Third Term Examinations Primary 5 Social Studies


SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES                                


Instruction : Answer the following questions by choosing the right option from the given alternatives.

Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions. Don’t be involved in it.

1)    The building where people live is called a   __________      (a)barn  (b)canal  (c)house 

2)    A    __________     is an example of traditional house (a)mud house (b)roller coaster (c)mansion 

3)      __________ is modern house (a)thatched house (b)mansion (c)hut 

4)    Houses can be acquired through     __________   (a)stealing (b)grumbling (c)personal savings

5)    One of the reasons people do not own house in Nigeria is     __________   (a)poverty  (b)too much money (c)bad market 

6)    One of the features of adequate housing is     __________      (a)too many rooms (b)proper ventilation (c)pit toilet 

7)      __________ Can hinder growth in children (a)fire (b)illness (c)food 

8)        __________   is the period when both boys and girls develop fast and show signs of becoming men and women (a)private (b)public (c)puberty 

9)      __________     is one of the changes that occur in boys (a)change in voice (b)change in hair (c)longer throat. 

10)   __________         is one of the changes that occur in girls (a)too much food (b)head get bigger (c)breast enlargement 

11)       __________     can hinder development of girls (a)early pregnancy (b)eating fufu (c)drinking juice 

12)    To be physically fit, you have to__________

(a)eat junk foods (b)eat nourishing foods  (c)drink dirty water 

13)    Regular exercise can help one to be         __________   (a)snoring  (b)physically fit (c)sleeping on duty 

14)    When standing or sitting, maintain     __________       (a)bad posture (b)bending posture (c)good posture 

15)    The use of medicine wrongly is         __________    (a)drug use (b)drug abuse (c)drug ban 

16)        __________  is one of factors that contribute to Drug Abuse (a)Peer pressure  (b)peer apple (c)peer force 

17)    __________      can result from abuse of stimulants (a)mental disorder (b)smiling (c)knowledge 

18)    A drug addict often   __________     appetite (a)gain  (b)lose  (c)find 

19)    A drug addict can be a     __________    (a)doctor (b)school dropout (c)good friend 

20)    Drugs can be sourced from these except     __________   (a)pharmacy (b)petty traders (c)under bridge 

21)    We can promote good behaviours by     __________   (a)keeping bad friends (b)avoiding dangerous activities (c)joining bad group

22)       __________     agriculture is the use of machines in agriculture (a)mechanized (b)mechanic  (c)micro 

23)      __________     are used for pulling heavy loads on farm (a)trailer (b)truck  (c)tractor 

24)    __________      are used to spray water in drops on plants (a)shower (b)sprinklers (c)harvester 

25)    One of the advantages of mechanized Agriculture is that     __________   (a)It save time (b)it wastes money (c)it makes you weak 


1)    A house is             __________                 

2)           __________         ,       __________         and         __________       are types of houses in Nigeria 

3)    One of the reasons why people do not own house in Nigeria is            __________                

4)           __________         and     __________          are features of an adequate housing 

5)    Drug abuse is         __________                  

6)        __________           can contribute to drug abuse 

7)        __________           is one of the effect of abuse of stimulants 

8)    Drug abuse can lead to        __________        

9)            __________       and        __________             can cause Air pollution 

10)    We can control air pollution by         __________                  

11)    A disaster is             __________          

12)    Disasters can be        __________         or__________                        

13)    Examples of disasters include     __________          ,             __________   or          __________        

14)    Harvester are used for            __________            

15)    Grinders are used for           __________            


1)    What is Mechanized Agriculture: __________

  1. b) List 5 examples of machines used on the farm (i)                   (ii)                                (iii)                        (v)                    (iv)                       

2)    What is disaster: __________

  1. b) List the types of disaster with examples : (I) __________
  2. __________

3)    What is drug abuse : __________

  1. b) State 3 effects of drug abuse  (i)             (ii)                (iii)                   

4)    Give 5 different types of houses (i)                  (ii)                (iii)                            (iv)                    (v)                   

  1. b) List 4 features of an adequate housing 

    (i)                  (ii)                    (iii)                (iv)                   

5)    What is Air Pollution? __________


  1. b) List four causes of Air pollution : i. __________. ii__________

iii. __________ iv. __________


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