Comprehensive JSS 2 Second Term Examination Questions: Essential Practice Social Studies JSS 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week

Second Term Examination Social Studies JSS 2

  1. Which of these comes first?
    • A. Marriage ceremony
    • B. Acceptance
    • C. Payment of bride price
    • D. Proposal
  2. A situation whereby the husband beats his wife is referred to as:
    • A. Battering
    • B. Murder
    • C. Theft
    • D. Forgery
  3. Discrimination against another race based on color is called:
    • A. Colonialism
    • B. Imperialism
    • C. Racism
    • D. Socialism
  4. Family cohesion is the same as:
    • A. Family matters
    • B. Family life
    • C. Family bond
    • D. Family system
  5. Kano, Kaduna, Sokoto, and Zamfara states are found in which geo-political zone of Nigeria?
    • A. South-West
    • B. North-East
    • C. South-South
    • D. North-West
  6. The coming together of people in large numbers to show their displeasure against or support for a policy by the government is called:
    • A. Communal labour
    • B. Mass action
    • C. Acts of parliament
    • D. Gangsterism
  7. Queen Elizabeth II died in:
    • A. 2020
    • B. 2021
    • C. 2022
    • D. 2023
  8. The ability of a couple to relate well with each other at home and with other members of the community is called:
    • A. Psychological fitness
    • B. Financial readiness
    • C. Social stability
    • D. Physiological fitness
  9. In traditional African society, which practice is seen as a sign of wealth or high social status?
    • A. Polygyny
    • B. Polyandry
    • C. Incest
    • D. Homosexuality
  10. The marriage practice in which a man is married to more than one woman at the same time is called:
    • A. Polygyny
    • B. Polyandry
    • C. Incest
    • D. Homosexuality
  11. The practice of looking for a marriage partner in another clan, ethnic group, or village is called:
    • A. Monogamy
    • B. Endogamy
    • C. Exogamy
    • D. Polygamy
  1. Which of these is the process of keeping and preserving things for future use?
  • A. Weeding
  • B. Irrigation
  • C. Storage
  • D. Cooking
  1. The root cause of the Aba women riot in 1929 was due to:
  • A. Overzealousness of warrant chiefs
  • B. Negligence by colonial masters
  • C. Tax imposed on women
  • D. Tax imposed on their roads
  1. The instrument used to determine wind speed is:
  • A. Wind vane
  • B. Anemometer
  • C. Hygrometer
  • D. Barometer
  1. The practice in which a man marries his late elder brother’s wife is called:
  • A. Levirate
  • B. Sororate
  • C. Incest
  • D. Polygamy
  1. The practice in which a man marries the younger sister of his late wife is called:
  • A. Levirate
  • B. Sororate
  • C. Incest
  • D. Polygamy
  1. What is the capital of Morocco?
  • A. Rabat
  • B. Algiers
  • C. Cairo
  • D. Ouagadougou
  1. The Osu caste system is practiced among:
  • A. Yorubas
  • B. Hausas
  • C. Igbos
  • D. Ijaw
  1. Which of these comes last in the procedures for marriage?
  • A. Acceptance
  • B. Courtship
  • C. Payment of bride price
  • D. Proposal
  1. Finding a mate with whom you share similar opinions, qualities, and goals is known as:
  • A. Homogeneity
  • B. Searching
  • C. Compatibility
  • D. Celibacy
  1. The main purpose of marriage is to:
  • A. Bear children
  • B. Get wealth from in-laws
  • C. Have companionship
  • D. Improve social status
  1. The main purpose of marriage is to:
  • A. Bear children
  • B. Get wealth from in-laws
  • C. Have companionship
  • D. Improve social status
  1. Group behavior stands for:
  • A. Collection of actions
  • B. Division of labor
  • C. Independence in action
  • D. Passivity in decision
  1. All of these are types of group behavior except:
  • A. Mass action
  • B. Peaceful demonstration
  • C. Communal effort
  • D. Discussion
  1. Which of the following is not an example of mass action?
  • A. Consultation
  • B. Demonstration
  • C. Protest
  • D. Solidarity rallies
  1. Harmful substances are:
  • A. Products that are unfit for human consumption
  • B. Products that do not threaten the safety of people
  • C. Products that are only fit for animal consumption
  • D. Hygienically prepared products
  1. The regulation, control, and importation of drugs is the responsibility of:
  • B. NDLEA
  • C. NOL
  • D. NMA
  1. What is the full meaning of NAFDAC?
  • A. National Authority for Food and Drug Administration and Control
  • B. National Autonomy for Food and Drug Administration and Control
  • C. Nigerian Authority for Food and Drug Administration and Control
  • D. National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control
  1. Which of these is charged with the responsibility of managing disasters in Nigeria?
  • B. NOA
  • C. NEMA
  1. Which of the following is not part of the consequences of poverty?
  • A. Poor quality of life
  • B. Drug Abuse
  • C. Manutention and salvation
  • D. Access to essential health facilities
  1. Which of the following is not part of the consequences of poverty?
  • A. Poor quality of life
  • B. Drug abuse
  • C. Malnutrition and starvation
  • D. Access to essential health facilities
  1. What is the full meaning of NEMA?
  • A. National Emergency Management Agency
  • B. National Emergency Mitigating Agency
  • C. Nigerian Emergency Management Agency
  • D. National Emergency Management Authority
  1. In-marriage is also called:
  • A. Exogamy
  • B. Endogamy
  • C. Polygamy
  • D. Monogamy
  1. The organization which takes custody of convicted persons in Nigeria is:
  • A. Army
  • B. Customs Service
  • C. Immigration Service
  • D. Prison Service
  1. The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces in Nigeria is the:
  • A. Senate President
  • B. President
  • C. Governor
  • D. Speaker
  1. All of these are agencies responsible for emergency management in Nigeria except:
  • A. Police services
  • B. Armed forces
  • C. National Union of Teachers (NUT)
  • D. NEMA
  1. The South West trade winds that blow from the Atlantic Ocean brings:
  • A. Harmattan
  • B. Eclipse
  • C. Rainfall
  • D. Dry season
  1. Nelson Mandela of South Africa was freed in:
  • A. 1970
  • B. 1985
  • C. 1990
  • D. 1999
  1. Saving someone from danger with the use of strength is called:
  • A. Moral courage
  • B. Spiritual courage
  • C. Physical courage
  • D. True courage
  1. Saving someone from danger with the use of strength is called:
  • A. Moral courage
  • B. Spiritual courage
  • C. Physical courage
  • D. True courage
  1. What is the title of the Paramount Ruler of Remo land in Ogun State?
  • A. Alake
  • B. Olu
  • C. Akarigbo
  • D. Awujale
  1. The traffic light showing RED means:
  • A. Go
  • B. Be ready
  • C. Move fast
  • D. Stop
  1. Professor Wole Soyinka, Prof. Dora Akunyili, and Nelson Mandela of South Africa are known for:
  • A. Integrity
  • B. Good preaching
  • C. Violence
  • D. Tribalism
  1. Ability to do what is right irrespective of pressures to do otherwise is called:
  • A. Moral courage
  • B. Spiritual courage
  • C. Physical courage
  • D. Emotional courage
  1. The term that refers to roles and behaviors considered appropriate for males and females in a culture or society is:
  • A. Gender
  • B. Gender roles
  • C. Gender value
  • D. Age grading
  1. Which of these is not correct?
  • A. Males dominate professions such as security, piloting, and engineering
  • B. Females dominate professions such as fashion designing and nursing
  • C. Males don’t like to participate in politics
  • D. Females normally want to make themselves attractive
  1. Which of these is not a cause of marriage failure?
  • A. Barrenness
  • B. Financial problem
  • C. Family interference
  • D. Tolerance
  1. Which of these involves communicating one’s feelings and needs without violating the rights of others?
  • A. Passiveness
  • B. Manipulation
  • C. Aggressiveness
  • D. Assertiveness
  1. Which of these means not expressing needs and feelings or expressing them weakly so that they cannot be understood?
  • A. Passiveness
  • B. Manipulation
  • C. Aggressiveness
  • D. Assertiveness
  1. Which of the following is not an advantage of ICT?
  • A. It saves time
  • B. Efficient storage of information
  • C. Loss of jobs
  • D. Quick retrieval of information
  1. Which of these processes of emergency management involves mobilization of services to respond to a disaster?
  • A. Preparedness
  • B. Response
  • C. Recovery
  • D. Mitigation
  1. Which process of emergency management involves restoring the affected area to its former state?
  • A. Preparedness
  • B. Response
  • C. Recovery
  • D. Mitigation
  1. Culture can be found everywhere; this means culture is:
  • A. Integrated
  • B. Dynamic
  • C. Universal
  • D. Gratifying

Theory Part B

(Answer any three questions)

(i) Define:

  • Emergency
  • Emergency Management

(b) Mention 4 Examples of Emergency

(c) Write short notes on preparedness as a process of emergency management

(d) Mention two functions of NEMA

(a) Define Values

(b) Write short notes on:
(i) Courage
(ii) Integrity
(iii) Discipline

(c) State four importance or advantages of discipline

(a) Mention five harmful substances

(b) List and explain four purposes of marriage

(c) What is contentment?

(a) What is security education?

(b) Describe four ways of observing and reporting crimes

(c) Mention four benefits of observing and reporting crimes