Meaning and Types of Leaders Primary 5 Social Studies

Subject : Social Studies

Topic : Leadership

Class : Primary 5

Term :  Second Term

Week : Week 1

Previous Knowledge : Pupils have previous knowledge of topics that have been taught in their former lessons and classes

Behavioural Objectives : At the end of the lesson , pupils should be able to

  • explain leadership
  • mention types of leadership
  • say the importance and necessity of leadership

Methods Of Teaching 

  • Discussion
  • Explanation
  • Questions and Answers
  • Role Modelling

Instructional Materials 

  • Wall Charts
  • Pictures
  • Online materials
  • Textbooks


What is leadership ?

Leadership is the process of getting things done through people that are elected or chosen into the position of authority . Leadership simply means influencing people to get things done through people . Leaders are groups of people that get things done by influencing people .

  Who is a leader  ? 

A leader is a person that directs , guides , inspires or motivates a group of people towards achieving already pre-defined goals, targets, aims or objectives .

Types of Leadership 

Leadership may be classified or grouped based on the characteristics or manners by which that leadership comes into being  or existence . Hence we have the following classification or categories of leadership .

  1. Elected leaders:  This is the category of most political leaders . Most political leaders like president , governors , chairmen or senators are all elected leaders that are voted into power on regular basis of four years or how the law dictates .

  2. Military Leaders: These are men  of the respected  armed forces . The Nigerian Armed forces is made up of The Army (land) The Navy (water) and The Air Force (Air). The armed force is a disciplined profession with men and women that have vowed to protect lives and properties of Nigerians from interior and external aggression or attack . Their leaders are called military leaders and  they  guide and direct affair of the army, navy and air force. Examples are the Major General . General , captain etc.

  3. Religious Leaders: Religious leaders are the representatives of God among us . They are usually called Men of God or Servants of God as the case may be.  These are leaders of different religious bodies such as Christianity, Islamic religion, traditional religion. They guide and direct us on how to be more spiritual and godly . They make the desires of God and gods makes unto us on earth . Examples are pastors , imams, priests, etc.

  4. Traditional leaders:  These are leaders that derived traditional powers or authority of leadership through the culture ,customs and traditions of the land . This type of leadership is always heredity as people that are born into royal families at  times grow up to become either a king or a queen .  Traditional leaders guide people according to the ways of customs and tradition . Examples of traditional leaders are the  kings , Emirs ,  Obis etc.

  5. Appointed leaders :  These are chosen leaders because they have some training for leadership e.g. headmaster, companies directors, general managers, supervisors, school prefect, Class captains, monitors etc. Most of these leaders must have posses some personal characteristics or academic qualifications before they can be appointed


  1. Leadership is the process of getting things done through ____________. a) animals b) computers c) people d) machines
  2. A leader is a person who directs, guides, inspires, or motivates a group of people towards achieving ____________ goals. a) personal b) pre-defined c) hidden d) secret
  3. Elected leaders like presidents and governors are chosen through ____________. a) appointment b) voting c) selection d) recommendation
  4. Military leaders guide and direct the affairs of the ____________. a) police b) army, navy, and air force c) firefighters d) teachers
  5. Religious leaders represent different ____________ bodies. a) educational b) political c) religious d) social
  6. Traditional leaders derive authority from ____________. a) education b) culture, customs, and traditions c) military service d) political parties
  7. Appointed leaders are chosen because they have ____________ for leadership. a) money b) power c) training d) influence
  8. Appointed leaders may include ____________ and school prefects. a) firefighters b) policemen c) headmasters d) doctors
  9. Military leaders are part of the ____________ forces. a) police b) fire c) armed d) medical
  10. Religious leaders guide people on how to be more ____________. a) physical b) spiritual c) emotional d) intellectual


Leaders are selected by –

  1. Election

  2. Through heredity

  3. Birth

  4. Line of succession

  5. Qualification

  6. Loyalty

  7. Hardworking

  8. Expertise

  9. Experience

  10. Competencies


1. Political parties identify the needs of the people, which must be satisfied by the government.

  1. They select and sponsor political leaders for various public offices.

  2. They ensure that winners fulfill their election promises.

  3. They let people of the country know how to vote for the right candidates.

  4. They ensure peace and monitor the political activities of elected officials.

  5. They discipline (punish) members who have disobeyed the rules of the party.

  6. They prepare a plan on how to rule if the party wins.


Political parties are usually formed through the following steps:

1. A group of people come together and agree to form a political party.

  1. These people choose a leader and other officers to work for the party.

  2. The people open an office in the capital city of the country, to be known as the headquarters of the party.

  3. They set up offices in all the states in the country.

  4. They apply to the electoral commission for registration.

  5. If the electoral commission finds out that the proposed party has met all the requirements, the party is registered.


  1. Honesty and integrity

  2. Confidence

  3. Inspire others

  4. Commitment and passion

  5. Good communicator

  6. Creativity and innovation

  7. Decision-making capabilities

  8. Accountability

  9. Delegation and empowerment

  10. Empathy

Characteristics of a bad leader are the opposite characteristics of a good leader.


1. Promote peace and unity among the people

  1. Advises government on the problems and need of the people

  2. Preserve and protect the cultural beliefs and practices of the people.

Leadership Meaning Identification and Types of Leaders Civic Education Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5


1. Sometimes some are selfish

  1. since they can’t be voted out of power easily, they use their position to suffer some persons in the community.

  2. Some are not able to preserve the tradition of the people.


  1. They defend the country from attacks from other country

  2. They make sure people are safe.


1. They respect nobody sometimes

  1. They are not train to lead the people, so the people might not get impact from them.

  2. Loss of lives during coup


1. They teach the people morals and spiritual lessons.

2. They guide and counsel the people

3. They give hope to the people

4. That takes care of the needy


1. Some collect excess money from the people

2. Some mislead the people

3. Some have selfish interest


1. They work according to the peoples wish

2. They bring fast development to their communities

3. They try to achieve the target of the people


1. There will be no development if the wrong person is appointed

2. Bad appointment will make people lose hope

3. Some behave rudely due to godfather


  1. Leaders can be selected through ____________. a) appointment b) election c) inheritance d) education
  2. Political parties identify the needs of the people and select and sponsor ____________ for various public offices. a) athletes b) artists c) political leaders d) businessmen
  3. The main function of political parties is to ensure that ____________ fulfill their election promises. a) voters b) leaders c) organizations d) companies
  4. Formation of political parties involves choosing a leader, setting up offices, and applying for ____________. a) registration b) retirement c) resignation d) reinforcement
  5. A good leader should possess characteristics such as honesty, integrity, and ____________. a) arrogance b) confidence c) laziness d) deceitfulness
  6. Traditional leaders promote peace, unity, and ____________ among the people. a) division b) conflict c) cooperation d) segregation
  7. Military leaders defend the country from attacks and ensure ____________. a) chaos b) insecurity c) safety d) rebellion
  8. Religious leaders teach morals, guide, counsel, and provide ____________ to the people. a) entertainment b) hope c) fear d) anger
  9. Appointed leaders work according to the wishes of the people and strive to achieve ____________. a) conflict b) stagnation c) development d) regression
  10. Bad appointment of leaders can lead to ____________ and loss of hope. a) development b) progress c) regression d) improvement


The topic is presented step by step

Step 1 : He revises the previous topics

Step 2 : The class teacher introduces the new topic

Step 3 : The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own contributions and he or she corrects them when the needs arise

Leadership Functions Levels and Types of Leaders Civic Education Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8


  • Explain leadership
  • Mention four types of leadership
  • Say three importance and necessity of leadership
  • Mention four characteristics of a good leader
  • Generals and major generals are examples of ___ leaders
  • Chief imams and pastors are examples of ___ leaders
  • The process of getting things done through people is known as ____
  • A ___ is a person that inspires, motivates and encourages people to achieve a set goal or objective
  • A leader ____ and guides
  • Ọba of Benin is an example of ___ leader


The class teacher gives out a short note and he or she goes round to mark



Please kindly prepare for the next lesson by reading about


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