Subject : Moral Education
Topic : Obedience
Content :Obedience is doing exactly what you are told to do at the right time. You must obey your parents, teachers or any elderly people that is giving you good instructions and you must obey and abide with those good instructions that they are giving you.
Examples of good instruction are
- Always obey your
parents. - Always help your parents to do chores.
- Always do your homework.
- Do not play rough.
- Do not tell lies.
- Do not steal.
- Do not fight.
At times bad friends may want to tell you to do bad things, please do not listen to them or obey them.
They may give you bad instructions. Please ignore them.
Examples of bad instructions that your friends may give you are :
- Push your friend.
- Let’s fight.
- Don’t listen to your
4.let us steal from
from mummy’s purse.
- Let us beat up that
boy. - Some of them may
want to touch your
private parts of your body or should I call it your red spots, please
report that person
immediately to any
adults around you and
you must tell your
parents about it if they
are not at home or are
not around at that
You must be careful with the types of people that you keep as friends.
There is an adage that says.
Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are.
Rewards For Obedience.
1. GOD’S blessings.
2. You might receive gifts
3. You will gain respect
4. People will want to be
your friends
5. You will be entrust
with responsibility or