the Roman numeral XLV.

    • Answer: XLV = 40 + 5 = 45

    Example 2: Decode the Roman numeral CXXIII.

    • Answer: CXXIII = 100 + 10 + 10 + 3 = 123

    Example 3: Decode the Roman numeral MDCLXVI.

    • Answer: MDCLXVI = 1,000 + 500 + 100 + 50 + 10 + 5 + 1 = 1,666
  4. Addition and Subtraction Involving Roman Numerals:
    • Add or subtract Roman numerals as you would with Arabic numerals.
    • Convert the result back to Roman numerals if necessary.

    Example 1: Add XLII + XXXIX.

    • Answer: XLII = 42 and XXXIX = 39
    • 42 + 39 = 81
    • Roman numeral: LXXXI

    Example 2: Subtract LXXXV – XXVII.

    • Answer: LXXXV = 85 and XXVII = 27
    • 85 – 27 = 58
    • Roman numeral: LVIII

    Example 3: Add CCLXXX + CLXXXV.

    • Answer: CCLXXX = 280 and CLXXXV = 185
    • 280 + 185 = 465
    • Roman numeral: CDLXV

Class Work:

  1. Convert 74 to Roman numerals.
  2. Decode the Roman numeral XCIX.
  3. Add XXVII + XXXVIII and write the result in Roman numerals.
  4. Subtract LIII from C and write the result in Roman numerals.
  5. Convert 354 to Roman numerals.
  6. Convert 89 to Roman numerals.
  7. Decode the Roman numeral MDCCCXLV.
  8. Add XLV + LXX and write the result in Roman numerals.
  9. Subtract XX from LXXXV and write the result in Roman numerals.
  10. Convert 1,238 to Roman numerals.
  11. Convert 321 to Roman numerals.
  12. Decode the Roman numeral CCXLVII.
  13. Add LXXXVII + XLIII and write the result in Roman numerals.
  14. Subtract XXXVI from LXXX and write the result in Roman numerals.
  15. Convert 578 to Roman numerals.
  16. Convert 462 to Roman numerals.
  17. Decode the Roman numeral CCLXXXIX.
  18. Add LXXV + XLV and write the result in Roman numerals.
  19. Subtract XL from CXC and write the result in Roman numerals.
  20. Convert 999 to Roman numerals.
  21. Convert 516 to Roman numerals.
  22. Decode the Roman numeral MCMXLIII.
  23. Add CCLXXX + CL and write the result in Roman numerals.
  24. Subtract L from DCCC and write the result in Roman numerals.
  25. Convert 823 to Roman numerals.


  1. The Roman numeral for 4 is __________.
    a) III
    b) IV
    c) V
    d) VI
  2. The Arabic numeral 9 is written as __________ in Roman numerals.
    a) VII
    b) IX
    c) X
    d) VIII
  3. To convert 58 into Roman numerals, you write __________.
    a) LVIII
    b) LIX
    c) LI
    d) LXXX
  4. The Roman numeral for 100 is __________.
    a) L
    b) C
    c) D
    d) M
  5. Subtracting 7 from 15 in Roman numerals gives __________.
    a) VIII
    b) VII
    c) IX
    d) X
  6. The Roman numeral for 50 is __________.
    a) L
    b) X
    c) V
    d) C
  7. To convert 34 into Roman numerals, you write __________.
    a) XXXIV
    b) XXIV
    c) XXXV
    d) XXXI
  8. The Roman numeral for 30 is __________.
    a) XX
    b) XXX
    c) XXXI
    d) XL
  9. Adding 9 and 5 in Roman numerals gives __________.
    a) XIV
    b) IX
    c) XV
    d) XVI
  10. The Roman numeral for 200 is __________.
    a) CC
    b) C
    c) CCC
    d) D
  11. To convert the Roman numeral XVII to Arabic, you get __________.
    a) 17
    b) 16
    c) 18
    d) 15
  12. The Roman numeral for 40 is __________.
    a) XL
    b) L
    c) XXX
    d) XX
  13. Subtracting 12 from 20 in Roman numerals gives __________.
    a) VIII
    b) IX
    c) VII
    d) X
  14. The Roman numeral for 500 is __________.
    a) D
    b) C
    c) M
    d) L
  15. To convert 123 into Roman numerals, you write __________.
    a) CXXIII
    b) CXLIII
    c) CXXI
    d) CXXVI

Class Activity Discussion

  1. Q: How do you convert 58 into Roman numerals?
    A: LVIII.
  2. Q: What does the Roman numeral V represent?
    A: 5.
  3. Q: How do you add Roman numerals VIII and IX?
    A: XV.
  4. Q: What is the Roman numeral for 100?
    A: C.
  5. Q: How do you convert Roman numeral XXI to Arabic numerals?
    A: 21.
  6. Q: What is the Roman numeral for 400?
    A: CD.
  7. Q: How do you subtract 9 from 18 in Roman numerals?
    A: IX.
  8. Q: What does the Roman numeral L represent?
    A: 50.
  9. Q: How do you convert 76 into Roman numerals?
    A: LXXVI.
  10. Q: What is the Roman numeral for 500?
    A: D.
  11. Q: How do you add Roman numerals XXX and XX?
    A: L.
  12. Q: What does the Roman numeral M represent?
    A: 1000.
  13. Q: How do you convert Roman numeral XLII to Arabic numerals?
    A: 42.
  14. Q: What is the Roman numeral for 90?
    A: XC.
  15. Q: How do you subtract 15 from 30 in Roman numerals?
    A: XV.


Step 1: The teacher revises basic arithmetic operations and introduces Roman numerals.
Teacher’s Activities: Demonstrate conversion between Arabic and Roman numerals using charts.
Learners’ Activities: Pupils practice converting simple numbers between the two systems.

Step 2: The teacher explains how to add and subtract Roman numerals.
Teacher’s Activities: Show step-by-step examples of addition and subtraction with Roman numerals.
Learners’ Activities: Pupils work on addition and subtraction problems in Roman numerals.

Step 3: The teacher guides pupils in solving quantitative aptitude problems using Roman numerals.
Teacher’s Activities: Provide and solve problems, then assist pupils with similar exercises.
Learners’ Activities: Pupils solve problems related to Roman numerals on worksheets.

Assessment Questions:

  1. Convert 48 into Roman numerals.
  2. Write the Roman numeral for 75.
  3. What is 34 in Arabic numerals if given as XXXIV?
  4. Add XII and VIII in Roman numerals.
  5. Subtract VI from XIII in Roman numerals.
  6. Convert 97 into Roman numerals.
  7. Write the Roman numeral for 300.
  8. What is the Arabic numeral for LXVII?
  9. Convert Roman numeral LXXXIV to Arabic numerals.
  10. Add XXV and XXIV in Roman numerals.
  11. Subtract XX from L in Roman numerals.
  12. What is the Roman numeral for 202?
  13. Convert XLV to Arabic numerals.
  14. Write 999 in Roman numerals.
  15. Add XL and XV in Roman numerals.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is the place value of L in the Roman numeral LXXXIV?
  2. Convert 159 into Roman numerals.
  3. Write the Roman numeral for 250.
  4. Subtract XVII from XXX in Roman numerals.
  5. What is the Roman numeral for 4000?
  6. Convert the Roman numeral CDXLVII to Arabic numerals.
  7. Write 543 in Roman numerals.
  8. Add XIII and XXVII in Roman numerals.
  9. Subtract VIII from LXXX in Roman numerals.
  10. Convert LIX to Arabic numerals.
  11. What does the Roman numeral C represent?
  12. Write the Roman numeral for 15.
  13. Convert the Roman numeral MCMXCIX to Arabic numerals.
  14. Add XXXVII and XLII in Roman numerals.
  15. Subtract XXXIII from L in Roman numerals.


The teacher will go around to check pupils’ work, provide necessary corrections, and conclude the lesson by summarizing the importance of Roman numerals in various contexts and their application in arithmetic operations.

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