Third Term Examinations Primary 4 Verbal Reasoning


SUBJECT: VERBAL APTITUDE                               CLASS: PRIMARY 4

Complete with the most suitable word from the brackets 

1)    The             lesson come         at about noon today. (Forth, fourth) 

2)    The             was told in a         building. (storey, story) 

3)            of the         made the trip (nun, none) 

4)    My             fears to touch an             (ant, aunt) 

5)    Five of the             members             the election (Council, cancel) 

Underline two word which are related in each list below 

6)    blue      moon     rain     colour   rice 

7)    teacher    chalk    biscuit     clock,   knife 

8)    Ikeja     Ogun,    Lagos,   Adamawa,  Akure 

9)    Shoe     book         spoon    sandal     tie  

10)    Policeman,    Carpenter,  Patient,   criminal,  school 

Arrange the following from the least to the greatest

11)    882     782    567    101    1001                                                                

12)    egg     chair     shoe     house    car                                                                

13)    frog     tadpole  shark   mosquito   whale                                                        

Re – arrange the words in these sentences to make them sensible 

14)    Finish work I have my 

15)    where my bags are? 

16)    This good food is 

17)    Rest take the work day’s after 

18)    My teacher very well teaches 

19)    breakfast it is time to take 

20)    All eat cows grass 

Arrange the sentences below in correct order 

21)    School everyday     (   ) 

    you should         (   ) 

    bring             (    ) 

    your biro to         (    ) 


22)    about six months  (     ) 

    was sick for       (     ) 

    uncle  koga         (      ) 

    before he died     (     ) 


23)    in the future     (    ) 

    you can be a doctor (      ) 

    you must work       (      ) 

    very  hard before      (      ) 


24)    motor car will     (     ) 

    not run         (      ) 

    Daddy said         (     ) 

    without petrol     (       ) 

Choose the appropriate word in the bracket that can replace the underlined words. 

25)    My brother’s son is my                 (friend,  nephew, aunt) 

26)    My father’s grandfather is my             (grand father,  father – in – law,  great grandfather) 

27)    Andrew gave a gift to his uncle’s son  (cousin,   neighbour,  brother) 

Choose the best option that gives the use of each items listed 

28)    brush,   paint                 (a)playing     (b)dancing (c)painting  (d)sowing   (e)drawing 

29)    yams,  basket,  hoe,   matchet:                (a)cooking (b)farming (c)fishing   (d)trading  (e)digging 

30)    net,  boat,  hook,    bent:             (a)fishing  (b)planting   (c)making a rope   (d)painting  (e) sewing a dress 

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