New Lagos State Unified Scheme of Work Civic Education Nursery 1 Nursery 2 Kindergarten

Civic Education Early Childhood Care Education Schemes of Work

Civic Education deals with how we interact with each other and communicate.

It teaches us expression and control of emotions such as love, kindness, positive vibes, feelings, self control, discipline, accepting others, tolerance, obedience, willingness to learn and change, love, dispute resolution, conflict management, and cultural practices with community values like respect, greetings, tolerance and community support.


Achievement Standards Nursery 1 Nursery 2 Kindergarten Civic Education



Early Childhood Care Education Schemes of Work Civic Education kindergarten Age 5 Third Term



Early Childhood Care Education Schemes of Work Civic Education kindergarten Age 5 Second Term



Early Childhood Care Education Schemes of Work Civic Education kindergarten Age 5 First Term



Early Childhood Care Education Schemes of Work Civic Education Nursery 2 Age 4 Third Term



Early Childhood Care Education Schemes of Work Civic Education Nursery 2 Age 4 Second Term



Early Childhood Care Education Schemes of Work Civic Education Nursery 2 Age 4 First Term



Early Childhood Care Education Schemes of Work Civic Education Nursery 1 Age 3 Third Term



Early Childhood Care Education Schemes of Work Civic Education Nursery 1 Second Term



Early Childhood Care Education Schemes of Work Civic Education Nursery 1 Age 3 First Term

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