Defination of Theoretical Framework, Statement of the problem, purpose of the study and significance of the study in Research Methods in Education

Explain what you understand by the following;

Theoretical Framework: This may as well be a major part of the review of literature. Its main purpose is to hinge the study to an existing theory in educ Hardly is there any study that is completely new. A background theory gives for the study. There are a number of theories to which the researcher can link Le Bruner, Piaget, Gagne, Deurtsch etc. The theoretical framework set theoretical base for the research

Statement of the problem: The statement of the problem is usually a statement which the researcher must make carly at the beginning of the resc This section defines his intention and brings his work into focus. It clarifies ou and limits the problem area. Thus, it must be good, clear, concise and stated car the proposal. The researcher should avoid bringing elements of the backgrou the study into this section or attempt to justify the work by stressing its signific here. A sentence or two should do the job adequately. e.g. This study sought to “determine the extent to which the mother tongue interferes with the learnin English Language in schools” declare

Purpose of the study: This is just a simple statement of what the concern of research work is all about. It should be stated in two or three sentences. It should be a lengthy affair but straight to the point.

Significance of the study: Researches are not trivial or superficial endeavors. researcher should be able to justify the importance of the study in terms of implications or possible applications to the general practice of education. T emphasis in this section is on the benefits of the study to educational theory practitioners. All the stated hypotheses and research questions should point to direction. The researcher should therefore ensure that the study can incre knowledge, solve problems and answer some thorny questions in the field education. In addition, it should afford other researchers the opportunity to de further in the particular area.




Theoretical Framework: The theoretical framework in educational research refers to connecting your study to existing theories in the field. It’s a way to anchor your research in established ideas from prominent thinkers like Le Bruner, Piaget, Gagne, and Deurtsch. This framework forms the foundation for your study, showing how your research relates to and builds upon these theories. For instance, if you’re studying teaching methods, you might connect your work to Piaget’s cognitive development theory to guide your approach.

Statement of the Problem: The statement of the problem is a concise and clear declaration of what your research aims to address. It’s placed at the beginning of your research work and outlines the specific issue you’re investigating. Avoid discussing background details or justifications here. For example, if you’re exploring how mother tongue affects English language learning, your statement could be: “This study aims to determine the extent to which the mother tongue interferes with the learning of the English Language in schools.”

Purpose of the Study: The purpose of the study is a brief statement that explains the central focus of your research. It’s usually just a couple of sentences that concisely convey what your research is all about. It shouldn’t be overly long, but it should clearly communicate the main goal of your work. If your research is about exploring new teaching methods, your purpose statement might be: “This study aims to investigate innovative teaching methods to enhance student engagement and comprehension.”

Significance of the Study: Highlighting the significance of your study is crucial. It’s where you justify the importance of your research by explaining its implications and potential applications in education. Emphasize how your work can contribute to educational theory and practice. Your hypotheses and research questions should align with the direction you want to take. Make sure your study can expand knowledge, offer solutions to educational challenges, and stimulate further research in the field.


Remember, these components work together to provide a strong foundation for your research. The theoretical framework connects your study to established theories, the statement of the problem clarifies your research focus, the purpose statement explains your central goal, and the significance section justifies the importance of your work in the broader educational context.






**Theoretical Framework:**
1. Theoretical Framework in educational research connects the study to __________ theories in the field.
a) Historical
b) Existing
c) Hypothetical

2. The main purpose of a Theoretical Framework is to anchor the study to an __________ theory in education.
a) Innovative
b) Unrelated
c) Existing

3. Connecting research to established theories like Le Bruner, Piaget, and Gagne forms the __________ of the study.
a) Background
b) Heart
c) Theoretical base

**Statement of the Problem:**
4. The Statement of the Problem clarifies the __________ of the research work.
a) Background details
b) Purpose
c) Limitations

5. The researcher should make the Statement of the Problem early in the research to define __________.
a) Hypotheses
b) Intention
c) Results

6. The Statement of the Problem should avoid bringing elements of __________ into this section.
a) Research findings
b) Background theory
c) Methodology

**Purpose of the Study:**
7. The Purpose of the Study is a simple statement that explains the __________ of the research.
a) Scope
b) Background
c) Concern

8. The Purpose of the Study should be concise and stated in __________ sentences.
a) One or two
b) Five or six
c) Ten or more

9. The Purpose of the Study helps in __________ the research focus.
a) Broadening
b) Blurring
c) Defining

**Significance of the Study:**
10. The researcher justifies the importance of the study in terms of __________ to education.
a) Financial benefits
b) Implications or applications
c) Personal interests

11. The focus of the Significance section is on the benefits of the study to __________.
a) Historical events
b) Educational theory practitioners
c) Government agencies

12. Research hypotheses and questions should point in the direction of __________.
a) Popular opinion
b) Answering personal queries
c) Research goals

13. The study should increase knowledge, solve problems, and address questions in the field of __________.
a) Medicine
b) Education
c) Engineering

14. The Significance of the Study provides opportunities for __________ in the particular area.
a) Replicating the study
b) Ignoring the results
c) Further research

15. The researcher ensures that the study can contribute to education by __________.
a) Adding confusion
b) Expanding knowledge
c) Limiting access

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