Karanta da Rubuta (Reading and Writing) Hausa Primary 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Hausa Primary 2 Lesson Plan

Subject: Hausa

Class: Primary 2

Term: First Term

Week: 5

Age: 7 years

Topic: Karanta da Rubuta (Reading and Writing)

Sub-topic: Ma’anar Karanta da Rubuta (Meaning of Reading and Writing)

Duration: 60 minutes

Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Explain the meaning of reading and writing.
  2. Read simple sentences correctly.
  3. Write simple sentences correctly.

Key Words: Karanta (Reading), Rubuta (Writing), Ma’ana (Meaning)

Set Induction: Begin by showing a short storybook and reading the first few sentences aloud.

Entry Behaviour: Students can recognize letters and simple words.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Storybooks
  • Workbooks
  • Pencils and erasers

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge: Discuss how students have previously learned letters and simple words.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Literacy
  • Writing skills
  • Comprehension

Reference Books: Lagos State Scheme of Work, Hausa Language Textbook for Primary 2

Instructional Materials:

  • Storybooks
  • Flashcards with simple sentences
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Workbooks


  1. Meaning of Reading:
    • Reading is looking at written words and understanding them.
  2. Meaning of Writing:
    • Writing is forming letters and words on paper.


  1. Reading: The teacher reads “Baba ya zo” (Father has come).
  2. Writing: The teacher writes “Baba ya zo” on the board and students copy it.

10 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with Options:

  1. Karanta yana ___ kalmomi. (a) rubuta (b) gani (c) dafa (d) wasa
  2. Rubuta yana ___ kalmomi. (a) gani (b) dafa (c) zama (d) yin
  3. Karanta yana nufin ___ rubutu. (a) gani (b) boye (c) wasan (d) fita
  4. Rubuta yana nufin yin ___ akan takarda. (a) gani (b) wasa (c) rubutu (d) zama
  5. Karanta yana ___ da fata. (a) gani (b) rubuta (c) wasa (d) zama

10 FAQs with Answers:

  1. Q: Menene karanta? A: Karanta yana nufin ganin rubutu da fahimtar shi.
  2. Q: Menene rubuta? A: Rubuta yana nufin yin haruffa da kalmomi akan takarda.
  3. Q: Me yasa muke karanta? A: Domin mu koyi sabon abu da fahimtar shi.
  4. Q: Me yasa muke rubuta? A: Domin mu iya bayyana tunaninmu da kuma koyarwa.
  5. Q: Ta yaya za mu iya karanta daidai? A: Ta hanyar koyon haruffa da kalmomi.
  6. Q: Ta yaya za mu iya rubuta daidai? A: Ta hanyar koyon yadda ake yin haruffa da kalmomi.
  7. Q: Menene amfanin karanta? A: Karanta yana taimakawa wajen fahimtar rubuce-rubuce.
  8. Q: Menene amfanin rubuta? A: Rubuta yana taimakawa wajen bayyana tunaninmu.
  9. Q: Wane abubuwa muke karantawa? A: Muna karantawa littattafai, jaridu, da sauran rubuce-rubuce.
  10. Q: Wane abubuwa muke rubutawa? A: Muna rubutawa kalmomi, jumloli, da labarai.


  1. Step 1: The teacher revises the previous topic which was “Types of Occupations”.
  2. Step 2: The teacher introduces the new topic by reading a simple sentence from a storybook.
  3. Step 3: The teacher allows the pupils to practice reading and writing simple sentences and corrects them when necessary.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Read sentences aloud.
  • Write sentences on the board.
  • Guide students in reading and writing sentences correctly.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Listen and repeat sentences read by the teacher.
  • Write sentences in their workbooks.


  • Observe students as they read and write sentences.
  • Provide feedback and corrections where needed.

10 Evaluation Questions:

  1. Menene karanta?
  2. Menene rubuta?
  3. Me yasa muke karanta?
  4. Me yasa muke rubuta?
  5. Ta yaya za mu iya karanta daidai?
  6. Ta yaya za mu iya rubuta daidai?
  7. Menene amfanin karanta?
  8. Menene amfanin rubuta?
  9. Wane abubuwa muke karantawa?
  10. Wane abubuwa muke rubutawa?


  • The teacher goes around to mark and provide necessary corrections on students’ work.
  • Summarize the lesson by reinforcing the importance of reading and writing correctly.

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