Review and Assessment of Personal Security Knowledge Security Education Primary 6 First Term Lesson Notes Week 10

Security Education Lesson Plan – Primary 6 – First Term – Week 10

Subject: Security Education
Class: Primary 6
Term: First Term
Week: 10
Age: 10-11 years
Topic: Review and Assessment of Personal Security Knowledge
Sub-topic: Comprehensive Review and Evaluation

Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioral Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Review and summarize key concepts related to personal security.
  2. Demonstrate understanding of reporting procedures and emergency responses.
  3. Apply knowledge through a comprehensive assessment of the term’s content.

Keywords: Review, assessment, personal security, emergency procedures

Set Induction:
The teacher will start by recapping key topics covered during the term, such as personal security, reporting unsafe situations, and emergency contacts. Pupils will be asked to share their favorite lesson and why it was important.

Entry Behavior:
Pupils are expected to have a good understanding of the personal security topics covered in previous weeks.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  1. Review worksheets or quizzes.
  2. Flashcards summarizing key concepts.
  3. Sample scenarios for role-play.

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:
Connect this review session to previous lessons by discussing how each topic contributes to overall safety and personal security.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking
  • Communication
  • Problem-solving
  • Review and synthesis

Learning Materials:

  1. Review worksheets
  2. Flashcards
  3. Sample scenarios

Reference Books:

  1. Lagos State Scheme of Work
  2. Basic Security Education Textbook for Primary Schools

Instructional Materials:

  • Flashcards
  • Review worksheets
  • Scenarios for role-play


  1. Review of Key Concepts:
    • Personal security definitions
    • Types and categories of security
    • Importance of personal security
    • Precautionary measures
    • Reporting unsafe situations
    • Emergency phone numbers
  2. Assessment Activities:
    • Quizzes to test understanding
    • Role-play scenarios for practical application
    • Group discussions to review concepts
  3. Comprehensive Review:
    • Summarize key points from each topic covered during the term
    • Discuss any questions or areas of confusion

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions (15):

  1. Personal security involves __________ and protection from harm.
    • (a) Safety
    • (b) Shopping
    • (c) Entertainment
    • (d) Travel
  2. Types of personal security include __________ security and digital security.
    • (a) Physical
    • (b) Cooking
    • (c) Reading
    • (d) Cleaning
  3. Reporting unsafe situations helps to __________ potential harm.
    • (a) Prevent
    • (b) Increase
    • (c) Ignore
    • (d) Create
  4. Emergency phone numbers should be __________ and easily accessible.
    • (a) Memorized
    • (b) Hidden
    • (c) Forgotten
    • (d) Unavailable
  5. An example of a precautionary measure is __________.
    • (a) Installing a CCTV camera
    • (b) Skipping class
    • (c) Ignoring safety rules
    • (d) Avoiding safety drills
  6. Unsafe situations should be reported to __________.
    • (a) A trusted adult
    • (b) A stranger
    • (c) A peer
    • (d) A neighbor
  7. The importance of personal security includes __________.
    • (a) Preventing harm
    • (b) Creating risk
    • (c) Ignoring safety
    • (d) Increasing danger
  8. To report an unsafe situation, you should __________.
    • (a) Provide clear details
    • (b) Keep it secret
    • (c) Avoid details
    • (d) Ignore it
  9. During an emergency, you should __________ the appropriate phone number.
    • (a) Dial
    • (b) Forget
    • (c) Ignore
    • (d) Hide
  10. An example of an emergency phone number is __________.
    • (a) 112
    • (b) 123
    • (c) 999
    • (d) 411
  11. Proper response to danger involves __________ and following safety rules.
    • (a) Staying calm
    • (b) Panicking
    • (c) Ignoring
    • (d) Hiding
  12. Reporting procedures should include __________.
    • (a) Detailed information
    • (b) Vague descriptions
    • (c) Ignoring details
    • (d) Avoiding reporting
  13. Personal security education helps __________.
    • (a) Create safer environments
    • (b) Increase risks
    • (c) Ignore safety
    • (d) Cause harm
  14. Emergency numbers should be __________ in case of danger.
    • (a) Memorized
    • (b) Ignored
    • (c) Hidden
    • (d) Forgotten
  15. Effective reporting of unsafe situations involves __________.
    • (a) Clear communication
    • (b) Keeping information vague
    • (c) Avoiding details
    • (d) Ignoring safety

FAQs (15):

  1. What are key concepts in personal security?
    • Personal security definitions, types, importance, and reporting procedures.
  2. Why is it important to report unsafe situations?
    • To prevent harm and ensure safety.
  3. What are examples of precautionary measures?
    • Installing security devices like CCTV cameras and following safety drills.
  4. How should emergency phone numbers be managed?
    • They should be memorized and easily accessible.
  5. What should you include when reporting an unsafe situation?
    • Clear and detailed information.
  6. What is the role of personal security education?
    • To create safer environments and ensure awareness.
  7. What actions are necessary during an emergency?
    • Dial the appropriate phone number and follow safety procedures.
  8. How do precautionary measures help in personal security?
    • They help prevent potential threats and ensure safety.
  9. What should be avoided when reporting unsafe situations?
    • Keeping information vague or secret.
  10. What is the importance of staying calm in dangerous situations?
    • It helps in making clear decisions and following safety rules.
  11. How can you ensure the effectiveness of reporting procedures?
    • By providing clear and detailed information.
  12. Why are emergency numbers critical?
    • They provide immediate help during dangerous situations.
  13. What should you do if you don’t know how to report an unsafe situation?
    • Seek guidance from a trusted adult.
  14. What role does communication play in reporting?
    • Clear communication ensures that the situation is understood and addressed.
  15. How can role-playing scenarios help in understanding personal security?
    • They provide practical experience in handling unsafe situations.


  • Step 1: Review key concepts from the term using flashcards and discussions.
  • Step 2: Conduct quizzes and role-play scenarios to assess understanding.
  • Step 3: Discuss any questions or areas that need clarification.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Lead the review session and quizzes.
  • Facilitate role-playing activities and discussions.
  • Provide feedback and clarify any misconceptions.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Participate in quizzes and role-plays.
  • Discuss and review key concepts.
  • Ask questions and seek clarification as needed.

Pupils will be assessed on their ability to recall and apply the personal security concepts covered throughout the term through quizzes and practical exercises.

Evaluation Questions (10):

  1. What are the key concepts of personal security covered this term?
  2. How should you report an unsafe situation?
  3. Why is reporting unsafe situations important?
  4. What are precautionary measures in personal security?
  5. How should emergency phone numbers be managed?
  6. What should be included in a report of an unsafe situation?
  7. How does staying calm help in dangerous situations?
  8. What are examples of personal security measures?
  9. How can role-playing scenarios help with personal security education?
  10. Why is clear communication crucial in reporting?

The teacher will summarize the term’s key points, reinforce the importance of personal security and reporting procedures, and review the quiz and role-play outcomes. Pupils will be encouraged to apply what they have learned in real-life situations and continue practicing personal security awareness.

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