Types of Computer Games Physical and Health Education











Types of Computer Games


Previous lesson: 

The pupils have previous knowledge of


that was taught as a topic in the previous lesson


Behavioural objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to

  • say the meaning of computer games
  • give examples of various types of computer games
  • explain the importance of computer games
  • point out the need to control or limit time spent on computer games


Instructional Materials:

  • Wall charts
  • Pictures
  • Related Online Video
  • Flash Cards



Methods of Teaching:

  • Class Discussion
  • Group Discussion
  • Asking Questions
  • Explanation
  • Role Modelling
  • Role Delegation


Reference Materials:

  • Scheme of Work
  • Online Information
  • Textbooks
  • Workbooks
  • 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum
  • Workbooks



Meaning of computer games

Computer games are electronic games played on a personal computer, mobile phone or video game console. They are often categorized as mind sports. The first commercial computer game, created in 1958, was a tic-tac-toe game for the IBM 704.Commercial gaming did not begin until the 1970s with the release of Space War and Computer Space by Atari. Early examples of strategy video games include Star Trek, Empire and Galactic Patrol. The history of computer games is often seen as beginning with Zork, published in 1976.

Types of Computer Games

Today, computer games are a global industry worth billions of dollars. They are played by people of all ages and from all cultures. Many games are designed

Computer games are classified into several genres. The most popular ones include:

First-person shooters (FPS): These games put the player in the shoes of the protagonist, who has to shoot enemies and complete missions. Examples of FPS games include Halo, Call of Duty, and Counter-Strike.

Third-person shooters (TPS): These games are similar to FPS games, but the player controls the character from a third-person perspective. Examples of TPS games include Gears of War and Tomb Raider.

Role-playing games (RPG): In these games, the player takes on the role of a character in a virtual world and goes on adventures. The objectives vary from game to game, but typically involve completing quests and defeating enemies. Examples of RPG games include World of Warcraft and The Elder Scrolls.

Simulation games: These games aim to simulate real-world situations. They can be anything from business simulations to city-building games. Examples of simulation games include The Sims, SimCity, and RollerCoaster Tycoon.

Strategy games: In these games, the player has to make decisions that will affect the outcome of the game. They can be real-time or turn-based. Examples of strategy games include Civilization, Warcraft, and StarCraft.


Benefits or Importance of Computer Games

1. Improves problem-solving skills:

Computer games help improve problem-solving skills by providing a fun and stimulating environment in which players have to think quickly and strategically to progress.

2. Develops planning and organizational skills:

Players have to plan their moves carefully and organize their thoughts in order to succeed

3. Teaches resourcefulness:

In many games, players have to be resourceful in order to make the most of limited resources. This can teach players how to be more efficient and effective in real-life situations.

4. Increases creativity:

Games that require players to build or create something often increase creativity as players have to come up with new and innovative solutions to problems.

5. Boosts memory and concentration:

Players need to remember intricate details and have excellent concentration in order to progress in games. This can lead to improved memory and concentration skills in real life.

6. strengthens social bonds:

Multiplayer games provide a great opportunity to socialize and bond with friends or family members. Playing games together can strengthen relationships and create lasting memories.

7. Sharpens reaction times:

Many computer games require quick reflexes and split-second decisions. This can help players develop faster reaction times in real-life situations.

8. Reduces stress:

Playing computer games can be a great way to relax and unwind after a long day. The distraction of the game can help reduce stress levels and promote feelings of relaxation.

9. Increases confidence:

As players overcome challenges and achieve goals in games, their self-confidence can increase. This can carry over into other areas of life, such as work or school.

10. Provides a sense of accomplishment:

Games that are well-designed and engaging can provide a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. Players who feel a sense of achievement in their game playing are more likely to be motivated in other areas of life.


The values of computer games are summarized as follows:

(i) Entertainment

(ii) Challenges

(iii) Educational purpose

(iv) Recreation

(v) Reduction of tension

(vi) For relaxation

Meaning of Computer Games:

  1. Computer games are electronic games played on a personal computer, mobile phone, or video game console. They are often categorized as _______ sports. a) Mind b) Physical c) Outdoor d) Solo
  2. The first commercial computer game, created in 1958, was a tic-tac-toe game for the __________. a) PlayStation b) IBM 704 c) Nintendo Switch d) Xbox Series X

Types of Computer Games:

  1. First-person shooters (FPS) games put the player in the shoes of the protagonist, who has to _______ enemies and complete missions. a) Bake b) Shoot c) Build d) Sing
  2. Role-playing games (RPG) involve the player taking on the role of a character in a virtual world and going on _______. a) Adventures b) Cooking c) Cleaning d) Gardening

Benefits or Importance of Computer Games:

  1. Computer games help improve problem-solving skills by providing a fun and stimulating environment in which players have to think quickly and _______ to progress. a) Carelessly b) Strategically c) Slowly d) Indifferently
  2. Players have to plan their moves carefully and organize their thoughts in order to succeed, which develops their _______ skills. a) Dancing b) Planning c) Reading d) Shopping
  3. In many games, players have to be resourceful in order to make the most of limited resources. This can teach players how to be more _______ in real-life situations. a) Efficient b) Bored c) Careless d) Forgetful
  4. Games that require players to build or create something often increase creativity as players have to come up with new and innovative solutions to _______. a) Problems b) Parties c) Vacations d) Snacks


Meaning of Computer Games:

  1. Computer games are electronic games played on various devices, including personal computers, mobile phones, and video game consoles.
  2. They are often categorized as mind sports and have a rich history dating back to the late 1950s.
  3. Early examples of computer games include tic-tac-toe and Space War.
  4. The history of computer games is often traced back to Zork, published in 1976.

Types of Computer Games:

  1. Computer games are a global industry worth billions of dollars, enjoyed by people of all ages and cultures.
  2. They are classified into various genres, with some of the most popular ones being first-person shooters, third-person shooters, role-playing games, simulation games, and strategy games.

Benefits or Importance of Computer Games:

  1. Playing computer games can improve problem-solving skills, encouraging quick thinking and strategic planning.
  2. These games help develop planning and organizational skills as players need to carefully plan their moves and thoughts.
  3. They teach resourcefulness by requiring players to make the most of limited resources.
  4. Computer games can boost creativity, memory, concentration, social bonds, confidence, and provide a sense of accomplishment, making them a valuable form of entertainment and skill development.

These key points highlight the significance of computer games in entertainment and personal development.



The topic is presented step by step


Step 1:

The class teacher revises the previous topics


Step 2.

He introduces the new topic


Step 3:

The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise



Meaning of Computer Games:

  1. Computer games are electronic games played on devices like personal computers, mobile phones, and video game consoles. They are often categorized as _______ sports. a) Mind b) Physical c) Competitive d) Extreme
  2. The first commercial computer game, created in 1958, was a tic-tac-toe game for the _______. a) PlayStation b) IBM 704 c) Nintendo Switch d) Xbox Series X

Types of Computer Games:

  1. Computer games are a global industry worth _______ of dollars and are enjoyed by people of all ages and cultures. a) Millions b) Billions c) Trillions d) Thousands
  2. Role-playing games (RPG) involve the player taking on the role of a character in a virtual world and going on _______. a) Adventures b) Picnics c) Vacations d) Meetings

Benefits or Importance of Computer Games:

  1. Computer games help improve problem-solving skills by providing a fun and stimulating environment in which players have to think quickly and _______ to progress. a) Carelessly b) Strategically c) Slowly d) Indifferently
  2. Players have to plan their moves carefully and organize their thoughts in order to _______. a) Succeed b) Fail c) Dance d) Sleep
  3. In many games, players have to be resourceful in order to make the most of limited resources, teaching them how to be more _______ in real-life situations. a) Efficient b) Lazy c) Clumsy d) Careless
  4. Games that require players to build or create something often increase _______ as players have to come up with new and innovative solutions to problems. a) Boredom b) Creativity c) Hunger d) Sickness


  1. What is folk dance?
  2. Mention three foreign dances?
  3. Mention one example each of Yoruba, Hausa and Igbo folk dance
  4. List five types of computer games.
  5. Enumerate five values of computer games.
  6. Define computer games.
  7. Mention five computer games that you know.
  8. Write out five benefits or Importance of Computer Games



The class teacher wraps up or concludes the lesson by giving out short notes to summarize the topic that he or she has just taught.

The class teacher also goes round to make sure that the notes are well copied or well written by the pupils.

He or she does the necessary corrections when and where the needs arise.




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