1st Term Exams Primary 4 English





Udo and his four sons lived in a little village named Ikenze. All of them were good farmers. They had a flock of sheep and a herd of cattle. Their house, though made of mud and thatch, was one of the best in the town. The family was rich and had plenty food to eat.


Udo, then seventy-two years old was unhappy because his sons were always quarrelling among themselves.


One evening , he called them together and gave each a bundle of brooms to break .They tried in turn but were unable to do so. He then untied the bundle and asked them to break each rib one by one. This they did easily. ‘United, we stand; divided we fall said Udo. You all now see the importance of unity . If you live in love and peace together, you will overcome any group of enemies or difficulties but if you continue to quarrel and act singly, you may be easily hurt.


The sons promised to do as he advised. They agreed to settle, all future disputes peacefully. ‘ We have learnt the lesson at last, ‘they said ‘ that unity is strength’.




How did Udo and his sons earn their living?

What was their house made of?

Why was Udo not satisfied with his sons?

With what did Udo teach his sons about unity?

How did the sons break the brooms?

How could the sons overcome all enemies and difficulties? ____________________________________

What important lesson did the sons learn?




Kalu, the shepherd, once took his flock of sheep to a grassy lowland. He was rich, for his animals always fetched a good price in the market.


He liked to be funny and people often laughed at his jokes.


Kalu became bored one afternoon and wanted to have some fun. He ran to the village shouting wolf! Wolf! Wolf!. The villagers ran to help him when they heard the alarm. They thought that a wolf was attacking his sheep. They became surprised and angry when they saw that there was no wolf and the animals were feeding quite undisturbed. Kalu started to laugh. “A trick, a joke,’ he told the villagers who soon went back to their homes.


A month later, a wolf actually came, attacked the sheep and killed some of them . In fear, Kalu ran speedily to the village calling for help. Nobody came to his aid because they thought it was another trick. The killing of Kalu’s sheep made him poor and he learnt the great lesson never to raise false alarm in future.




Kalu was a ___________________________

Kalu took his flock to ______________________

When the villagers heard the alarm they ____________________________________

The villagers became annoyed when _______________________________________________

Kalu laughed and told the villagers that

One month afterwards, ______________________

When the wolf attacked killed some sheep, kalu

Nobody came to Kalu’s aid because _____________

Kalu became poor and learnt the lesson __________



Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verb


The boys have ________________ their promise. (keep)

We __________________ well last night. (sleep)

Has Peter __________________ anything in the market? (buy)

The child has __________________ her finger (cut)

He has ________________ the sheep out of the farm. (drive)


Choose the correct form of adjective in the brackets


He is the (fastest, fat, fatter) boy in the class.

Give me the (best, good, better) of the apples.

Ben is the (smallest , small, smaller) of the triplets.

of the two girls, Anna is (much, more, most) careful.

Everest is the (high, higher , highest) mountain in the world.


Punctuate the following sentences


Audus brother works in enugu

we saw mr Tamuko at eight o clock

he cant do the work I gave him

did you see the bag

they saw mr abus father in june


Choose the correct form of adverbs in the brackets


Can you do your work ______(quietly) (a) quietly (b) more quietly (c) most quietly

He drives the car ____________ than you. (carefully)


(a) more carefully (b) carefully (c) most carefully


The baby slept _____ in the cot than on the bed (peacefully) (a) peacefully (b) more peacefully (c) most peacefully


Write the adverbs in box below in the correct place in the table for number 35-40.


quickly, in my room, soon, in hospital, on Saturday, slowly, two days ago, quietly, here.

Adverb of manner Adverb of place Adverb of time

e.g quickly here soon

35. In hospital Two days ago

36. In my room

















Write a composition on one of the following topics


My best friend

My school

How I spent my Christmas holiday.



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