Meaning of population. Basic unit of population




(1) Meaning of population. Basic unit of population – Family,


(2) Factors in securing population growth.

(3) Population control.



Meaning of population. Basic unit of population – Family,

Community. The concept of fertility, mortality and nuptiality. Population growth factors.

Population is defined as a group of individuals living in a particular geographic area, usually sharing common characteristics such as language, culture, race, and religion. The term can also refer to the total number of people inhabiting a certain area.

The basic unit of population is the family. A family is a group of people related by blood, marriage, or adoption who live together and share common resources. A community is a group of families living in close proximity to each other.

Fertility is the ability of an individual or a population to reproduce. Mortality is the number of deaths in a given population. Nuptiality is the number of marriages in a given population.

Population growth is determined by the interplay of fertility, mortality, and nuptiality. If the birth rate is higher than the death rate, the population will grow. If the birth rate is lower than the death rate, the population will decline. If the birth rate and the death rate are equal, the population will remain stable.

There are several factors that can influence fertility, mortality, and nuptiality. These include economic conditions, social norms, cultural practices, and technological advances.

Some countries have policies in place to encourage or discourage population growth. For example, China has a one-child policy that limits couples to having only one child. This policy was implemented to help address the country’s growing population.

The concept of fertility, mortality and nuptiality are important when discussing population growth because they help to determine whether a population is growing or declining. Fertility is the number of births in a given population. Mortality is the number of deaths in a given population. Nuptiality is the number of marriages in a given population.

If the birth rate is higher than the death rate, the population will grow. If the birth rate is lower than the death rate, the population will decline. If the birth rate and the death rate are equal, the population will remain stable.

There are several factors that can influence fertility, mortality, and nuptiality. These include economic conditions, social norms, cultural practices, and technological advances.


Population can be defined as the total number of people living in a particular territory. This territory could be a village, town, city, local government area, state, country, region or the world at large.


The basic units of population are the family and community.

THE FAMILY: A family is defined as a group of people closely related by blood, marriage,       adoption or other forms of relationship people agree upon. It is the smallest unit of society. Through the family, children are added to society and thereby increase society’s population. There are two basic types of families namely:

  1. The nuclear family and
  2. The extended family.

THE NUCLEAR FAMILY: A nuclear family is made up of a man, his wife/wives and their children. It is also known as a simple or immediate family

 THE EXTENDED FAMILY: The extended family is made up of the nuclear family and the members of the families of the father and the mother. This type of family is very common in Africa.

  1. COMMUNITY: A community can be described as a group of people (or many groups of people) living together in an area. They share a common environment, resources, values and aspirations. Community can exist as a village, town, hamlet, city, country or continent.


  1. What is population?
  2. Mention the 2 basic units of population.
  3. Define the following: (i) Family (ii) Community.


Typically, the natural growth of a population depends on the number of birth and death. Other factors can also contribute to securing population growth of a territory. We shall consider six of these factors namely:

  1. Advance technology
  2. Economic factors
  3. Presence of social amenities and infrastructure
  4. Favorable climate and physical condition

ADVANCE TECHNOLOGY: On the one hand, when there is technological advancement, better working materials are produced for farmers and artisans. This will make people to migrate to such places.

ECONOMIC FACTORS: Economics factors such as employment opportunities, fertile soil and presence of solid mineral naturally increases population growth as people in quest of greener pasture find their ways to such economic potent area leaving the unproductive areas deserted.

FAVOURABLE CLIMATE AND PHYSICAL CONDITION: There will be population growth in places where the environment and the climatic condition is conducive and habitable for people.

SECURITY: A place where people cannot sleep with their two eyes closed will hardly be populated but where there is security of life and property, people tend to increase in such areas.

PRESENCE OF SOCIAL AMENITIES AND INFRASTRUCTURE: Good medical care facilities, pipe borne water, schools, electricity, good roads and other social amenities are inviting factors to an area.


Mention 5 factors in securing population growth and explain any 2 of the five mentioned.



When the factors that influence population size are not checked, the population will grow beyond society’s available resources. Therefore, to control it however, these measures should be taken.

  1. FAMILY PLANNING/ BIRTH CONTROL: There are many families planning measures that are designed to control population growth. Examples, child spacing, abstaining from sexual intercourse, the use of contraceptives to prevent pregnancy, using condom when having sexual relationship etc.
  2. EDUCATION: Education brings enlightenment. People are able to understand the consequences of overpopulation when they are educated.
  3. GOVERNMENT LEGISLATION: Government should make laws preventing people from having more than a particular number of children.
  4. Discouraging early marriage and encouraging monogamy.
  5. Provision of basic amenities in rural areas.
  6. LATE MARRIAGE: There should be fixed law that will make people to marry at the age when there will be less chance of giving birth to many children.


Mention 5 measures of controlling the population rate of a country, and explain briefly 2 of the measures you have mentioned


1. What is population control?

2. What are some methods of population control?

3. Why is population control necessary?

4. What are the benefits of population control?

5. What are the drawbacks of population control?

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