Civic Education
First Term
Week 7
Previous lesson: Pupils have previous knowledge of
that was taught in their previous lesson
Features of Clifford Constitution of 1922
Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to
- explain when and why the Clifford constitution was formed
- mention the important features of the Clifford constitution
- explain how to conduct a very good and accurate census
Instructional Materials:
- Wall charts
- Pictures
- Related Online Video
- Flash Cards
Methods of Teaching:
- Class Discussion
- Group Discussion
- Asking Questions
- Explanation
- Role Modelling
- Role Delegation
Reference Materials:
- Scheme of Work
- Online Information
- Textbooks
- Workbooks
- 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum
- Workbooks
The Clifford Constitution of 1922.
The Clifford Constitution of 1922 was an attempt to codify the unwritten British constitutional conventions that had developed since the Glorious Revolution of 1688. The constitution was named after its drafter, Lord Clifford Huge of Chudleigh who represented the queen of England in Nigeria before its political independence in 1960. It was presented to Parliament in December 1922 and approved by the House of Commons in January 1923. However, it was never enacted, due to opposition from the House of Lords.
The main purpose of the Clifford Constitution was to define the roles and powers of the Monarch, the Prime Minister, and Parliament. It also attempted to clarify the relationship between the UK and its colonies. The constitution was seen as a way to prevent future constitutional crises, such as those that had arisen in the past over issues such as home rule for Ireland.
Features Clifford Constitution of 1922.
The Clifford Constitution of 1922 was the first constitution of the colony of Nigeria. It was named after its creator, Sir Hugh Clifford, the Governor
1. The Clifford Constitution was the first constitution of the Colony and Protectorate of Nigeria.
2. It was named after its chief author, Sir Hugh Clifford.
3. The constitution granted a large measure of self-government to the people of Nigeria.
4. For the first time in Nigerian history, Nigerians were given the opportunity to elect their own representatives to the Legislative Council.
5. The composition of the Legislative Council was however not representative of the Nigerian people as only Europeans and a few wealthy Nigerians were allowed to vote.
6. The constitution also provided for the establishment of a Nigerian Governor-General, who would be responsible for overseeing the implementation of the constitution.
7. The Clifford Constitution was in force from 1 January 1923 until it was replaced by the Richards Constitution in 1946.
8. The Clifford Constitution was the first constitution of Nigeria to be approved by the British Parliament.
9. The constitution was also the first to grant Nigerians the right to form political parties and to contest elections.
10. The Clifford Constitution is considered to be the most liberal and progressive of all the Nigerian constitutions.
Advantages of Nigeria Colonial Clifford Constitution of 1922.
1. The Clifford Constitution of 1922 granted independence to Nigeria while also providing a framework for continued British control over the country.
2. The constitution created a bicameral legislature, with each chamber having an equal number of seats.
3. It also established the office of the Governor-General, who would be responsible for overseeing the government of Nigeria.
4. The Clifford Constitution also granted Nigerian citizens the right to vote in elections.
5. Finally, the constitution provided for a system of checks and balances that would help to prevent abuses of power by the government.
6. The constitution allowed Nigerian to establish newspaper
7. The Clifford Constitution of 1922 established a central legislative council that was made up of 46 members for the colony and southern protectorates
Disadvantages of Nigeria Colonial Clifford Constitution of 1922.
1. The Clifford Constitution limited the involvement of Nigerians in the governance of the country.
2. The Clifford Constitution did not provide for any form of elected representation for Nigerians.
3. The Clifford Constitution did not give Nigerians any say in the making of laws or in the administration of justice.
4. The Clifford Constitution favoured the economic interests of the colonial power at the expense of Nigerians.
5. The Clifford Constitution was designed to perpetuate British control over Nigeria and did not promote self-government or independence for Nigerians.
6.The governor had no veto power.
7. The conditions attached to the elective principle were too difficult to operate.
8. No Nigerian was found in the executive council
Step 1
The subject teacher introduces the new topic
Step 2.
He introduces the new topic
Step 3:
The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise
1. What was the name of the first constitution of Nigeria?
a. The Clifford Constitution
b. The Lagos Constitution
c. The Independence Constitution
d. The Federal Constitution
2. When was the Clifford Constitution of 1922 put into effect?
a. July 1, 1922
b. October 1, 1922
c. January 1, 1923
d. April 1, 1923
3. What type of government did the Clifford Constitution of 1922 establish?
a. A unitary government
b. A federal government
c. A confederal government
d. An authoritarian government
4. Who was the governor general of Nigeria during the Clifford Constitution of 1922?
a. Lord Frederick Lugard
b. Lord Amory Egerton
c. Sir Hugh Clifford
d. Lord Edward Cavendish-Bentinck
5. What rights did women have under the Clifford Constitution of 1922?
a. The right to vote
b. The right to own property
c. The right to hold office
d. None of the above
6. What was the main advantage of the Nigeria Colonial Clifford Constitution of 1922?
a) It maintained British control over the colony
b) It gave more autonomy to Nigerian leaders
c) It granted more power to the Legislative Council
d) It improved economic conditions in the colony
7. Which of the following was NOT an advantage of the Nigeria Colonial Clifford Constitution of 1922?
a) It allowed for Nigerian input in the governing of the colony
b) It increased British control over the colony
c) It decreased the power of the Legislative Council
d) It helped to improve relations between Britain and Nigeria
8) What were the disadvantages of the Nigeria Colonial Clifford Constitution of 1922?
a. It gave too much power to the Governor-General.
b. It did not give Nigerians a voice in their own government.
c. It was difficult to change or amend.
d. All of the above.
9) Why was the Nigeria Colonial Clifford Constitution of 1922 disadvantageous to Nigerians?
a. It gave too much power to the Governor-General.
b. It did not give Nigerians a voice in their own government.
c. It was difficult to change or amend.
d. All of the above.
1. What were the goals of the Clifford Constitution of 1922?
2. How did the Clifford Constitution differ from previous constitutions in Nigeria?
3. What were the key provisions of the Clifford Constitution of 1922?
4. How did the Clifford Constitution of 1922 impact Nigeria?
5. What were some of the advantages of the Nigeria colonial Clifford Constitution of 1922? Mention any two of them
6. How did this constitution help to shape Nigeria as a country? Explain any two advantages of the Clifford constitution of 1922
The subject goes round to mark the pupil’s notes. He does the necessary corrections
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