1. Security precautions helps to prevent danger

(a) true (b) false

2. Everybody needs to be security conscious

(a) true (b) false

3. Which of these is a source of danger

(a) Bomb blast (b) hawking (c) sleeping

4. It is good to left and right before crossing the road

(a) true (b) false

5. A very good way to cross the road is to close our eyes

(a) True (b) false

6. When you see a traffic light , Red mean _________

(a) Ready (b) Go (c) stop

7. security precaution is not good at home

(a) true (b) false

8. It is good to leave our doors open

(a) true (b) false

9. dangerous objects should be as toys

(a) Yes (b) No

10. Knife is a dangerous object at home

(a) Yes (b) N0 

11. Needle can be used to poke our ears

(a) True (b) false

12. Leaving our office doors open is not good

(a) True (b) false

13. Switching off all electrical appliances after work is bad

(a) True (b) False

14. Naked wire is very dangerous

(a) True (b)False

15. Stranger should not be allowed into our office

(a) true (b) False

16. We should always make our office safe

(a) True (b) false

17. Strange movement must be noticed in our environment

(a) true (b) false

18. We must report strange movement to adult in our environment

(a) true (b) false

19. It is good to walk at _______________

(a) Night (b) day (c) Both

20. A stranger must not be taken as a

(a) friend (b) enemy


1. list five (5) source of security

2. Mention five (5) source of danger


































  1. (a) True
  2. (a) True
  3. (a) Bomb blast
  4. (a) True
  5. (b) False
  6. (c) Stop
  7. (b) False
  8. (b) False
  9. (b) No
  10. (a) Yes
  11. (b) False
  12. (a) True
  13. (a) True
  14. (a) True
  15. (a) True
  16. (a) True
  17. (a) True
  18. (a) True
  19. (b) day
  20. (b) enemy


  1. Five sources of security could include police, security guards, security cameras, alarms, and locks.
  2. Five sources of danger may include fire, accidents, strangers, sharp objects, and unsafe electrical appliances.



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