Subject:   SOCIAL STUDIES Class: BASIC 2

Name:    __________________________________ Time: 1 Hour

SECTION A: Objectives

Instruction: Answer all questions in this section


  1. Family is a group of  ___________ related by blood or by marriage    (a)animal   (b)church     (c)people
  2. We have  ______ types of family     (a)2      (b)3     (c)4
  3. The nuclear family consist of  __________     _________   and ______     (a)uncle, aunt and niece     (b)cousin, nephew and father      (c)father, mother and children
  4. Who is the head of the family?    (a)mother      (b)father     (c)church
  5. We live together to  _______ one another    (a)protect      (b)harm    (c)destroy
  6. The total way of life we follow is  ______   (a)man    (b)culture     (c)fighting 
  7. How many tribes do we have in Nigeria   (a)2     (b)3     (c)4
  8. Agbada and Sokoto are common among the _______ men   (a)Igbo    (b)Hausa     (c)Yoruba
  9. School uniform are common among the ______ children    (a)hospital      (b)tailor     (c)school
  10. Two wrapper and blouse are common among the igbo women   (a)true    (b)false  (c)not sure 
  11. _______  is the way of worshipping God    (a)begging      (b)fighting    (c)religion
  12. We have three types of religion in Nigeria    (a)true      (b)false    (c)not sure 
  13. The ______  use holy Quran and rosary to worship    (a)christian     (b)muslimm     (c)traditional  
  14. The traditional believers worship in the ______    (a)mosque     (b)church     (c)shrine
  15. Religion teaches us to have faith in the existence of God    (a)true     (b)false    (c)not sure 




  1. What is hairstyle?   ___________
  2. List the (3) element of culture?   ______________________     ________________________     _______________________
  3. State the three tribes we have in Nigeria     _________________________________________     ________________________
  4. Mention the three types of religion we have  ____________________________




  1. State two importance of religion  


___________________________        __________________________________


  1. List three hairstyle for women      _____________________________


______________________________     ________________________________




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