Safety Rules in Swimming Primary 1 Physical and Health Education

Subject: Physical and Health Education
Class: Primary 1
Term: Second Term
Week: 8
Topic: Safety Rules in Swimming

Duration: 40 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Students should have basic knowledge of water-related activities and a general understanding of safety rules.

Key Words: Swimming, Safety Rules, Water, Lifeguard, Float

Behavioural Objectives:

  1. Students will identify essential safety rules when swimming.
  2. Students will understand the importance of following safety guidelines in and around water.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Cognitive Skills: Identifying and understanding safety rules.
  • Psychomotor Skills: Demonstrating basic swimming movements.
  • Affective Skills: Appreciating the significance of water safety.

Learning Materials:

  • Illustrations of safety signs and symbols.
  • Life jackets and floatation devices.
  • Visual aids depicting swimming positions.
  • Colored cards for interactive activities.


Safety Rules in Swimming 🏊‍♂️🚦

  1. Always Swim with an Adult:
    • 🧑‍🦰👀 Never swim alone. Have an adult watch over you.
  2. Wear a Life Jacket:
    • 🧥🌊 Use a life jacket for extra safety, especially if you’re still learning.
  3. Stay in Shallow Water:
    • 🚷🌊 Stick to areas where you can touch the bottom easily.
  4. Listen to Lifeguards:
    • 👂👮 Follow instructions from lifeguards or adults in charge.
  5. No Running by the Pool:
    • 🏃‍♂️❌ Avoid running to prevent slips and falls.
  6. Learn to Float:
    • 🤿⭐ Practice floating on your back. It’s a useful skill.
  7. Don’t Dive in Shallow Water:
    • 🚫🤿 Never dive where the water is shallow to avoid injuries.
  8. Check Water Depth:
    • 📏🌊 Always know how deep the water is before swimming.
  9. No Pushing or Rough Play:
    • 🙅‍♂️🤿 Play gently to avoid accidents with others.
  10. Rest When Tired:
    • 🛌😅 Take breaks and rest if you feel tired.

Remember these rules for a safe and enjoyable swim! 🌈🏖️


  1. Always swim with an __________.
    • a) Toy
    • b) Adult
    • c) Umbrella
    • d) Ball
  2. Wear a __________ for extra safety.
    • a) Hat
    • b) Life jacket
    • c) Scarf
    • d) Gloves
  3. Stay in __________ water.
    • a) Deep
    • b) Hot
    • c) Shallow
    • d) Cold
  4. Listen to __________ or adults in charge.
    • a) Birds
    • b) Lifeguards
    • c) Clouds
    • d) Fish
  5. No __________ by the pool.
    • a) Jumping
    • b) Running
    • c) Singing
    • d) Dancing
  6. Learn to __________ on your back.
    • a) Walk
    • b) Float
    • c) Dive
    • d) Fly
  7. Don’t dive in __________ water.
    • a) Shallow
    • b) Deep
    • c) Warm
    • d) Hot
  8. Check __________ before swimming.
    • a) Water temperature
    • b) Water depth
    • c) Water color
    • d) Water smell
  9. No __________ or rough play.
    • a) Hugging
    • b) Pushing
    • c) Singing
    • d) Laughing
  10. Rest when __________.
    • a) Bored
    • b) Happy
    • c) Tired
    • d) Excited
  11. Always know how __________ the water is.
    • a) Deep
    • b) Long
    • c) Far
    • d) High
  12. Don’t swim __________.
    • a) Silently
    • b) Alone
    • c) Loudly
    • d) Quickly
  13. Avoid __________ to prevent slips and falls.
    • a) Jumping
    • b) Running
    • c) Crawling
    • d) Skipping
  14. Use a __________ to protect your eyes.
    • a) Hat
    • b) Goggles
    • c) Sunglasses
    • d) Mask
  15. Play __________ to avoid accidents with others.
    • a) Gently
    • b) Quickly
    • c) Loudly
    • d) Shyly


  1. Revision of Previous Topic:
  2. Introduction of New Topic – Safety Rules in Swimming:
    • Define swimming and discuss where it takes place.
    • Highlight the fun aspects of swimming but emphasize the importance of safety.
  3. Teacher’s Activities:
    • Show visual aids of safety signs and symbols around pools.
    • Demonstrate the correct use of a life jacket.
    • Discuss the importance of having a lifeguard present.
  4. Learners’ Activities:
    • Engage students in a discussion about what they know about swimming.
    • Have a demonstration of how to wear a life jacket properly.
    • Ask questions to gauge their understanding.
  5. Assessment:
    • Conduct a role-playing activity where students act out safety scenarios.
    • Ask individual students to explain the steps of wearing a life jacket.
  6. Ten Evaluation Questions:
    1. What is the new topic we are discussing today?
    2. Why is it important to have safety rules in swimming?
    3. Can you name one safety sign you might see near a swimming pool?
    4. How should you wear a life jacket?
    5. What does a lifeguard do?
    6. Why is it essential to follow the lifeguard’s instructions?
    7. Mention one thing you should avoid doing near a pool.
    8. What should you do if you feel tired while swimming?
    9. Can you name a safety item we discussed today?
    10. How would you describe the importance of water safety?


  • Summarize the key points about safety rules in swimming.
  • Encourage students to practice water safety at all times.
  • Conclude by assuring them that safety is a priority in all activities.

Note: The teacher should circulate during the assessment, providing guidance and support where needed.

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