Vêtements et accessoires French Primary 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 4

French Lesson Plan for Primary 2

CLASS: Primary 2
AGE: 7 years
TOPIC: Vêtements et accessoires
SUB-TOPIC: Identification and Description of Clothing and Accessories in French
DURATION: 40 minutes
DATE: [Insert Date]

Behavioral Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. List different clothing items and accessories in French.
b. Describe what they are wearing.
c. Describe what others are wearing.


  • Vêtements (Clothes)
  • Accessoires (Accessories)
  • Chemise (Shirt)
  • Pantalon (Pants)
  • Robe (Dress)
  • Jupe (Skirt)
  • Chaussures (Shoes)
  • Chapeau (Hat)
  • Écharpe (Scarf)
  • Sac (Bag)

Set Induction

Begin with a fashion show where students can display various clothing items and accessories, then introduce the French terms for each item.

Entry Behavior

Students should already know basic clothing items in their native language.

Learning Resources

  • Online resources
  • French textbook
  • Chambers Harrap’s French School Dictionary
  • Real fabric items and accessories
  • Charts and photos of clothing and accessories in French

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

Discuss the importance of clothing and accessories in daily life and how they can be described.

Core Skills

  • Listening
  • Speaking
  • Reading
  • Writing

Reference Books

  • French textbooks for Primary 2
  • Chambers Harrap’s French School Dictionary

Instructional Materials

  • Real clothing items and accessories
  • Charts and photos
  • Flashcards
  • Online resources (videos, games)

Content with Examples

  1. Introduction to Clothing Items and Accessories:
    • Chemise (Shirt)
    • Pantalon (Pants)
    • Robe (Dress)
    • Jupe (Skirt)
    • Chaussures (Shoes)
    • Chapeau (Hat)
    • Écharpe (Scarf)
    • Sac (Bag)
  2. Usage in Sentences:
    • Je porte une chemise. (I am wearing a shirt.)
    • Elle porte une robe. (She is wearing a dress.)
    • Il porte un chapeau. (He is wearing a hat.)


  1. Je porte une ___. (robe / chapeau / chemise)
  2. Il porte un ___. (sac / pantalon / jupe)
  3. Elle porte des ___. (chaussures / écharpe / sac)
  4. Nous portons des ___. (robes / chaussures / chemises)
  5. Tu portes un ___. (chapeau / sac / écharpe)
  6. Elles portent des ___. (sacs / écharpes / jupes)
  7. Vous portez une ___. (robe / chemise / pantalon)
  8. Ils portent des ___. (chapeaux / pantalons / sacs)
  9. Elle porte une ___. (jupe / chemise / robe)
  10. Je porte des ___. (chaussures / sacs / écharpes)

Class Activity Discussion

  1. Q: Comment dit-on “shirt” en français?
    A: Chemise
  2. Q: Quelle est la traduction de “pants”?
    A: Pantalon
  3. Q: Comment décrit-on une “dress” en français?
    A: Robe
  4. Q: Comment dit-on “shoes” en français?
    A: Chaussures
  5. Q: Quelle est la traduction de “hat”?
    A: Chapeau
  6. Q: Comment dit-on “scarf” en français?
    A: Écharpe
  7. Q: Quelle est la traduction de “bag”?
    A: Sac
  8. Q: Comment décrit-on un “skirt” en français?
    A: Jupe
  9. Q: Comment dit-on “I am wearing a shirt” en français?
    A: Je porte une chemise.
  10. Q: Comment dit-on “she is wearing a dress” en français?
    A: Elle porte une robe.

Presentation Steps

  1. Introduction:
    • Start with a fashion show where students display various clothing items and accessories.
    • Introduce the French terms for each item.
  2. Explanation:
    • Present each clothing item and accessory using real items and photos.
    • Use the charts to reinforce learning.
  3. Practice:
    • Use flashcards to quiz students on clothing and accessory names.
    • Group activity: Students describe what they and others are wearing.
  4. Application:
    • Students use clothing and accessory names in sentences to describe what they are wearing and what others are wearing.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Introduce the topic with a fashion show.
  • Explain each clothing item and accessory in French.
  • Conduct practice activities with flashcards and group work.
  • Guide students in writing and speaking sentences using clothing and accessory names.

Learners’ Activities

  • Identify clothing items and accessories in English and learn their French names.
  • Participate in group activities to describe what they and others are wearing.
  • Write and share sentences describing clothing and accessories.


  • Observe students’ participation in group activities.
  • Check sentences written by students for correct usage of clothing and accessory names.
  • Oral questioning to assess understanding.

Evaluation Questions

  1. Comment dit-on “shirt” en français?
  2. Quelle est la traduction de “pants”?
  3. Comment décrit-on une “dress” en français?
  4. Comment dit-on “shoes” en français?
  5. Quelle est la traduction de “hat”?
  6. Comment dit-on “scarf” en français?
  7. Quelle est la traduction de “bag”?
  8. Comment décrit-on un “skirt” en français?
  9. Comment dit-on “I am wearing a shirt” en français?
  10. Comment dit-on “she is wearing a dress” en français?


Summarize the lesson by reviewing the clothing and accessory names in French. Encourage students to use French clothing terms in their daily life.