Mid Term Test Civic Education Primary 6 Second Term Lesson Notes
Table of Contents
Instruction: Answer all the questions. Write your answers clearly.
Part A: Objective Questions (Multiple-Choice Questions)
- Forgiveness means ______.
a. Holding grudges
b. Letting go of anger
c. Fighting back
d. Avoiding apologies
Answer: b - One way to promote peace is through ______.
a. Fighting
b. Tolerance
c. Revenge
d. Hatred
Answer: b - Which of these is NOT an attribute of cooperation?
a. Selfishness
b. Willingness to assist
c. Teamwork
d. Shared responsibility
Answer: a - Tolerance is the ability to ______.
a. Ignore people’s mistakes
b. Respect and accept differences
c. Start arguments
d. Avoid responsibility
Answer: b - Forgiveness helps to promote ______.
a. Hatred
b. Unity
c. Anger
d. Conflict
Answer: b - Cooperation in a group means ______.
a. Working together to achieve a goal
b. Doing everything alone
c. Refusing to help others
d. Complaining about tasks
Answer: a - Which of these is an example of tolerance?
a. Respecting others’ religions
b. Avoiding teamwork
c. Refusing to listen to others
d. Ignoring apologies
Answer: a - Shared responsibility means ______.
a. Completing tasks alone
b. Sharing tasks among people
c. Avoiding work
d. Leaving the work for one person
Answer: b - Which of these promotes national unity?
a. Forgiveness
b. Revenge
c. Anger
d. Division
Answer: a - A key attribute of forgiveness is ______.
a. Patience
b. Anger
c. Hatred
d. Selfishness
Answer: a - Respecting other people’s views shows ______.
a. Tolerance
b. Forgiveness
c. Anger
d. Fighting
Answer: a - When you forgive someone, you are promoting ______.
a. Disunity
b. Harmony
c. Conflict
d. Hatred
Answer: b - Cooperation requires ______.
a. Teamwork
b. Laziness
c. Self-centeredness
d. Complaining
Answer: a - An attribute of tolerance is ______.
a. Patience
b. Jealousy
c. Anger
d. Revenge
Answer: a - Forgiveness requires ______.
a. Compassion
b. Anger
c. Hatred
d. Revenge
Answer: a - Tolerance promotes ______ in the classroom.
a. Fights
b. Understanding
c. Bullying
d. Anger
Answer: b - Which of these is NOT part of cooperation?
a. Selfishness
b. Teamwork
c. Shared goals
d. Helping others
Answer: a - A forgiving person is ______.
a. Peaceful
b. Angry
c. Selfish
d. Jealous
Answer: a - One way to show tolerance is to ______.
a. Accept others’ ideas
b. Insult others’ cultures
c. Start arguments
d. Disrespect others
Answer: a - Cooperation helps to achieve ______.
a. Common goals
b. Conflicts
c. Selfish aims
d. Hatred
Answer: a
Part B: Theory Questions (Short Answer)
- Define forgiveness.
- Mention three attributes of tolerance.
- What does shared responsibility mean?
- Explain the meaning of cooperation.
- Give two examples of forgiveness in the school.
- Why is tolerance important in a community?
- State two benefits of cooperation in a group.
- Mention two ways to show forgiveness at home.
- List three ways tolerance can promote peace in Nigeria.
- What does it mean to show compassion when forgiving someone?
- How does forgiveness promote national unity?
- What is the importance of patience in cooperation?
- Mention three ways to promote teamwork in the classroom.
- Define tolerance.
- List two reasons why cooperation is important in society.
- Give an example of shared responsibility at school.
- Why is respect important in showing tolerance?
- How does forgiveness help to restore relationships?
- What does it mean to reconcile with someone?
- Mention two effects of lack of cooperation in a group.
Part C: True or False Questions
- Forgiveness means holding grudges. (False)
- Tolerance helps to promote peace in schools. (True)
- Cooperation requires everyone to work together. (True)
- Anger is an attribute of forgiveness. (False)
- Patience is important in showing tolerance. (True)
- National unity is promoted through cooperation. (True)
- Revenge is an attribute of forgiveness. (False)
- Forgiveness helps to restore broken relationships. (True)
- Tolerance requires ignoring others’ opinions. (False)
- Helping others is a sign of cooperation. (True)
- Tolerance promotes hatred in society. (False)
- Shared responsibility means doing all the work alone. (False)
- Forgiveness encourages unity among people. (True)
- Respect is a part of tolerance. (True)
- Teamwork is not important in cooperation. (False)
- Forgiveness creates harmony in families. (True)
- Anger promotes peace and unity. (False)
- A tolerant person listens to others’ opinions. (True)
- Selfishness promotes cooperation in groups. (False)
- Forgiveness is necessary for national unity. (True)
Part D: Fill-in-the-Gap Questions
- Forgiveness means letting go of ______ and ______.
- ______ is the ability to respect and accept differences.
- One way to show tolerance is by ______ others’ ideas.
- Cooperation promotes ______ in society.
- An attribute of forgiveness is ______.
- Shared responsibility involves ______ tasks among people.
- ______ is necessary for promoting peace in the classroom.
- Forgiveness restores ______ between people.
- National unity is achieved through ______ and understanding.
- Respecting other cultures is a way to show ______.
- Tolerance helps to ______ conflicts in a community.
- Compassion is an attribute of ______.
- A tolerant person avoids ______ and arguments.
- Cooperation requires people to work ______ to achieve a goal.
- Forgiveness is important in ______ relationships.
- Helping others willingly shows ______.
- Reconciliation means ______ relationships after conflicts.
- Anger and hatred destroy ______ in a group.
- Cooperation builds ______ among team members.
- Patience and understanding promote ______ in society.
Teacher’s Note: This mid-term assessment is designed to test pupils’ understanding of key topics covered so far. Ensure pupils answer all sections carefully. Review answers with them after marking to provide feedback.