2nd Term Exams Primary 3 Basic Science






1. Soil is very important to plants and animals. (a) True (b) False


2. We must wash our bodies always (a) Yes (b) No (c) Not always


3. We smell with our _____________


4. Living thing can breathe in and breathe out air.

(a) True (b) False (c) Not always


5. Living things breathe in _____________

(a) Hydrogen (b) Oxygen (c) Carbon Dioxide


6. _______________ is a living thing (a) Stone (b) Crab (c) House


7._________ is air in motion (a) Wind (b) animals (c) chicken


8.Dirty water can make us grow very well.

(a) true (b) false (c) Not always


9.Drinking bad water can cause stomach _____________

(a) good (b) diet (c) problems


10.Clean water must be _____________

(a) odourless (b) tasty (c) dirty


11.Air helps in cooling our bodies (a) true (b) false (c) Not always


12.___________ cools and blows us while sweating

(a) water (b) wind (c) salt


13.____________ are carried from one place to another.

(a) germs (b) water (c) paint


14.Poisonous substances enter the body through dirty water.

(a) yes (b) no (c) Not always


15.__________ is a diseases (a) coconut (b) carbohydrate (c) dysentery


16.___________ is used for smelling (a) mouth (b) nose (c) eyes


17.We must always ___________ our hands before eating

(a) teeth (b) eyes (c) wash


18.___________ is used for tasting (a) hand (b) tongue (c) mouth


19.How many sense organ do we have? (a) 5 (b) 10 (c) 15


20.Regular exercise makes us to breathe well.

(a) true (b) false (c) Not always


Section B

1. What is soil? ________________________________________________________


2. Mention 3 types of soil

(a) ______________________________ (b) _________________________________

(c) ______________________________


3. List four sources of water

(a) ______________________________ (b) _________________________________

(c) ______________________________ (d) _________________________________


4. List 2 qualities of good water

(a) ______________________________ (b) _________________________________


5.Identify 2 importance of air or wind

(a) ______________________________ (b) _________________________________


6. Mention three types of diseases

(a) ______________________________ (b) _________________________________

(c) ______________________________



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