Civic Education Nursery 2 Third Term Examination

CLASS:         NURSERY 2


Term : Third Term

Instruction:  Underline the correct answer.

Part A

  1. Another name for conflict is __________(a) fight (b) Happiness 
  2. Resolution means to __________(a) solve (b) destroy 
  3. It is not __________to fight (a) good (b) bad 
  4. Bad behaviour can lead to conflict __________(a) True (b) False 
  5. When someone bully us, we should slap him or her __________(a) True (b) False 
  6. We should respect places of _____ (a) worship (b) sin      (c) hatred
  7. We should keep places of worship ______ (a) clean (b) dirty     (c) rough
  8. We must go to school _______ (a) lately (b) early      (c) slowly
  9. We should ____ our teachers. (a) obey (b) disrespect     (c) disobey
  10. When someone offends us, we should fight back __________(a) True (b) False 
  11. You must do your school ______ (a) lies    (b) fight     (c) duties
  12. You should go to bed early and ______ early (a) wake up    (b) dance     (c) dream
  13. You remain _____ whenever you obey rules and regulations (a) sad    (b) happy     (c) dull
  1. _____ is one of the consequences of disobeying rules and regulations.(a) happiness  (b) punishment     (c) success
  1. There are_____ types of toilet. (a) two    (b) one     (c) four
  2. Which of these should we apply after washing the toilet? (a) powder  (b) kerosene  (c) disinfectant
  1. We should always wash our toilet with soap, water and ______ (a) towel (b) paper (c) scrubbing brush
  2. The toilet seat should be ______ (a) open (b) covered     (c) spoiled
  3. We should always ____ the toilet door. (a) open       (b) close     (c) kick
  4. _____ come from the use of dirty toilets. (a) infection    (b) health     (c) enjoyment









Fill in the gaps with the correct answer.

  1. Is it good to keep our surrounding clean? ____________________
  2. We should always bath at least ______in a day
  3. List 3 things you do before coming to School
    • __________
    • __________
    • __________

4.  List 3 ways by which we can settle any fight that we have with anybody 

    • __________
    • __________
    • __________
  1. List three (3) causes of fight
  • __________
  • __________
  • __________


 6.  Write out two words that means conflict 

  • __________
  • __________

7. Write out two words that mean resolution

  • __________
  • __________


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