Agricultural Science  Third Term Promotional Examination Primary 3






1.) ____________ are crops with swollen underground stems and roots
(a) grain crops (b) tuber crops (c) fruit crops (d) food crops

2.) Grains are generally rich in ____________ (a) protein (b) carbohydrate (c) oil
3.) Examples of grains are these except ________ (a) rice (b) wheat (c yam
4.) ______________ serve as food for man (a) stone (b) plastic (c) grain
5.) Farmers sell grain to get ________ in return (a) money (b) slap (c) shoes
6.) ____________ crops are swollen underground stems and roots (a) grain (b) tuber (c) spices
7.) Examples of tuber crops are these except _____ (a) yam (b) cassava (c) rice
8.) Irish potato is an example of stem tuber (a) true (b) false (c) maybe
9.) Cassava is an example of root tuber (a) true (b) false (c) maybe
10.) Tuber crops are sold by the farmers to make __________ (a) paper (b) money (c) stone
11.) _____________ crops are produced from flowers of a plant (a) tuber (b) fruit (c) grain
12.) The following are fruits with many seeds except _____ (a) orange (b) watermelon (c) mango
13.) Example of fruit with single seed is _____ (a) pawpaw (b) pear (c) orange
14.) Fruits are used to produce the following except ____ (a) juice (b) wine (c) poison
15.) Fruits are rich in _________ and ___________
(a) vitamin and protein (b) vitamin and salt (c) vitamin and minerals
16.) Fruit helps our food to digest proper _______ (a) true (b) false (c) maybe
17.) Is it good to eat fruit every day (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe
18.) Fruits are not a source of income to farmers when they are sold (a) true (b) false (c) maybe
19.) ____________ is a foreign fruit (a) banana (b) orange (c) apple
20.) _______________ is an example of local fruits (a) mango (b) straw-berry (c) avocado





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21.) _______________ is an example of leaf vegetable (a) waterleaf (b) tomato (c) beans
22.) _______________ is an example of fruit vegetable (a) okro (b) bitter leaf (c) cabbage
23.) ______ crops are planted to add beauty to our surroundings (a) tuber (b) ornamental (c) grain
24.) Examples of ornamental crops are these except ___ (a) rose flower (b) sun flower (c) yam
25.) Ornamental crops can be used for the following except ____
(a) beautification (b) protection (c) fighting
26.) ______________ is a body building food (a) beans (b) rice (c) millet

27.) _____________ is an energy giving food (a) fish (b) milk (c) cassava
28.) _____________ and _____________ are good sources of vitamins and minerals
(a) carbohydrates and yam (b) fruits and vegetables (c) rice and bread
29.) ___________ food are food which have a lot of oil (a) oil (b) carbohydrate (c) protein
30.) We use _____________ to fry food (a) water (b) oil (c) saliva


1.) What is a balance diet? ________________________________________________________
b.) List four classes of food
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

2.) What are grain crops? _________________________________________________________

b.) Give four examples of grain crops
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________ (d) ________________________________

3.) What are tuber crops? _________________________________________________________

b.) State three examples of tuber crops
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________
4.) What are ornamental crops? ____________________________________________________

b.) List three examples of ornamental crops
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________
5.) List three fruits with only one seed
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________

b.) List three fruits with many seeds
(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________
(c) ________________________________