Meaning, Definition and Importance of Agriculture

Subject :


Topic :


TOPIC: Meaning, Definition and Importance of Agriculture

Class :



Term :



Week :

Week 1

Reference Materials :  .


Instructional Materials :..



  • Intensive Agricultural Science for J.S.S. 1, 2 & 3 by E. U. Okaro.
  • Essentials of Agricultural Science for J.S.S. & Colleges by Earnest Chukwudi Anie.
  • Agricultural Science for JSS (Upper Basic Education) by L. A. Are et al.
  • Prescribed Agricultural Science for J.S.S. by S. E. Omoruyi et al.




Previous Knowledge :

The pupils have previous knowledge of of basic   definition of Agricultural science


Behavioural Objectives :  At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to

  • define agriculture
  • say the importance of agriculture
  • list the benefits of agriculture to the society and industries .



Content :



CONTENT: 1. Meaning of Agriculture

  1. Definition of Agriculture.

  2. Importance of Agriculture.

Sub –topic 1.Meaning of Agriculture.

The term “agriculture” is derived form two Latin words “ager” which means field and “cultura” which means to cultivate. Literally, agriculture means field cultivation. Field refers to a farmland where crops or animals are taken care of. Cultivation refers to the act of nurturing or taking care of crops.

Definitions of Agriculture

According to an author, Agriculture by definition, is an art involving the production of plants and animals for the use of man. This use may be in the form of food, buildings, ornaments and clothing or it may be in the form of raw materials for industry.

In another sense, agriculture is the art and science of cultivating the land for the production of crops and rearing of animals for man’s use. It involves not only the management of the soil, crops and animals but also the disposal of crops and animals including their by – products through marketing.


Sub – Topic 2: Importance of Agriculture.

A. The important of agriculture to the farmer.

Agriculture is import to the farmer in the following ways:

  • Agriculture provides food for the farmer to keep him and his family alive. Food is the source of Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats and Oils, Vitamins and Minerals required and development.
  • It provides income (money) from the sales of farm produce for local farmers.
  • It provides shelters for the farmer and his domesticated animals. Roofing and furnishing materials used for building are provided form agriculture.
  • It provides transport (e.g. Camels. Donkeys and horses) are beasts of burden for carrying people and farm produce.
  • It provides fuel wood/firewood as source of energy for cooking.
  • It provides herbs and other substances, which serve as medicinal helps to the people.
  • It provides employment for many people. About 70% of the Nigerian populations are farmers. They are self-employed in local farming.

B. Importance of agriculture to the society.

The importance of agriculture to the immediate society cannot be overemphasized. People moving in the streets, in the office or in school at the end of daily activities need (food, clothing, shelter) and other necessities to life most of which come from agricultural sector. Therefore, every member of every household in the society depends directly or indirectly on agriculture for daily sustenance.


C: Important of agriculture to the Nation.

  • Provision of Employment

Agriculture provides employment for many people in most African Countries. Majority of these people are farmers and they produce food for the nation.

  • Raw materials for Industries.

Agriculture provides raw materials such as Cottons for textile mills; timber for saw mills, cocoa and coffee for beverage making, etc. this shows that most r t of the industries in 3 3 . Foreign exchange for countries:

The surplus produce of a country can be exported to increase the foreign exchange e.g. Nigeria exchange cocoa, rubber for electronics, refrigerators, fans, etc from countries like Japan and USA.

4 Source of National Income:

Agriculture is Nigeria’s second largest source of National income/wealth after oil. Revenue is realized from government sales of agricultural industries as well as export duties.





  • Intensive Agricultural Science for J.S.S. 1, 2 & 3 by E. U. Okaro.
  • Essentials of Agricultural Science for J.S.S. & Colleges by Earnest Chukwudi Anie.
  • Agricultural Science for JSS (Upper Basic Education) by L. A. Are et al.
  • Prescribed Agricultural Science for J.S.S. by S. E. Omoruyi et al.




The topic is presented step by step


Step 1:

The class teacher revises the previous topics


Step 2.

He introduces the new topic


Step 3:

The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise


Evaluation :


  • Mention the two Latin words from which the term “agriculture” is derived.
  • Literally, what does agriculture refer to?
  • Define agriculture.
  • State the purpose of agriculture to the farmer.
  • Explain why agriculture is important to the society.
  • Why are the pupils, students, employers, the jobless in the society able to survive from day to day?
  • Why is agriculture regarded as a source of energy to the farmer?
  • What is the importance of agriculture to the nation?


Conclusion :


The class teacher wraps up or conclude the lesson by giving out short note to summarize the topic that he or she has just taught.

The class teacher also goes round to make sure that the notes are well copied or well written. He or she does the necessary corrections when the need arises.


Assignment :

Prepare for the next lesson by reading about

History of Agriculture


Assignment :

Read about the origin and history of agriculture as the next topic.

Weekend Activity.

Make a list of 10 crops and five animal items useful to man.

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