Primary 5 Third Term Examination Agricultural Science


Choose the correct answer from the options.

1. All these are examples of crops except ____________

[a] venison [b] cereals [c] legumes

2. Which of these is a procedure for raising farm crops ?

[a] land clearing [b] tilling / slumping [c] harvesting

3. Classification of farm animals based on mode of feeding are all these except

[a] ruminants [b] non – ruminants [c] domestic

4. ______________ is not an agent of soil formation

[a] rain [b] cloud [c] plants

5. _____________ is a substance for destroying pest especially insects

[a] gun [b] pesticide [c] lemon water

6. ___________ are living organisms that destroy crop plant

[a] farm tools [b] pests [c] ghost

7. Young animals need all these to grow well except _____________

[a] balanced food [b] dirty water [c] adequate medication

8. There are ______________ processes of soil formation

[a] 3 [b] 5 [c] 6

9. Dicotyledonous plants have ______________ seed.

[a] 1 [b] 2 [c] 3

10. Monocotyledonous plants have ______________ seed.

[a] 1 [b] 3 [c]

11. ______________ is not a way of caring for school farm crops

[a] weeching [b] watering [c] burning

12. Which of these is not vegetable

[a] beans [b] okro [c] water leaf

13. Animals on a farm, kept for use or profit are called ……………..

[a] husbandry [b] live stock [c] laughing stock

14. Legumes are ……………….

[a] protein rich grains [b] vitamin rich grains [c] sugar rich grains

15. Which of these is an example of monocots

[a] maize [b] beans [c] grass


Attempt all questions in this section

1. Define Pest and diseases

b. List five different categories of pest.

2. List 3 generally requirement for livestock.

3. State 3 effect of dirty environment and starvation

b. Plants diseases can be caused by ______________ and ______________

4. Name 5 food for animal.

b. States four uses of farm animals.

5. Draw cutlass, hoe, and wheel barrow.



Primary 5 Third Term Examination Social Studies



Primary 5 Third Term Examination Basic Science



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