Dictation For The Week 9 Spellings English Language Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 9


Subject :English Grammar

Class :Primary 5

Term :Third Term

Week: 9

Class: Basic 5

Subject: English Grammar

Topic : 

Dictation For The Week 9 Spellings English Language Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 9

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Learning Objectives:

  1. To develop students’ vocabulary by introducing new words and their meanings.
  2. To enhance students’ understanding of word classes (verbs, adjectives, nouns) and their usage.
  3. To improve students’ pronunciation skills through practice and repetition.
  4. To promote independent learning and effective use of dictionaries.

Embedded Core Skills:

  1. Reading Comprehension: Students will read and comprehend the meanings and word classes of given words.
  2. Vocabulary Building: Students will expand their vocabulary by learning new words and their usage.
  3. Writing Skills: Students will use each word in a sentence to demonstrate their understanding of its meaning.
  4. Speaking and Listening Skills: Students will practice pronunciation of the given words.

Learning Materials:

  1. Whiteboard and markers
  2. Chart paper and markers
  3. Individual dictionaries or access to online dictionaries
  4. List of words: Abbreviate, acrobatic, arrogance, bureaucracy, calibrate, impassive, impromptu, marathon, metamorphosis, miscellaneous


Dictation For The Week 9 Spellings English Language Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 9

Topic: Looking up Word Meanings, Word Classes, and Pronunciation in a Dictionary

Today, class, we will be discussing how to use a dictionary effectively for our home study. We will be using a list of words as our practice material. Here are the words you need to look up and study:

  1. Abbreviate:
    • Meaning: To shorten a word, phrase, or text by omitting letters or parts.
    • Word Class: Verb
    • Pronunciation: uh-bree-vee-eyt
    • Example Sentence: I need to abbreviate the word “advertisement” to fit it on the sign.
  2. Acrobatic:
    • Meaning: Skilled in performing gymnastic feats.
    • Word Class: Adjective
    • Pronunciation: ak-ruh-bat-ik
    • Example Sentence: The acrobatic performer wowed the audience with their incredible stunts.
  3. Arrogance:
    • Meaning: Exaggerated or excessive pride in oneself or one’s abilities.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • Pronunciation: ar-uh-guhns
    • Example Sentence: His arrogance made it difficult for others to work with him.
  4. Bureaucracy:
    • Meaning: A system of government or organization with many complicated rules and procedures.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • Pronunciation: byoo-rok-ruh-see
    • Example Sentence: The bureaucracy in the government slowed down the decision-making process.
  5. Calibrate:
    • Meaning: To adjust or mark (a measuring instrument) according to a standard scale.
    • Word Class: Verb
    • Pronunciation: kal-uh-breyt
    • Example Sentence: The technician had to calibrate the scales to ensure accurate measurements.
  6. Impassive:
    • Meaning: Not showing emotion; calm and composed.
    • Word Class: Adjective
    • Pronunciation: im-pas-iv
    • Example Sentence: The detective had an impassive expression while interrogating the suspect.
  7. Impromptu:
    • Meaning: Done without preparation or planning; spontaneous.
    • Word Class: Adjective
    • Pronunciation: im-promp-too
    • Example Sentence: The singer gave an impromptu performance at the local park.
  8. Marathon:
    • Meaning: A long-distance running race, usually of 26.2 miles (42.195 kilometers).
    • Word Class: Noun
    • Pronunciation: mar-uh-thon
    • Example Sentence: She trained for months to participate in the marathon and finished with a personal best time.
  9. Metamorphosis:
    • Meaning: A process of transformation from one form to another, often a dramatic change.
    • Word Class: Noun
    • Pronunciation: met-uh-mawr-fuh-sis
    • Example Sentence: The caterpillar undergoes a metamorphosis and transforms into a beautiful butterfly.
  10. Miscellaneous:
    • Meaning: Made up of a variety of different things or people; mixed.
    • Word Class: Adjective
    • Pronunciation: mis-uh-lay-nee-uhs
    • Example Sentence: The drawer contained miscellaneous items like keys, coins, and paperclips.

Remember, it’s important to understand the meanings, word classes, and pronunciation of these words. Additionally, you should use each word in, at least, one sentence to reinforce your understanding and usage. Good luck with your home study, and make sure to ask any questions you have along the way



  1. Please ________ the word “advertisement” to make it shorter. a) abbreviate b) acrobatic c) arrogance
  2. The ________ performer amazed the audience with their breathtaking stunts. a) abbreviate b) acrobatic c) arrogance
  3. His excessive pride and ________ made it difficult for others to work with him. a) bureaucracy b) marathon c) miscellaneous
  4. The government’s complex system of rules and procedures is known as ________. a) bureaucracy b) calibrate c) impromptu
  5. The technician had to ________ the measuring instrument to ensure accurate readings. a) calibrate b) impassive c) marathon
  6. The detective maintained an ________ expression during the investigation. a) impassive b) impromptu c) metamorphosis
  7. The singer gave an ________ performance at the school assembly. a) impromptu b) marathon c) miscellaneous
  8. She trained for months to participate in the ________ and achieved a personal best time. a) marathon b) metamorphosis c) miscellaneous
  9. The ________ of a caterpillar into a butterfly is a remarkable transformation. a) bureaucracy b) metamorphosis c) calibrate
  10. The drawer contained a variety of ________ items, such as keys, coins, and paperclips. a) impromptu b) miscellaneous c) arrogance

Remember to carefully read the sentence and choose the correct option (a, b, or c) that best fits the blank. Good luck, and feel free to ask if you have any questions.


Lesson Plan Presentation

Subject: English Language Class: Primary 5 Topic: Vocabulary Building – Word Meanings, Word Classes, and Usage

Teacher’s Activities:

  1. Begin the lesson by introducing the topic and discussing the importance of building vocabulary and understanding word classes.
  2. Display the list of words on the whiteboard or chart paper.
  3. Explain the meaning, word class, and pronunciation of each word, providing examples and encouraging student participation.
  4. Model how to use a dictionary to look up the meaning, word class, and pronunciation of a word.
  5. Demonstrate how to use each word in a sentence and ask students to do the same.
  6. Encourage students to practice pronouncing each word correctly, providing feedback and guidance as needed.
  7. Facilitate class discussions and answer students’ questions about the words and their usage.
  8. Monitor and provide assistance to students during individual and group activities.
  9. Provide positive reinforcement and encouragement to students throughout the lesson.

Learners’ Activities:

  1. Listen attentively to the teacher’s explanations and examples.
  2. Look up the meanings, word classes, and pronunciation of the given words in their dictionaries or online resources.
  3. Use each word in a sentence to demonstrate understanding and usage.
  4. Practice pronouncing the words correctly, both individually and in pairs or small groups.
  5. Engage in class discussions, ask questions, and participate actively in the learning activities.
  6. Seek clarification from the teacher or peers if they encounter difficulties





  1. Ongoing observation of students’ participation, engagement, and understanding during class activities.
  2. Reviewing students’ sentences using the given words to assess their comprehension and usage.
  3. Monitoring students’ pronunciation of the words to identify areas for improvement.
  4. Providing feedback and constructive guidance to students on their use of vocabulary and word classes.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What does it mean to abbreviate a word?
  2. Which word in the list is an adjective that describes skilled gymnastic performances?
  3. How can excessive pride and arrogance affect relationships with others?
  4. What does bureaucracy refer to?
  5. What does it mean to calibrate a measuring instrument?
  6. Describe the meaning of the word “impassive” and provide an example sentence using it.
  7. What does an impromptu performance mean?
  8. How can someone prepare for and participate in a marathon?
  9. Explain the concept of metamorphosis and give an example of an animal that undergoes this process.
  10. What type of items would you find in a miscellaneous collection?


In this lesson, we focused on vocabulary building, word meanings, word classes, and usage. We learned new words and their definitions, identified their word classes, practiced pronunciation, and used the words in sentences to reinforce understanding. We also emphasized the importance of using dictionaries to enhance independent learning.


Through engaging in various activities and discussions, students actively participated in the lesson, demonstrating their comprehension and usage of the given words. Ongoing assessment and feedback from the teacher helped to gauge students’ progress and address any challenges they encountered.

By the end of the lesson, students should have achieved the following learning objectives:

  1. Expanded their vocabulary by learning new words and their meanings.
  2. Developed an understanding of word classes (verbs, adjectives, nouns) and their usage.
  3. Enhanced their pronunciation skills through practice and repetition.
  4. Demonstrated the ability to use a dictionary effectively for independent learning.

Overall, this lesson aimed to empower students with essential language skills, enabling them to express themselves confidently and accurately. It is hoped that this knowledge will serve as a foundation for their continued growth and proficiency in the English language