Subject :
Term :
Class :
Topic :
Previous lesson:
The pupils have previous knowledge of
that was taught as a topic in the previous lesson
Behavioural objectives :
At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to
- Define deforestation
- Explain the causes of depletion of wild life through bush burning, hunting , farming activities
- Explain Poaching (illegal hunting of animals and lumbering activities)
- Say the effects of Bush burning on forest
- Industrialization and mining
Instructional Materials:
- Wall charts
- Pictures
- Related Online Video
- Flash Cards
Methods of Teaching:
- Class Discussion
- Group Discussion
- Asking Questions
- Explanation
- Role Modelling
- Role Delegation
Reference Materials:
- Scheme of Work
- Online Information
- Textbooks
- Workbooks
- 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum
- Workbooks
Content :
The following human activities in the environment affect the forest.
- Deforestation
- Depletion of wild life through bush
- burning, hunting , farming activities
- Poaching (illegal hunting of animals and lumbering activities)
- Bush burning
- Industrialization and mining
DEFORESTATION: It involves the cutting down of forest trees without replacement. . This often leads to soil erosion and scarcity of forest products. Other effects include destruction of soil structure, wild life is denied of their habitat, reduces wild life population, valuable trees are destroyed, reduces the amount of rain fall in an area.
DEPLETION OF WILD LIFE: Activities like bush burning,hunting,and farming contribute to the depletion of both plants and animals that are very important in the forest.
POACHING: Many people engage in illegal hunting of animals felling of forest tree without taking permission or license from the government.
BUSH BURNING: The setting of fire in forest areas during dry season affects both plant and animas resources. Many good species of plants and animals are destroyed.
INDUSTRIALIZATION AND MINING: Many plants and animal species are wiped out of the forest as a result of clearing forest land for industry and mining activities.
- Forest provides timber trees.
- It is a source of wild animals used for meat.
- Provides income to people through hunting, felling of timber and sales of other products.
- It protects the soil against erosion
- It is a source of wild fruits, nuts, and flowers.
- It is a source of fuel e.g. fire wood
- It is a source of medicinal herbs
- It is a source of fibre and ropes
- It provides employment for people such as the forest guards
- It is a source of revenue to the government
- Forest reserve can serve as a tourist attraction.
- It is a home for wild animals
- Forest trees serves as wind breaks
- It reduces atmospheric pollution.
FOREST MANAGEMENT: The following forest management practices are undertaken so as to ensure the maintenance of the forest.
a. Regeneration: It involves replacing the old forest trees with new ones.
b. Reforestation: It is the organized planting of trees in an area to create a forest in a place that has been deforested
c. Afforestation: It means establishing forest in areas where there has never been any .
d. Deforestation: It is the destruction of forest. It may or may not be deliberate.
e. Forest Reserve: It is a piece of land set apart for preservation of trees and animals.
f. Taungya system: It involves the integration of crop farming with forest trees like Obeche or Mahogany. Both the farmers and the government derived benefits from this practice
The topic is presented step by step
Step 1:
The class teacher revises the previous topics
Step 2.
He introduces the new topic
Step 3:
The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise
Objective Test:
1. Deforestation means the a. harvesting of crops, b. cutting down of forest trees, c. replanting of trees, d. growing of forest seedlings.
2. Poaching refers to a. indiscriminate cutting down of forest trees, b. illegal hunting of forest animals, c. harvesting of forest products, d. clearing of the forest vegetation.
3. Which of these activities does not contribute to the depletion of both plants and animals in the forest? a. bush burning, b.hunting, c. farming in the forest d. reseeding
4. Bush burning a. enables the forest to develop new species of plants, b. destroy both plants and animals in the forest, c. prevents people from entering into the forest.
5. Which of the following is not a forest animal?
b. (Phacopithecusaethiopicus)
c. Homosapien
d.Snail (Archachatinamorgunata)
6. Forest is a source of wild animals used a.for game, b. for research, c. for meat, d. sport
7. Which of these is not a product from the forest? a.wild fruits, b. wild leaves, c. nuts, d. flowers.
8. Forest trees serves as a. an obstacles, b. flowers, c. wind breaks, d. shrubs
9. Deforestation is the …….. a. clearing of land , b. planting of new tree seedlings c. destruction of forest, d. cutting down of trees.
10. The integration of crop farming with forest trees is term a. afforestation, b. deforestation, c. taungya farming, d. forest reserve.
Essay Test:
1. Define forest
2. Name 5 forest trees and 5 forest animals
3. State 4 effects of forest on the environment
4. Explain how the following affect forest.
i. Poaching and depletion of wildlife
5. Write 6 importance of forest
6. Explain afforestation and deforestation
The class teacher wraps up or concludes the lesson by giving out short notes to summarize the topic that he or she has just taught.
The class teacher also goes round to make sure that the notes are well copied or well written by the pupils.
He or she does the necessary corrections when and where the needs arise.
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