NAME:                            CLASS: PRIMARY 6            SUBJECT: Civic Education



  1. Awards given to National heroes for their contribution to the development of the country are called     __________    (a) National Heroes       (b) National Award      (c) National Anthem     (d) Rank award
  2. _________ is a source of danger to personal security.       (a) clean environment     (b) drug abuse (c) exercise               (d) sparkling
  3. The highest National Honours Award is reserved for the ______ only.

    (a) Governors     (b) presidents     (c) commissioners         (d) lawyers

  1. Precautionary measures are steps that keeps us __________ (a) dirty     (b) safe from dangers     (c) hagard         (d) ugly
  2. A good friend must possess the following attributes EXCEPT ______(a) kindness   (b) drug addict (c) contentment             (d) self esteem
  3. National Honours Awards is a way of encouraging people to contribute more to development.     True/ False
  4. Good taken to other countries for sale are called _____ (a) exports     (b) import   (c) national good (d) Tokunbo
  5. Spotted dangerous behaviours must be respected immediately to the _______         (a) friend     (b) teacher         (c) school management         (d) B and C
  6. Valuing Nigeria goods will bring all these to Nigerian EXCEPT ________ (a) respect         (b) pride     (c) shame and disgrace     (d) none of the above
  7. The willingness to accept the other people’s opinion or behaviour that you may not agree with     is called _______ (a) unity         (b) tolerance         (c) peace     (d) co operation
  8. Snakes and some other dangerous reptiles are seen in houses situated in _______ areas. (a) neat     (b) clean     (c) bushy     (d) tidy
  9. Which of these is not a value association with tolerance? (a) hatred     (b) love   (c) oneness     (d) co-operation
  10. Before eating any packaged food, we must check the ________ (a) colour     (b) temperature     (c) expiry date     (d) logo
  11. Co-operation means __________ (a) working against one another

    (b) working together to achieve aim     (c) working in disunity    (d) fighting your neigbours

  1. Which of these is not a value associated with co-operation?

    (a) disunity         (b) love     (c) tolerance         (d) caring

  1. When the people of a country live together in love, peace and cooperation in spite of languages,     culture etc.    (a) national crisis     (b) national unity    (c) national disunity     (d) war
  2. Not been security cautions at home can lead to ___(a) theft (b) progress (c) development (d) nothing
  3. Personal security management makes someone free from _______

    (a) injury     (b) punishment    (c) illness/disease         (d) all mentioned

  1. Every nationalist has a __________  feeling for country.   (a) mixed   (b) patriotic   (c) bad   (d) evil
  2. ____ is an example of a crime. (a) rape (b) thuggery  (c) examination mal-practice (d) all mentioned
  3. A person who loves his / her country is called a _____(a) criminal (b) patriot (c) soul mate (d) lover
  4. Destruction of government property is a crime called _________(a) forgery     (b) impersonification (c) vandalism
  5. Nigeria is a multi-ethnic state because _________    (a) it has only one ethnic group (b) it is in the west of Africa    (c) it has many ethnic group     (d) it has FCT as capital
  6. Punishment for examination malpractice is ________ (a) death      (b) seize of result (c) aplplauding (d) praising.
  7. All these are the causes of the ethnic clashes in Nigeria EXCEPT_________(a) boundary problems (b) religious differences          (c) differences in weight          (d) none of the above
  8. All these are attributes of cooperation EXCEPT _______(a) willingness (b) honesty (c) team spirit (d) communal effort
  9. ________ symbols are the symbols that stand for unity of Nigerian nation. (a) state     (b) anthem     (c)     mace        (d) national
  10. All these are values of Nationalism and patriotism EXCEPT _______

    (a) fighting     (b) courage     (c) respect     (d) tolerance

  1. Apart from National symbols there are other symbols which represent different interests in the country and they are _______, ______ and     _______ 
  2. The Nigerian National Honour Award was established by the National Act in what year.



1a.    What is the National Honours Award?

    ________________________________________________________________________________    ________________________________________________________________________________

  1. Mention five reasons why National Honours Awards are conferred on     deserving members of     the society.

    ________________________________________________________________________________    ________________________________________________________________________________

    ________________________________________________________________________________    ________________________________________________________________________________


  1. List five goods that are produced in Nigeria.

    ________________________________________________________________________________    ________________________________________________________________________________

    ________________________________________________________________________________    ________________________________________________________________________________


2a.    Name five major Natural resources that are found in Nigeria.

    ________________________________________________________________________________    ________________________________________________________________________________

    ________________________________________________________________________________    ________________________________________________________________________________



  1. State five reasons why we should value Nigerian made goods

    ________________________________________________________________________________    ________________________________________________________________________________

    ________________________________________________________________________________    ________________________________________________________________________________



  1. Define the term value.

    ________________________________________________________________________________    ________________________________________________________________________________


3a.    Give the meaning of the following

  1. Peace______________________________________________________________________
  2. Tolerance__________________________________________________________________

    iii.    Unity______________________________________________________________________

  1. Identify four characteristics of tolerance

    ________________________________________________________________________________    ________________________________________________________________________________

    ________________________________________________________________________________    ________________________________________________________________________________



4a.    What is the meaning of Nationalism?

    ________________________________________________________________________________    ________________________________________________________________________________

    ________________________________________________________________________________    ________________________________________________________________________________



  1. What is the meaning of patriotism.

    ________________________________________________________________________________    ________________________________________________________________________________

    ________________________________________________________________________________    ________________________________________________________________________________



  1. Mention two differences between National symbols and other symbols

    ________________________________________________________________________________    ________________________________________________________________________________

    ________________________________________________________________________________    ________________________________________________________________________________





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