
Answer all questions (Objective Test)
1. Write in words 2027 (a) Two thousand and seven two (b) Two hundred and twenty-seven (c) Two thousand and twenty-seven

2. Write in numeral: Six hundred and forty-one (a) 641 (b) 416 (c) 614

3. State the fractions of the shaded potions of the following shapes
(a) ¼ (b) 2/4 (c) ¾

(a) 3/5 (b) 2/5 (c) 5/2

4. Pick the greater number of the following (a) 211 (b) 912 (c) 921

5. The correct inequality sign for this equation 5 x 5 24 is (a) < (b) > (c) =

6. The place value of 7 in these numbers  786 is (a) tens (b) units (c) hundred

7. What is the face value of 6 in these numbers 768? (a) 600 (b) 60 (c) 6

8. State the total value of 9 in these number 9072 (a) 900 (b) 9000 (c) 90

9. Put the correct inequality sign 10 – 6 7 (a) = (b) < (c) >

10. 2/5 = /10 (a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6

11. 2/7 + 3/7 = (a) 4/7 (b) 5/7 (c) 5/6

12. Add 516 and 473 (a) 969 (b) 979 (c) 989

13. Add five hundred and thirty-five, three hundred and sixteen (a) 815 (b) 518 (c) 851

14. Write in composite form 800 + 70 + 6 (a) 768 (b) 876 (c) 687

15. Reduce 6/30 to its lowest term (a) ¼ (b) 1/6 (c) 1/5

16. 9/10 – 6/10 (a) 3/10 (b) 3/9 (c) 4/10

17. 5 3 5
+ 3 1 6

(a) 851 (b) 815 (c) 859

18. Write in expanded form 736 (a) 700 + 30 + 7 (b) 700 + 70 + 3 (c) 700 + 30 + 6

19. 1/6 = 3/ (a) 17 (b) 18 (c) 19



Section B: (Answer all question)
1. Write in words: 806
b.) Write in numerals: One Thousand Four Hundred and Thirty-Two

2. Write in expanded form 796
b.) Give the composite form of this 900 + 10 + 6

Complete 2/2 = /1 = 3/

b.) 1/5 = /10 = 3/

3. What is the face value, place value and total value of 6 in these numbers 769?
Face Value _____________________
Place Value _____________________
Total Value _____________________

4. Reduce to its lowest term 4/36
b.) Add 6 8 4
+ 2 1 3