SUBJECT: ENGLISH STUDIES



WEEK           TOPIC


  1. Speech Work–Long and Short Vowel Contrasts /i: – i/; /a: – æ/ and /ɔ: – ɒ/. (NOSEC, page 1)Vocabulary Development: Adjectives of Colour and Sound (NOSEC,page 4); ReadingComprehension:‘The More You Look’ (NOSEC, pages 8 – 10); Structure: Prepositions(NOSEC, page 104);Composition:Narrative Essay(Writing an outline of an Essay) ‘The Happiest Day of My Life’; Literature: Elements of Fiction and Non-fiction (Character, mood, style, plot, etc).


  1. Speech WorkComprehension: Long and Short Vowel Contrasts: /u: – Ʊ; Ʒ: – L – Ə – e – ɒ – ɔ:/ (NOSEC, page 11)Vocabulary Development Adjectives of Smell, Taste, Shape (NOSEC, page 16) e.g. aromatic acrid, etc); ReadingComprehension: ‘Cooperation’(NOSEC, page 18)Structure:Expressing/describing Emotions (verbs + preposition; V + to – infiniteg. I want to shout, verb + that clause e.g. we are surprised that you came); Composition:Descriptive Essay (Developing your paragraphs) “My School Compound”; Literature: RevisingElements of prose (Use the recommended text)


  1. Speech WorkDiphthongs /ei/; /ai/; /ɔi/; /ƏƱ/(NOSEC, page 22); Vocabulary DevelopmentAntonyms (Words nearly opposite inmeaning);ReadingComprehension:‘The Fruit of Perseverance’(NOSEC, page 29);Structure – Describing Emotions (Liking, Disliking and Preferringverb + to infinitive(e.g. she loves to sing);would prefer + to infinitive(e.g. I would prefer to sing rather than dance, prefer; to e.g. she prefers bikes to cars (NOSEC, pages 91 – 92);Composition:Formal Letter Writing (Introduction, Essential Tips and Difference between Formal and Informal); Literature: RevisingElements of prose (use the recommended text)


  1. Speech WorkContrast Consonants: /aƱ/; /ƏƱ/; /iƏ/; /eƏ/ and /ƱƏ/(NOSEC, page 32)Vocabulary Development: Antonyms(Exercise: Antonyms 2 (NOSEC, pages 37 – 38); ReadingComprehension:‘The Making of New Millionaires’(NOSEC, pages 40 – 42);Structure – Expressing Willingness/Unwillingness (using modal verb + adverbialsg. I will come if I’m invited, she will not come if she’s not invited);Composition: Formal Letter (Guided writing)“A Letter to the Local Government Chairman asking him to tar the road to your school”; Literature:  Revising Elements of Poetry (use recommended poem).


  1. Speech Work: Diphthongs and Monophthong in Contrast(NOSEC page 44); Vocabulary Development:Antonyms (Exercise NOSEC, pages 44 – 45); ReadingComprehension:‘This is Lagos’(NOSEC, 48 – 50); English Structure: Expressing Intension and Permission(using intend, aim + to infinitive; can, could, may, might, mindg. (intension) I intend to go home, we aim to reach our goal;( permission)e.g. Could you please help me?, Would you mind my coming along? NOSEC, pages 33 – 34);Composition – Descriptive Essay (Guided writing) ‘Traveling By Air’;Literature:RevisingPoetry(use recommended text).


  1. Speech Work Consonants Contrasts/s – z/;/d – ð/; /ʃ – s/; /f – v/; (NOSEC, page 58Structure: Order of Adjectives. ReadingComprehension:Reading for Critical Evaluation‘Real Facts and Imagined facts’(NOSEC, pages 65 – 67);English Structure: Direct and Indirect Speech(NOSEC, pages 24 – 26); Composition: A Semi-Formal Letter (Guided writing)Write to your class teacher on your absence from school; Literature:Revising Poetry (use recommended   poem).




  1. Speech Work – Consonant Contrast /p – f/; /Ʒ – ʃ/; /t – q/; /l – r/; /s – q/; /ʃ – ʧ/ (NOSEC, 68);Vocabulary Development: Prefixes and Suffixes(NOSEC, pages 61 – 62, 72, 81, 96);ReadingComprehension:It’s so Unfair’(NOSEC, pages 75 – 77);English Structure: Expressing Obligation and Necessity (using: must, have to, need, ought to etc e.g. I ought to have done my assignment. I need to go now (NOSEC, pages 59 – 60); Composition: Debate (Oral)“Corruption is worse than armed robbery”, Literature: Revising Drama (use recommended text).


  1. Speech Work: Intonation Patterns(Statements, Questions and Command (NOSEC, pages 78, 90); Vocabulary Development: WordsExpressing ‘Value’ and ‘Moral Value’ (NOSEC, page 105) ReadingComprehension: ‘Character Assassination as a Political Weapon’ (NOSEC, pages 86 – 89);English Structure – Expressing Probability and Possibility (using may, can, might, could e.g. she couldn’t have left like that, they may not travel again (NOSEC, pages 69 – 70);Composition: Letter Writing: Informal Letter (Guided writing): “A letter to my best friend on my plans for this academic session”.Literature: Revising Drama (use recommended text).



  1. Speech Work/h/ (where h is voiced e.g. house, help, hen, etc. Voiceless – hour, honor, hones, etc); Vocabulary Development: Prefixes(Word Building using Antonyms(e.g inform – misinform, engage – disengage, manage – mismanage, etc); ReadingComprehension:‘Before you Build your House’ (NOSEC, pages 101 – 102);Structure: Expressing Ability (using can, be able, to be capable ofg. (a) she can do the job, (b) I am able to jump three meters, (c) they are capable of representing the school);Composition:Descriptive (Guided writing) ‘My Best friend’,Literature: Revising Drama (use recommended text).



  1. Examination


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