Revision of All Taught Topics Basic Science Nursery 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 10 & 11

Nursery 2 Basic Science Term 1 Review

Revision Test: Basic Science | Nursery 2 | First Term Lesson Notes Week 10 & 11

Detailed Student-Centered Lesson Plan Presentation

Subject: Basic Science

Class: Nursery 2

Term: First Term

Week: 10 & 11

Topic: Revision of All Taught Topics

Sub-topic: Water, Air, Soil, Sharp Objects, Dangerous Liquids, and Hot Liquids

Duration: 60 minutes

Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Explain the uses of water.
  2. Describe what air is and its importance.
  3. Identify items found in soil.
  4. List examples of sharp objects and their dangers.
  5. State examples of dangerous liquids.
  6. Describe the effects of hot liquids.


  • Water
  • Air
  • Soil
  • Sharp objects
  • Dangerous liquids
  • Hot liquids

Entry Behaviour: Pupils are familiar with basic concepts of their immediate environment, such as water, air, soil, and common household items.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Water in a bottle
  • Balloon (for air demonstration)
  • Soil samples with stones and leaves
  • Pictures of sharp objects (scissors, knife)
  • Images of dangerous liquids (bleach)
  • A cup with “hot” written on it (to represent hot liquid)

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge: Discuss daily experiences with water, air, and soil. Ask pupils about objects they see at home that are sharp or dangerous.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Observation
  • Critical thinking
  • Safety awareness

Learning Materials:

  • Charts
  • Flashcards
  • Real objects (water bottle, balloon, soil)

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Basic Science textbooks for Nursery 2

Instructional Materials:

  • Pictures
  • Real objects
  • Charts

Content Presentation

Step 1: Revision of Previous Topics

  • The teacher revises the previous topics on water, air, and soil by asking questions like:
    • “What do we use water for?”
    • “Can you feel air when you blow on your hand?”
    • “What can we find in the soil?”

Step 2: Introduction of the New Topic

  • Introduce the revision topic by saying, “Today, we will review everything we have learned about water, air, soil, sharp objects, dangerous liquids, and hot liquids.”

Step 3: Pupils’ Contributions and Corrections

  • Allow pupils to share their experiences with each topic. Correct any misconceptions and reinforce key points.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Display pictures and real objects.
  • Ask open-ended questions to encourage participation.
  • Demonstrate with real objects (e.g., pouring water, blowing up a balloon).
  • Correct pupils gently when they make mistakes.

Learners’ Activities

  • Answer questions posed by the teacher.
  • Participate in discussions.
  • Observe demonstrations and ask questions.


  • Ask pupils to match pictures of items to the correct category (e.g., water, air, soil, sharp objects, dangerous liquids, hot liquids).
  • Have a short quiz or oral questions to assess understanding.

Revision Test: Basic Science | Nursery 2 | First Term Lesson Notes Week 10 & 11

Class Activity Discussion

  1. What is water?
    • Water is a liquid we drink and use every day.
  2. Where do we get water from?
    • We get water from rivers, lakes, and taps.
  3. What do we use water for?
    • We use water for drinking, washing, and cooking.
  4. What is air?
    • Air is the invisible gas all around us that we breathe.
  5. How can we feel air?
    • We can feel air when we blow a balloon or when the wind blows.
  6. What does air help with?
    • Air helps to dry clothes and keeps us cool.
  7. What is soil?
    • Soil is the ground we walk on and where plants grow.
  8. What can we find in soil?
    • We can find stones, insects, and plant roots in soil.
  9. What are sharp objects?
    • Sharp objects are things that can cut us, like knives and scissors.
  10. Why are sharp objects dangerous?
    • Sharp objects are dangerous because they can cause cuts and injuries.
  11. What is a dangerous liquid?
    • A dangerous liquid is a liquid that can harm us, like bleach.
  12. Why should we be careful with dangerous liquids?
    • We should be careful because dangerous liquids can cause burns or poisoning.
  13. What are hot liquids?
    • Hot liquids are liquids that are very hot, like hot tea or coffee.
  14. What happens if we drink hot liquids?
    • Drinking hot liquids can cause burns in our mouth and throat.
  15. Why should we be careful with hot liquids?
    • We should be careful because hot liquids can spill and burn our skin.

Evaluation Questions

  1. What do we use water for?
  2. Can you name one place we get water from?
  3. What is air?
  4. How can we feel air?
  5. What do plants need from the soil?
  6. Name one sharp object.
  7. Why should we be careful with sharp objects?
  8. Give an example of a dangerous liquid.
  9. What can happen if we touch dangerous liquids?
  10. Why should we not drink hot tea quickly?

Revision Test: Basic Science | Nursery 2 | First Term Lesson Notes Week 10 & 11

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions

  1. Water is a __________ we drink and use every day.
    • a) solid
    • b) gas
    • c) liquid
    • d) metal
  2. We get water from __________.
    • a) books
    • b) rivers
    • c) toys
    • d) cars
  3. We use water for __________.
    • a) sleeping
    • b) drinking
    • c) jumping
    • d) reading
  4. Air is all around us and we __________ it.
    • a) eat
    • b) drink
    • c) breathe
    • d) touch
  5. We can feel air when we __________ a balloon.
    • a) blow
    • b) kick
    • c) paint
    • d) read
  6. Air helps to __________ clothes.
    • a) paint
    • b) dry
    • c) cook
    • d) wash
  7. Soil is the __________ we walk on.
    • a) sky
    • b) ground
    • c) water
    • d) air
  8. We can find __________ in the soil.
    • a) clouds
    • b) stars
    • c) stones
    • d) books
  9. Sharp objects can __________ us.
    • a) hug
    • b) cut
    • c) feed
    • d) tickle
  10. An example of a sharp object is a __________.
    • a) spoon
    • b) pillow
    • c) knife
    • d) book
  11. Dangerous liquids can __________ us.
    • a) help
    • b) harm
    • c) clean
    • d) play
  12. A dangerous liquid is __________.
    • a) juice
    • b) bleach
    • c) milk
    • d) water
  13. Hot liquids can __________ us.
    • a) cool
    • b) freeze
    • c) burn
    • d) grow
  14. We should be __________ with hot tea.
    • a) careful
    • b) fast
    • c) lazy
    • d) sleepy
  15. Drinking hot liquids can cause __________.
    • a) happiness
    • b) fun
    • c) burns
    • d) laughter


  • The teacher goes around to mark the pupils’ work and provides feedback.
  • Summarize key points: Water is essential, air is all around us, soil contains many things, sharp objects can hurt us, dangerous liquids can be harmful, and hot liquids can cause burns.
  • Reinforce safety habits related to each topic.

Effects of Dangerous and Hot Liquids Basic Science Nursery 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 9

Basic Science Nursery 2 First Term Lesson Notes