First Term Mid-Term Assessment in Christian Studies JSS 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 7

Mid-Term Assessment and Break Lesson Plan for Christian Religious Studies – JSS 2

Subject: Christian Religious Studies
Class: JSS 2
Term: First Term
Week: 7
Age: 12-13 years
Topic: Mid-Term Assessment Review
Sub-topic: Key Concepts Covered
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Recall key concepts from the first half of the term.
  2. Complete various types of assessment questions based on learned topics.
  3. Demonstrate understanding through participation in discussions.


  • Assessment
  • Review
  • Concepts
  • Evaluation
  • Understanding

Set Induction:

Start with a question: “What do you remember about our last lessons?” Encourage students to share their thoughts on the topics.

Entry Behaviour:

Students should be familiar with the concepts discussed in previous lessons.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Printed assessment questions
  • Bibles for reference
  • Previous lesson notes

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:

Students have previously learned about key Christian concepts, which will be reviewed in the assessment.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking
  • Communication
  • Collaboration
  • Self-assessment

Learning Materials:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Assessment question sheets

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Christian Religious Studies
  • The Holy Bible

Instructional Materials:

  • Question sheets for assessments
  • Flashcards with key concepts


Mid-Term Assessment Components:

Part A: Objective Questions (Fill-in-the-Blank)

  1. The Bible is the ________ of Christians. (a. word, b. law, c. song, d. story)
  2. Jesus taught us to love our ________. (a. enemies, b. friends, c. neighbors, d. family)
  3. The first four books of the New Testament are called the ________. (a. Gospels, b. Epistles, c. Letters, d. Psalms)
  4. Prayer is a way to ________ with God. (a. talk, b. listen, c. walk, d. run)
  5. The main message of Christianity is ________. (a. love, b. hate, c. power, d. wealth)
  6. The Sermon on the Mount includes the ________. (a. Beatitudes, b. Commandments, c. Parables, d. Miracles)
  7. Christians believe in one ________. (a. God, b. church, c. leader, d. book)
  8. Baptism is a sign of ________. (a. faith, b. doubt, c. fear, d. anger)
  9. The Holy Spirit helps us to ________. (a. learn, b. forget, c. hide, d. ignore)
  10. Worship can be done through ________. (a. singing, b. sleeping, c. running, d. fighting)
  11. Jesus’ teachings are found in the ________. (a. Old Testament, b. Gospels, c. Prophets, d. Laws)
  12. A disciple is a ________ of Jesus. (a. follower, b. enemy, c. critic, d. teacher)
  13. Love your ________ as yourself. (a. neighbor, b. enemy, c. friend, d. leader)
  14. The Great Commission is about ________. (a. making disciples, b. keeping secrets, c. avoiding others, d. building wealth)
  15. The book of Psalms is known for its ________. (a. poetry, b. history, c. prophecy, d. rules)
  16. Jesus performed many ________ to show God’s power. (a. miracles, b. failures, c. stories, d. arguments)
  17. Faith is believing in what we cannot ________. (a. see, b. touch, c. feel, d. hear)
  18. The Bible has ________ main parts: the Old and New Testament. (a. two, b. three, c. four, d. five)
  19. Jesus’ mother was named ________. (a. Mary, b. Martha, c. Elizabeth, d. Sarah)
  20. The Last Supper was a meal Jesus shared with his ________. (a. disciples, b. enemies, c. family, d. friends)

Part B: Theory Questions (Short Answer)

  1. What is the significance of prayer in a Christian’s life?
  2. Explain the concept of the Beatitudes.
  3. Who were the first disciples of Jesus?
  4. What does baptism represent for Christians?
  5. Describe the role of the Holy Spirit.
  6. How do Christians show love to their neighbors?
  7. What are the Gospels, and why are they important?
  8. Define worship in the context of Christianity.
  9. What is the Great Commission?
  10. How can Christians demonstrate faith in their daily lives?
  11. Why is the Bible considered the word of God?
  12. What are some ways to serve others as Jesus taught?
  13. Explain the meaning of the term “disciple.”
  14. How can prayer strengthen a Christian’s relationship with God?
  15. What is the role of the church in a Christian’s life?
  16. How do Christians understand the concept of salvation?
  17. What is the significance of the Last Supper?
  18. Describe how Jesus taught through parables.
  19. What is the Christian view of love?
  20. How do Christians celebrate their faith?

Part C: True or False Questions

  1. The Bible is divided into three main parts. (True/False)
  2. Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist. (True/False)
  3. Christians are not required to pray. (True/False)
  4. The Beatitudes are found in the Old Testament. (True/False)
  5. Worship can only happen in church. (True/False)
  6. The Holy Spirit is known as the helper. (True/False)
  7. Jesus taught that love is more important than rules. (True/False)
  8. The disciples were perfect people. (True/False)
  9. Baptism is only a tradition, not a requirement. (True/False)
  10. Christians believe in many gods. (True/False)
  11. Prayer is a way to communicate with God. (True/False)
  12. The Gospels include stories of Jesus’ life. (True/False)
  13. Faith means believing without seeing. (True/False)
  14. Jesus performed miracles to gain fame. (True/False)
  15. The Great Commission instructs Christians to spread the Gospel. (True/False)
  16. Worship can include music and prayer. (True/False)
  17. Jesus’ teachings are irrelevant today. (True/False)
  18. The book of Psalms is a collection of songs. (True/False)
  19. Love your enemies is a teaching of Jesus. (True/False)
  20. All Christians have the same beliefs. (True/False)

Part D: Fill-in-the-Gaps Questions

  1. The ________ is the holy book of Christians.
  2. Jesus taught us to pray to our ________ in heaven.
  3. The first four books of the New Testament are called the ________.
  4. A ________ is a follower of Jesus.
  5. The ________ Spirit guides and comforts Christians.
  6. Worship includes ________ and praising God.
  7. The Beatitudes describe the ________ attitudes of believers.
  8. Christians celebrate ________ as the resurrection of Jesus.
  9. The Great Commission involves making ________ of all nations.
  10. Jesus’ parables often have a ________ lesson.
  11. Baptism is a symbol of ________ in Christ.
  12. The Old Testament contains the history of God’s ________.
  13. The commandment to love your neighbor is found in the ________.
  14. Jesus fed the ________ with five loaves and two fish.
  15. Prayer can be done in ________ or silence.
  16. Faith requires trusting in what we cannot ________.
  17. Jesus taught that humility is a ________ virtue.
  18. The Last Supper represents Jesus’ final meal with his ________.
  19. Christians believe that Jesus is the ________ of God.
  20. The Bible teaches that we should care for the ________.


  1. Step 1: The teacher revises the previous topic, which was “Christians as Light and Salt of the World.”
  2. Step 2: The teacher introduces the assessment components and explains the format.
  3. Step 3: The teacher encourages students to ask questions and clarify any uncertainties.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Distribute assessment materials.
  • Monitor student progress and provide assistance as needed.
  • Facilitate a discussion about key concepts.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Complete the assessment questions.
  • Engage in discussions to clarify concepts.
  • Collaborate in pairs to review answers.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is the main message of the Beatitudes?
  2. How does prayer help Christians in their daily lives?
  3. What role does the church play in the community?
  4. Describe the importance of baptism in Christianity.
  5. How do the teachings of Jesus influence your actions?
  6. What does it mean to be a disciple of Christ?
  7. Explain how Christians show love to others.
  8. Why is faith essential in a Christian’s life?
  9. What is the significance of the Holy Spirit?
  10. How can Christians practice worship outside of church?


The teacher goes around to mark assessments and provides feedback, encouraging students to ask questions about their answers and clarify any misunderstandings.

More Useful Links :

“Engaging mid-term assessment plan for JSS 2 Christian Religious Studies.”



Class:  J.S.S 2   Subject: Christian religious studies

` Answer all questions in this section

  1. The humility in Jesus was revealed by allowing a lesser person to ________ (a)Preach to him (b) Wash his feet (c)Baptize him (d)all of the above
  2. The wilderness where Jesus was tempted _______ (a) A place full of people (b)a place of prayer (c) A place without food and water (d)  an abode of spirit 
  3. The appearance of the dove during the baptism of Jesus signified ____________(a) The presence of God (b) the presence of the holy spirit (c) The presence of God (d) The Messiah of Jesus
  4. We can overcome temptation by _______(a)Fighting (b)Dancing (c)Using the word of God (d)All of the above 
  5. Temptation is a sin (a) Yes (b) No (c) Partial sin (d)None of the above 
  6. The practice of baptism is part of the ______ custom (a) Israelite (b) Egyptian (c) Jewish (d) All of the above 
  7. Jesus came from _____ to Jordan to be baptized by John (a) Galilee(b)Nazareth (c) Jerusalem (d) Israelite
  8. Jesus _____ his parents and followed them (a) Disobeyed (b)Obeyed (c)Disagreed (d)Fought
  9. During the baptism of Jesus ,_________(a)Angels sang sweet hymns (b) There was  a voice from heavens (c) The spirit of God stood by him (d)None of the above 
  10. According to Mathew, the second temptation of Jesus was that He should ______(a) Turn stone  to bread (b)Jump down from the pinnacle of the temple (c) Bow down and worship (d) Jump down and worship 
  11. The temptation of Jesus Christ on top of the mountain was to know if (a)Jesus would be enticed by beauty of the world (b)Jesus would succumb to hunger (c) Jesus would be abandoned by God (d)Jesus was really the son of God 
  12. Which of the prophet fore  told the birth of Jesus Christ (a) Isaiah (b) Jeremiah (c) Samuel (d) Solomon 
  13. Which angel announced the birth of Jesus Christ (a) Angel Michael (b) Angel Raphael (c) Angel Malakai (d)Angel Gabriel
  14. After the angel had left, Mary discovered she was pregnant some _________ later (a) Months (b) Weeks (c) Years (d)Days 
  15. Joseph and Mary had to go for census in ______(a)Jerusalem (b)Israel (c)Bethlehem(d)Egypt
  16. Jesus was wrapped with ________ in manager (a)Linen Clothes (b)Wool Clothes (c)Swaddling clothes (d) All of the above
  17. Who was the Roman emperor when Jesus was born (a)King Herod (b)Caesar Augustus (c) Caesar Agatha (d) King Saul 
  18. Who is the earthly father of Jesus Christ (a) Isiah (b) Joseph (c)David (d)Abraham 
  19. How many wise men visited Jesus (a) Five (b) Four (c)Three (d)We are not told 
  20. How did the shepherds know about the birth of Jesus Christ (a)They heard from the radio (b)someone told them (b)The angel told them (d)King Herold told them 
  21. Where was Jesus born? (a)On the road (b)Hospital(c)Manager (d)Galilee
  22. Jesus did not do many _______ in his town (a)Business (b)Healing (c)Preaching (d)All of the above 
  23. What was Jesus doing in the synagogue (a) He was playing (b) He was fighting (c)He was teaching the words (d)He was praying 
  24. James, Joseph, Simon, and ________ are Jesus’ brothers (a)Judas (b)Isaiah(c)Jeremiah (d)Jacob
  25. The wise men saw _____ in the sky when Jesus was born (a)Moon (b)Sun (c)Star (d)None of the above
  26. The wise men were directed to _____ palace (a)King David’s (b)King Sauls (c)King Caesar’s (d)non of the above 
  27. Herod called the ______ and ______ to inquire about the birth of Jesus(a) Pharisees and the scribes (b)Pharisees and Egyptians (c)Scribes and Israelites (d) Pharisees and Israelite
  28. God sent _______ to the Joseph to take his family to Egypt (a) Prophets (b)Man (c)Pastor (d)Angel
  29. ________ is the mother of Jesus (a) Elizabeth (b)Mary (c)Esther (d)Deborah 
  30. Why did Jesus and his family go to Jerusalem (a)to participate in the feast of Passover(b) To participate in the feast of Tabernacle (c)TO participate in the feast of Pentecost (d) To participate in the feast of Purim 



 Answer any three questions from this part 

  1. List five significance of the baptism of Jesus Christ 
  2. Mention the three temptation of Jesus Christ and His replies
  3. State the three gift that were given to Jesus by the wise men and their significance  3b. Mention two values of virginity before marriage
  4. Highlight five significance of Jesus Christ temptation
  5. Describe Jesus understanding of the word “Family”



Class:  J.S.S 2   Subject: Christian religious studies


Answer any three questions from this part 

  1. List five significance of the baptism of Jesus Christ 
  2. Mention the three temptation of Jesus Christ and His replies
  3. State the three gift that were given to Jesus by the wise men and their significance
  4.  Mention two values of virginity before marriage
  5. Highlight five significance of Jesus Christ temptation
  6. Describe Jesus understanding of the word “Family”


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