Words Associated With Electricity Vocabulary Building English Grammar Primary 3 Third Term Week 4

Subject: English Grammar

Class : Primary 3

Term : Third Term

Week : Week 4

Topic :  Words Related To Electricity 

Previous Lesson 


Learning Objectives:

  1. Define electricity and identify its importance in our daily lives.
  2. Identify and explain basic terms related to electricity.
  3. Understand the role of conductors and insulators in the flow of electricity.
  4. Describe the components of a simple circuit.
  5. Demonstrate basic safety precautions when dealing with electricity.




Embedded Core Skills:

  1. Communication skills: Listening, speaking, and reading.
  2. Critical thinking skills: Analyzing, comparing, and evaluating information.
  3. Problem-solving skills: Applying knowledge of electricity to practical situations.



Learning Materials:

  1. Whiteboard and markers
  2. Flashcards with vocabulary words related to electricity
  3. Diagrams of simple circuits
  4. Sample electrical appliances (battery, bulb, wire, switch, etc.)
  5. Safety posters or visuals



Words Associated with Electricity

  1. Electricity
  2. Current
  3. Circuit
  4. Wire
  5. Conductor
  6. Insulator
  7. Switch
  8. Bulb
  9. Battery
  10. Plug
  11. Outlet
  12. Fuse
  13. Generator
  14. Transformer
  15. Volt
  16. Ampere
  17. Resistance
  18. Power
  19. Electric shock
  20. Electrician

Feel free to ask if you have any questions about these words or if you’d like me to explain any of them in more detail!



  1. Electricity: ih-lek-TRIS-i-tee
  2. Current: KUR-uhnt
  3. Circuit: SUR-kit
  4. Wire: WYR
  5. Conductor: kuhn-DUK-tur
  6. Insulator: in-SUH-ley-ter
  7. Switch: swich
  8. Bulb: bUlb
  9. Battery: BAE-tuh-ree
  10. Plug: pluhg
  11. Outlet: out-let
  12. Fuse: fyooz
  13. Generator: JEN-uh-rey-ter
  14. Transformer: trans-FOR-mer
  15. Volt: vohlt
  16. Ampere: AM-peer
  17. Resistance: ri-ZIS-tuhns
  18. Power: PAU-er
  19. Electric shock: ih-LEK-trik shok
  20. Electrician: ih-lek-TRISH-uhn

Please note that these are general guidelines for pronunciation, and the actual pronunciation may vary depending on regional accents or dialects.



Dictionary meanings of words related to electricity:

  1. Electricity: A form of energy resulting from the presence and flow of electric charge.
  2. Current: The flow of electric charge through a conductor.
  3. Circuit: A closed path through which an electric current can flow.
  4. Wire: A thin, flexible thread or rod made of metal, used to carry electric current or transmit signals.
  5. Conductor: A material or device that allows electric current to flow through it easily.
  6. Insulator: A material that does not easily allow electric current to pass through it.
  7. Switch: A device used to open or close an electric circuit, controlling the flow of electricity.
  8. Bulb: A device that produces light when an electric current passes through it, typically containing a filament or gas.
  9. Battery: A device consisting of one or more electrochemical cells that store and release electrical energy.
  10. Plug: A device with pins that connects an electrical appliance to a power supply.
  11. Outlet: A point in a wall where an electrical device can be connected to a power supply.
  12. Fuse: A safety device that melts and breaks the circuit when the current exceeds a certain level, protecting against electrical damage or fire.
  13. Generator: A device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.
  14. Transformer: A device that transfers electrical energy between two or more circuits through electromagnetic induction.
  15. Volt: The unit of measurement for electrical potential difference.
  16. Ampere: The unit of measurement for electric current.
  17. Resistance: The measure of opposition to the flow of electric current through a material.
  18. Power: The rate at which work is done or energy is transferred, typically measured in watts.
  19. Electric shock: A sudden discharge of electricity through a person’s body, often causing pain or injury.
  20. Electrician: A person who specializes in installing, repairing, and maintaining electrical systems and equipment.

These definitions should help you understand the meaning of each word related to electricity



Words Used In Sentences

  1. Electricity: We use electricity to power our homes and devices.
  2. Current: The current flows through the wires and powers the light bulb.
  3. Circuit: The circuit must be complete for the electricity to flow.
  4. Wire: The wire conducts the electricity from the power source to the appliance.
  5. Conductor: Copper is a good conductor of electricity.
  6. Insulator: Rubber is commonly used as an insulator to protect against electric shocks.
  7. Switch: Please remember to turn off the switch when you’re not using the lights.
  8. Bulb: The light bulb illuminated the room.
  9. Battery: The remote control needs new batteries to work.
  10. Plug: Insert the plug into the socket to connect the appliance to the power source.
  11. Outlet: The power outlet is located near the desk for convenient charging.
  12. Fuse: The fuse blew when there was a power surge, protecting the appliances.
  13. Generator: The generator kicked in during the power outage and provided electricity.
  14. Transformer: The transformer stepped up the voltage for long-distance power transmission.
  15. Volt: The voltage of this battery is 1.5 volts.
  16. Ampere: The current flowing through the wire is measured in amperes.
  17. Resistance: The high resistance of this material prevents the flow of electricity.
  18. Power: Solar panels harness the power of the sun to generate electricity.
  19. Electric shock: Be careful when handling electrical wires to avoid electric shocks.
  20. Electrician: The electrician repaired the faulty wiring in our house


Lesson Plan Presentation: Introduction to Electricity



  1. Warm-up activity (5 minutes):
    • Display flashcards with vocabulary words related to electricity.
    • Ask students to guess the meanings of the words and explain what they think each word refers to.
  2. Introduction (5 minutes):
    • Define electricity and explain its importance in our daily lives.
    • Engage students in a discussion about how electricity is used at home, school, and in their communities.
    • Share real-life examples to emphasize the relevance of electricity.
  3. Vocabulary Building (10 minutes):
    • Present flashcards one by one, pronouncing each word and asking students to repeat after you.
    • Explain the meaning of each word and provide simple, relatable examples.
    • Engage students in using the words in sentences to reinforce their understanding
  4. Concept Explanation (10 minutes):
    • Introduce the basic components of a simple circuit (battery, wire, bulb, switch) using diagrams.
    • Discuss the roles of conductors and insulators in the flow of electricity.
    • Demonstrate how the components connect to form a complete circuit and how electricity flows.
  5. Teacher’s Activities (5 minutes):
    • Show students different electrical appliances and discuss their components and functions.
    • Explain safety precautions such as not touching bare wires, avoiding water near electricity, and using switches properly.
  6. Learners’ Activities (10 minutes):
    • Divide students into small groups and provide them with sample circuit components.
    • Instruct students to work together to assemble a simple circuit and observe the flow of electricity.
    • Encourage students to discuss and ask questions about their observations.
  7. Assessment:
    • Informal assessment will be ongoing throughout the lesson through questioning, class participation, and group activities
  8. Evaluation Questions:
    1. What is electricity?
    2. Name three examples of electrical appliances you use at home.
    3. Define the term “conductor” and give an example.
    4. What is the role of an insulator in a circuit?
    5. Describe the components of a simple circuit.
    6. How does electricity flow through a circuit?
    7. Why is it important to handle electricity safely?
    8. Give an example of a safety precaution when dealing with electricity.
    9. How does a switch control the flow of electricity in a circuit?
    10. Explain the difference between a conductor and an insulator
  9. Conclusion:
    • Summarize the key points discussed during the lesson.
    • Reinforce the importance of understanding and safely handling electricity.
    • Address any remaining questions or concerns from the students.
    • Assign a small follow-up activity or reading material related to electricity for further exploration

Note: This lesson plan presentation can be adapted and modified according to the specific needs and requirements of the classroom, including time constraints and available resources


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