Revision Computer Studies Primary 4 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 11

Lesson Plan: Computer Studies Primary 4 Third Term Week 11

Subject: Computer Studies

Class: Primary 4

Term: Third Term

Week: 11

Topic: Introduction to Scratch Programming

Sub-topic: The 3S of Scratch and Identifying Components of the Scratch Interface

Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Define Scratch programming.
  2. Identify the 3S of Scratch.
  3. Name and describe the components of the Scratch interface.
  4. Explain the differences between visual and text-based programming languages.


  • Scratch
  • Programming
  • Interface
  • Blocks
  • Scripts

Entry Behaviour:

Pupils have basic knowledge of using a computer and have been introduced to simple computer applications like Microsoft Word and Paint.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Computers with Scratch installed
  • Projector
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Primary 4
  • Scratch programming manual

Building Background / Connection to Prior Knowledge:

Ask pupils if they remember the basic components of a computer and some applications they have used before. Connect these to the idea of creating programs using Scratch.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking
  • Problem-solving
  • Creativity
  • Collaboration

Learning Materials:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Scratch programming manual
  • Projector
  • Computers with Scratch installed

Instructional Materials:

  • Computer lab
  • Projector
  • Whiteboard and markers



Step 1: Revision of the Previous Topic (5 minutes)

  • The teacher revises the previous topic, which was “Launching of Microsoft Excel and Its Basic Functions.”
  • Quick recap questions:
    • How do you open Microsoft Excel?
    • Name one function of Excel.

Step 2: Introduction of the New Topic (10 minutes)

  • Introduce Scratch programming: “Scratch is a fun way to learn programming by snapping blocks together.”
  • Explain the 3S of Scratch:
    • Sprites: Characters or objects in Scratch.
    • Scripts: Instructions that control the sprites.
    • Stage: The area where the action happens.

Step 3: Exploring the Scratch Interface (15 minutes)

  • Demonstrate the Scratch interface using a projector:
    • Toolbar: Where you find tools to save, load, and create new projects.
    • Blocks Palette: Contains code blocks for programming.
    • Scripts Area: Where you snap blocks together to create code.
    • Sprites Pane: Shows all the sprites in your project.
    • Stage: Displays the outcome of your scripts.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Demonstrate how to open Scratch on the computer.
  • Show pupils how to navigate the Scratch interface.
  • Explain each component clearly and slowly.
  • Encourage pupils to ask questions.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Follow along with the teacher on their computers.
  • Explore the Scratch interface.
  • Ask questions if they are unsure about anything.


  • The teacher asks pupils to identify parts of the Scratch interface.
  • Pupils will name the 3S of Scratch and explain their functions.

Ten Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is Scratch programming?
    • a) A type of game
    • b) A programming language
    • c) A drawing tool
    • d) A typing program
  2. Which of these is not part of the 3S of Scratch?
    • a) Sprites
    • b) Scripts
    • c) Stage
    • d) Screens
  3. Where do you find code blocks in Scratch?
    • a) Scripts Area
    • b) Blocks Palette
    • c) Stage
    • d) Toolbar
  4. What is the role of the Scripts Area?
    • a) To display sprites
    • b) To snap code blocks together
    • c) To show the Stage
    • d) To save projects
  5. Which component shows all the sprites in your project?
    • a) Scripts Area
    • b) Sprites Pane
    • c) Stage
    • d) Toolbar
  6. The _____ is where the action happens in Scratch.
    • a) Toolbar
    • b) Stage
    • c) Blocks Palette
    • d) Scripts Area
  7. What do you call the instructions that control sprites?
    • a) Scripts
    • b) Stages
    • c) Palettes
    • d) Panes
  8. What do you see in the Blocks Palette?
    • a) Stages
    • b) Sprites
    • c) Code blocks
    • d) Scripts
  9. How do you save your project in Scratch?
    • a) Click on the Stage
    • b) Use the Toolbar
    • c) Use the Blocks Palette
    • d) Click on Sprites Pane
  10. What is a sprite in Scratch?
    • a) A code block
    • b) A character or object
    • c) A background
    • d) A script

Conclusion (5 minutes)

  • The teacher goes around to mark pupils’ work and provide necessary corrections.
  • Summarize the lesson by reinforcing the key points.
  • Encourage pupils to explore Scratch further at home or during computer lab sessions.