Health Habits

Recognition of letter (A)

  SUBJECT:: Reading Readiness Class: k g 2 a ____ ____ ____ e f _____ _____ _____ j k _____ _____ _____ o p _____ ______ _____ t u _____ ______ ______ y z. (2) circle letter ( a ) in each sets. 1) g a t 2) a c t 3) v d a

Health Habits

    SUBJECT:: Health-habits.   Class: k g 2   1) Is it good to play in the toilet? (a) YES (b) NO   2) Is it good to wash our hands before eating? (a) NO (b) YES     3) Is it good to talk when eating? (a) YES (b) NO   4) Is

Good Health Habits

  Class: K-G2.   Subject: Health habbits.   Topic: Test 1) Is it good to take care of our body?. (a)yes (b)no. 2) Is it good to play with sand? (a) yes (b)no. 3) Is it good to tell lies? (a)yes (b) no. 4) Is it good to fight?(a) yes (b) no. 5) Is it

Fruits are good for the body

. Class: Nursery 1 Subject: Health habit Test 1. ______ is good for our body. (a) fruit (b) table 2. ______ make the body fit and strong. (a) exercise (b) book 3. Is it good to take care of our environment (a) No (b) Yes 4. Is watermelon a fruit (a) yes (b) No 5.

Nursery School Moral Behaviours

Good Moral Behaviours Do not play with sharp Objects. We must no talk when earing our food Mú must wash our hands be fire and after eating We must not play with sand We must not put dirty things in our mouth We must. Not tell lies We must not beat up our younger ones

We see with our eyes

  Class: Nursery 1 Subject: Health habit        Test  1. We can see with our_______. (a) eye (b) nose 2. We write with our_______.(a) leg (b) hand 3. We brush our_________ everyday. (a) teeth (b) head 4. Is it good to wash your hand after using the bathroom (a) yes (b) No 5.

Avoid accidents at home.

    Class: k g 2   Subject: Health  habits.   Topic: Avoid accidents at home.     How can we avoid accidents at home.   1) by not playing with socket.   2) by not playing with knives.   3) by not playing with soap.   4) by not playing with iron.   5)


  Class: Nursery 2 Subject : Health Habits Topic: Nutrition What is nutrition ? Is a substance that is needed to keep living things alive e.g protein ,carbohydrates. Importance of nutrition? It helps us to grow well and healthy. It keeps us away from diseases . It makes our body fresh.etc. Mention two importance of

Eating Habits. 

  Class: k g 2   Subject: Health_ Habits.   Topic: Eating Habits.   How do we eat our food.   1) by washing our hands before and after eating.   2) by sitting properly when eating.   3) by not talking when eating.   4) by not rushing our food.   5) by not