Family Relationships Vocabulary for Primary 5 Vocabulary Development Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 4

Vocabulary Development Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 4

Subject: English Language
Class: Primary 5
Term: First Term
Week: 4
Age: 9 years
Topic: Vocabulary Development: Words Associated with Family Relationships
Sub-topic: Understanding Family Relationships Vocabulary
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. List at least fifteen words related to family relationships.
  2. Explain the following terms: marriage, birth, siblings, couple, kinship, lineage, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, cousin, brother-in-law, grandfather/grandmother, distant relatives.
  3. Use the words in sentences.
  4. Compose short compositions on the family.


  • Marriage: The legally or formally recognized union of two people as partners.
  • Birth: The act or process of being born.
  • Siblings: Brothers and sisters.
  • Couple: Two people who are married or in a romantic relationship.
  • Kinship: Blood relationship; family ties.
  • Lineage: Direct descent from an ancestor.
  • Uncle: The brother of one’s father or mother.
  • Aunt: The sister of one’s father or mother.
  • Nephew: A son of one’s brother or sister.
  • Niece: A daughter of one’s brother or sister.
  • Cousin: The child of one’s uncle or aunt.
  • Brother-in-law: The brother of one’s spouse or the husband of one’s sister.
  • Grandfather/Grandmother: The father/mother of one’s father or mother.
  • Distant Relatives: Family members who are not closely related, often beyond immediate family.

Set Induction

Begin the lesson by asking pupils to describe their family members and relationships with them.

Entry Behaviour

Pupils likely have basic knowledge of family relationships but may not know specific vocabulary terms.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Flashcards with family relationship terms
  • Family tree diagrams
  • Pictures of various family members and relationships

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

Discuss the importance of family and ask pupils to name different members of their families, introducing new vocabulary as they share.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Communication: Sharing and discussing family relationships.
  • Critical Thinking: Understanding and explaining vocabulary terms.
  • Writing: Composing short compositions about family.

Learning Materials

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Flashcards with family relationship vocabulary
  • Family tree diagrams

Instructional Materials

  • Flashcards with family vocabulary
  • Family tree diagrams
  • Pictures of family members


  1. Listing Words Associated with Family Relationships
    • Pupils will list at least 15 words related to family relationships such as marriage, birth, siblings, couple, kinship, lineage, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, cousin, brother-in-law, grandfather, grandmother, distant relatives.
  2. Explaining Key Family Relationship Terms
    • Pupils will learn to define and explain key terms, such as:
      • Marriage: The union of two people as partners.
      • Birth: The act of being born.
      • Siblings: Brothers and sisters.
      • Kinship: The ties that connect family members.
  3. Using Family Relationship Words in Sentences
    • Example: “My uncle is my father’s brother.”
    • Example: “I have three siblings—two brothers and one sister.”
  4. Composing Short Compositions on Family
    • Pupils will write short compositions describing their family members and the relationships between them.


Step 1: Introduction

  • The teacher introduces the topic by discussing the concept of family and the importance of relationships.
    Teacher’s Activities:
  • Present the new vocabulary words on flashcards and discuss their meanings.
    Learners’ Activities:
  • Listen attentively and repeat the words after the teacher.

Step 2: Vocabulary Development

  • The teacher explains each family relationship term in detail, using examples.
    Teacher’s Activities:
  • Write the terms on the board, provide definitions, and give examples in sentences.
    Learners’ Activities:
  • Write down the meanings and construct their own sentences using the new words.

Step 3: Application and Assessment

  • Pupils will use the new vocabulary to write short compositions about their own families.
    Teacher’s Activities:
  • Guide pupils through writing compositions, offering help with sentence construction and vocabulary usage.
    Learners’ Activities:
  • Write short compositions describing their family members and relationships.


  • List fifteen words related to family relationships.
  • Define five family relationship terms.
  • Use five family relationship words in sentences.
  • Write a short composition describing your family.


  1. What does “marriage” mean?
  2. Define “kinship.”
  3. Use “niece” in a sentence.
  4. Who is a “cousin”?
  5. What is a “lineage”?
  6. Write a sentence with the word “aunt.”
  7. Explain the term “brother-in-law.”
  8. Who are “distant relatives”?
  9. Use “uncle” in a sentence.
  10. Write a short paragraph about your grandparents.


The teacher goes around to mark pupils’ work, providing feedback and making necessary corrections.

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