JSS 3 English Language Mock Examination: 2nd Term English Grammar Examination Session
(Answer one question only from this section. All questions carry equal marks. Your answer should not be less than 350 words)
- You are the chief speaker in a debate on the topic. Education is not as important as riches. Write your argument for or against the topic.
- Write a story ending with the statement; Indeed, it was the biggest mistake of my life.
- Write a letter to your friend in another school and discuss extensively, how you have been preparing for the forthcoming inter house sports competition.
Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appropriate of the options lettered.
Hands, if not kept clean, can be a source of ill-health. The hands come into direct contact with food and everything we touch. It is very important to wash them after using the toilet, before eating, before handling food and whenever they are dirty.
The habit of nail-biting is not right as it can introduce germs into the body. The process by which the hands are softened, fingernails are trimmed, cleaned and sometimes, varnished is called manicure. A manicure can be done on your hands and fingernails by you at home. Professional manicure can also be obtained at the beauty shop at a price.
Painting or varnishing of fingernails is an old art of grooming. In some parts of the country, locally available dyes are applied to the nails and hands to give colour and beautify them. The modern approach is the use of commercially available nail varnish which comes in an array of colours. Nail varnishes should be chosen carefully. Avoid colours that are vulgar or loud. When too bright or too dull colours are used, the fingernails appear repulsive and are uncomplimentary to you. Fingernails can also be well groomed without being painted.
Some habits to cultivate in caring for your hands are; wash your hands before a meal, before handling food or cooking, after using the toilet and whenever they are dirty. Do not bite your nails. Nail-biting results in bad nails and often causes stomach ache.
- Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
(a) dirty fingernails can introduce germs into the body (b) Habit of nail-biting is hygienic (c) Nail-biting causes stomach ache (d) Unclean hands can be the source of ill-health (e) Wash your hands before handling food.
- According to the writer, the process by which they hands are softened, fingernails are trimmed, cleaned and varnished is called
(a) decoration (b) furnishing (c) grooming (d) manicure (e) painting
- The experts feel one controls germs by
(a) filing fingernails (b) choosing varnishes carefully (c) eating a balanced diet (d) painting fingernails (e) washing hands after the toilet.
- From the passage, it can be said that the writer is a
(a) lawyer (b) doctor (c) painter (d) preacher (e) teacher
- A word that can replace “cultivate” as used in the passage is
(a) develop (b) learn (c) manipulate (d) imitate (e) study
My father could stand anything from his children but the only thing he wouldn’t stand was having his children go out at night to join other naughty children in their moonlight play. He, therefore, made sure that the door was locked and that we went down on our sleeping mats in our room as early as possible. On many occasions, we would lie on our mat and listen to the joyful noise and songs of other children. We would see our father as the most wicked man in the village, which was our world. After some time, however, we had come to accept this way of life without complaint. But then, two cousins, who recently lost their father, came to live with us. They had been brought up differently and were not used to being kept indoors while other boys were playing outside. They grew restless as the days passed and began to think of a way out. Soon they worked out a plan. They knew that my father usually went to sleep in the front room of the house after checking that we were locked in. Their plan, my cousins included me. It was that one of us would be left behind each night so as to lock the gate and the door of our room after the two who had gone out to play came back. The gate locked and the moment we were safe inside. We could do this rotation. My father would find both the door and
I did not take kindly to this plan. However, after a lot of argument, I agreed to stay in every night and see to the locking and opening of the doors. My cousins were delighted, and this plan worked for many weeks.
According to the passage, the children could do anything, EXCEPT
(a) go out at night to play (b) listen to other children play (c) lock the door (d) sleep on their mats (e) wake up very early
- The children perceived their father as the most
(a) acceptable (b) caring (c) playful (d) selfish (e) wicked
- Another word that can be used to replace “sneaked” in the passage is
(a) crept (b) moved (c) ran (d) tread (e) walked
- In order for the children to go out at night, they
(a) grew restless (b) locked up their room (c) slept in the front room (d) went to sleep (e) worked out a plan.
- Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage
(a) His cousins were delighted with the plan (b) the plan was successful (c) the writer stayed in every night (d) the writer was not comfortable with the plan (e) the writer went out to play.
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VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT (Complete each of the following questions with the most appropriate of the options lettered A-E (Nos. 11-25))
- The toothache was so severe that he went to see a
(a) chemist (b) dentist (c) doctor (d) pharmacist (e) surgeon
- Could you please give me the to reprint my pictures?
(a) cameras (b) negatives (c) originals (d) positives (e) tripods
- The President and of the armed forces is here to commission the project.
(a) Attorney General (b) Commander in Chief (c) Comptroller (d) Director General (e) General
- The nurse needed alan to examine the patient’s temperature.
(a) apparatus (b) microscope (c) stereoscope (d) stethoscope (e) thermometer
- The cheque was not credited by the bank.
(a) debited (b) honoured (c) opened (d) signed (e) verified
- In a democratic government, citizens their leaders.
(a) appoint (b) choose (c) elect (d) nominate (e) select
- The judge refrained the landlord from the tenant.
(a) attacking (b) ejecting (c) dismissing (d) expelling (e) punishing
- He intends to the antivirus software in his system.
(a) file (b) recycle (c) refresh (d) reload (e) update
- After many years of courtship, Mary and John finally got.
(a) acquainted (b) betrothed (c) divorced (d) engaged (e) married
- The raw product was for final consumption.
(a) displayed (b) manufactured (c) packaged (d) refined (e) reproduced
- The pronounced the accused guilty.
(a) clerk (b) judge (c) lawyer (d) prosecutor (e) registrar
- I was not expecting a treatment.
(a) red (b) brown (c) pink (d) purple (e) blue
- “To be able to use your legs again will be needed,” said the doctor.
(a) check-ups (b) consultant (c) diet (d) medication (e) therapy
- The skin is for feeling as the tongue is for.
(a) breathing (b) hearing (c) tasting (d) seeing (e) smelling
- The criminal was arrested and before taken to the police station.
(a) chained (b) detained (c) handcuffed (d) interrogated (e) surrounded
Complete each of the following questions with the most appropriate of the options lettered A-E (Nos. 26-30)
- Miss Hako looks forward to Europe next summer.
(a) had visited (b) has visited (c) have visited (d) visited (e) visiting
- Bimbo is good basketball while her sister plays volleyball very well.
(a) by (b) for (c) in (d) on (e) with
- Big tropical trees were planted on side of the road.
(a) any (b) both (c) each (d) neither (e) such
- They have eggs than my do.
(a) fewer (b) least (c) less (d) little (e) much
- School resumes tomorrow, we need to get things in town.
(a) a few (b) a little (c) few (d) little (e) much
Exploring Fundamental Concepts in Science: Understanding Planetary Science, Energy, and More
Choose from the options lettered A-E, the one that contains the given phonetic symbol (Nos. 31-45).
- /au/
(a) bow (b) door (c) fort (d) house (e) law
- /g/
(a) bring (b) game (c) gentle (d) light (e) rough
- /s/
(a) bird (b) chest (c) cream (d) sled (e) run
- /i/
(a) birth (b) girl (c) kit (d) leg (e) sit
- /e/
(a) chain (b) cheerful (c) lamb (d) mobile (e) womb
- /tʃ/
(a) church (b) father (c) language (d) match (e) pleasure
- /u/
(a) boot (b) flood (c) floor (d) mood (e) shut
- /bl/
(a) ache (b) blot (c) dumb (d) gentle (e) shut
- /ɪ/
(a) bind (b) bed (c) couple (d) drain (e) plastic
- /əʊ/
(a) boil (b) colic (c) jungle (d) knee (e) knowledge
- /ɜː/
(a) birth (b) guess (c) peculiar (d) sector (e) wheat
- /eɪ/
(a) biometric (b) cart (c) divorce (d) hawk (e) punish
- /ð/
(a) church (b) language (c) match (d) then (e) thing
- /ɪ/
(a) address (b) fish (c) house (d) sit (e) was
- /ɒ/
(a) fox (b) mop (c) pop (d) shot (e) sock
- A literary work that tells us a story through action is
(a) poetry (b) drama (c) prose (d) comedy
- A writer of novel is called a(n)
(a) Novelist (b) actress (c) poet (d) playwright
- The arrangement of events in a literary work is
(a) plot (b) setting (c) style (d) form
- The figure of speech where sounds suggest the message is
(a) rhyme (b) antonomasia (c) onomatopoeia (d) rhythm
- The central idea in a particular story is called
(a) theme (b) setting (c) plot (d) style
- The book, “Dilemma of a Currency” was written by
(a) Kunle Dagunro (b) Olusola Fadiya (c) Adenike Akinjobi (d) Julie Omelke
- Chief and Mrs. Ebenezer Osahor were respected indigenes of
(a) Edo State (b) Oyo State (c) Rivers State (d) Lagos State
- The book “IVE” was written by who?
(a) Ngozi Chima (b) Adenike Akinjobije (c) Julie Omelke (d) Olusola Fadiya
- “Rags to Riches” is a story written in
(a) stanzas (b) prose (c) drama (d) lines
- What type of poem is “DEATH”?
(a) didactic (b) narrative (c) dramatic (d) ballad
- The figure of speech in which non-human objects are given the attributes of human is called
(a) metaphor (b) irony (c) hyperbole (d) personification
- The repetition of initial consonant sound in a poem is called
(a) Alliteration (b) repetition (c) Assonance (d) paradox
- “Moonlight” is a poem.
(a) descriptive (b) narrative (c) didactic (d) sonnet
- A mirror is a piece of glass that reflects
(a) images (b) character behavior (c) attributes (d) light
- In the poem, “THE NATION’S PARADOX,” correct the state of
(a) Nigeria (b) Algeria (c) Jos (d) Egypt
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