Revision Information Technology (Computer Studies ICT) Primary 5 Week 11 First Term Lesson Notes / Plans

Class: Primary 5

Subject: Basic Science and Technology

Topic: Revision – Visual Based Programming Languages

Sub-topic: Meaning and Types

Duration: 40 minutes

Term: First Term

Week: 11

Set Induction: Begin by asking students to recall any instances when they interacted with technology or used visual elements in computer programs. This will help them connect with the upcoming discussion on visual-based programming languages.

Previous Lesson: Review the last lesson on basic computer concepts. Emphasize the importance of understanding computer programming in today’s technology-driven world.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Define what visual-based programming languages are.
  2. Identify different types of visual-based programming languages.
  3. Recognize the significance of visual programming in simplifying coding for beginners.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking
  • Problem-solving
  • Technological literacy

Learning Materials:

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Chart paper
  • Images or icons representing visual-based programming languages
  • Sample code snippets (optional)

Extract of Content: Visual-based programming languages use visual elements, like blocks or icons, to represent code. They simplify coding for beginners, allowing them to create programs by dragging and dropping visual elements instead of typing complex code.

Presentation and Procedure:

Step 1: Revise the Previous Topic (15 minutes) Recap the basic computer concepts discussed in the previous lesson. Review key terms like “programming” and “coding” to create a foundation for the new topic.

Step 2: Introduce the New Topic (10 minutes) Define visual-based programming languages and explain their role in simplifying coding through visual elements. Show images or icons representing these languages to make the concept more tangible.

Step 3: Allow Pupils to Give Their Own Contributions (10 minutes) Encourage students to share any experiences or examples they might have related to visual-based programming. Correct any misconceptions and highlight the diverse applications of these languages.

Step 4: Evaluation (3 minutes) Ask a few simple questions to assess understanding. For example, “Can you name one visual-based programming language?” or “How does visual programming make coding easier?”

Step 5: Homework or Assignment on the Next Topic (2 minutes) Assign a simple task related to the upcoming topic, such as researching one specific visual-based programming language and its applications. This will prepare students for the next lesson.

Conclusion: Summarize the importance of understanding visual-based programming languages and how they make coding accessible. Reinforce the idea that everyone can learn to code, even without extensive typing skills, through visual elements

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