Vocational Aptitude  Third Term Promotional Examination Primary 3



1.) A place where food is prepared is called ________ (a) room (b) kitchen (c) toilet
2.) ____________ is the head cook in an hotel (a) headmaster (b) principal (c) chef
3.) A small kitchen is called _______ (a) kitchenette (b) cupboard (c) room
4.) ________ is the cooking of food in water (a) boiling (b) frying (c) smoking
5.) The skill of preparing and cooking food is called _______ (a) cookery (b) blending (c) singing
6.) _____________ is cooking of food in hot oil (a) bakery (b) frying (c) smoking
7.) The following food is prepared by baking except ________ (a) bread (b) cake (c) rice
8.) The following food is prepared by boiling except ___________ (a) bread (b) bean (c) rice
9.) Microwaving is a method of cooking (a) true (b) false (c) maybe
10.) Craftwork involves the making of object by using _____ (a) hands (b) machine (c) electricity
11.) Shoes are made from ____________ (a) wood (b) leather (c) cotton
12.) The person that does pottery is called ___________ (a) painter (b) worker (c) potter
13.) Law is a ______________ (a) craft (b) profession (c) mechanic
14.) Does a lawyer represent people in the court of law (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe

15.) Can a woman be a lawyer (a) yes (b) no (c) not sure
16.) ___________ is the act of putting off fire (a) fire fighting (b) sewing (c) gardening
17.) A person that fight fire to prevent loss of lives and properties is called _____
(a) doctor (b) firefighter (c) lawyer
18.) Careless handling of ___________ causes fire (a) money (b) fuel (c) water
19.) The following are examples of fire fighting tools except _______
(a) class dust (b) fire extinguisher (c) fire boots
20.) A basic material from which a product is made is called ______
(a) raw material (b) books (c) shoes
21.) _____ is the act of making pots, dishes and earthen-wares (a) tailoring (b) pottery (c) farming
22.) Wood is a product of _______ (a) timber (b) chair (c) iron
23.) ________ studies is the study of man and his environment (a) physical (b) chemical (c) social
24.) The _______ family consists of father, mother and children. (a) nuclear (b) extended (c) none
25.) ____________ is the head of the family (a) father (b) mother (c) children
26.) People ___________ to get children (a) fight (b) beat (c) marry

27.) ____________ is a way of life (a) education (b) culture (c) religion
28.) The founder of Christian religion is __________ (a) Jesus Christ (b) Muhammed (c) Fashola
29.) The founder of Muslim religion is __________ (a) Jesus Christ (b) Fashola (c) Muhammed
30.) The Christian worship in the ______________ (a) mosque (b) church (c) shrine

Section B: Answer all questions
1.) What is social studies? _______________________________________________________

b.) Mention two types of family
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

2.) What is marriage? ___________________________________________________________

b.) List four types of marriage
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

3.) What is religion? ____________________________________________________________

b.) List three types of religions in Nigeria
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________

4.) What is fishing? _____________________________________________________________

b.) Mention three tools use for fishing
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________

5.) What is hunting? ____________________________________________________________

b.) List three tools use for hunting
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________




A career is considered as a lifetime work one engages in FIRST TERM EXAMINATION PRIMARY 4 VOCATIONAL APTITUDE






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