Evidence of Prayer and People that prayed in the Bible Christian Religious Studies Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 2

Lesson Plan Presentation

  • Subject: Christian Religious Studies
  • Class: Primary 2
  • Term: Second Term
  • Week: 2
  • Topic: Define Prayer, Identify Bible Evidences of the Power of Prayer, Examples of People in the Bible that Prayed
  • Duration: 40 minutes

Entry Behaviour:

  • Quick review: Ask students to recall what they learned about prayer in the previous lesson.

Key Words:

  • Prayer, Bible, Power, Examples.

Behavioural Objectives:

  • By the end of the lesson, students should be able to define prayer.
  • Students should identify at least three Bible evidences of the power of prayer.
  • Students should mention at least five people in the Bible who prayed.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Verbal communication (expressing understanding of prayer)
  • Memory recall (remembering Bible stories)

Learning Materials:

  • Pictures of people praying in the Bible.
  • Simple definitions of prayer.


  1. Define Prayer:
    • Prayer is talking to God. 🙏
    • Example: We talk to God when we thank Him or ask for help.
  2. Identify Bible Evidences of the Power of Prayer:
    • Elijah prayed for rain, and it rained (James 5:17-18). ☔
    • Example: When we pray, God can do powerful things, just like in the Bible.
  3. Mention at Least 10 People in the Bible that Prayed:
    • Abraham 🧔
    • Moses 🌊
    • Hannah 🤰
    • David 🎶
    • Solomon 🏰
    • Daniel 🦁
    • Mary 🌟
    • Peter 🚣‍♂️
    • Paul ✉️
    • Jesus 🌈
    • Example: These people in the Bible talked to God through prayer.


  1. Prayer is like __________ to God. a) Singing
    b) Talking
    c) Running
    d) Sleeping
  2. Elijah prayed for __________, and it rained. a) Snow
    b) Sunshine
    c) Rain
    d) Wind
  3. Saying “thank you” or asking for help is a way of __________. a) Playing
    b) Talking to God
    c) Eating
    d) Dancing
  4. Abraham is one of the people in the Bible who __________. a) Cooked
    b) Prayed
    c) Jumped
    d) Swam
  5. Moses talked to God, and __________ parted the sea. a) Fish
    b) People
    c) God
    d) Clouds
  6. When we pray, God can do __________ things. a) Boring
    b) Exciting
    c) Difficult
    d) Simple
  7. David is known for his __________ and talking to God. a) Singing
    b) Dancing
    c) Praying
    d) Cooking
  8. Solomon prayed for __________ to be wise. a) Money
    b) Toys
    c) Wisdom
    d) Food
  9. Mary is remembered for being the mother of __________. a) David
    b) Jesus
    c) Solomon
    d) Moses
  10. Peter prayed while __________ on a boat. a) Running
    b) Lying down
    c) Sitting
    d) Fishing
  11. Paul wrote letters and __________ to God. a) Danced
    b) Sang
    c) Prayed
    d) Slept
  12. Jesus often found time to __________. a) Play
    b) Eat
    c) Rest
    d) Pray
  13. Daniel prayed even when __________ said not to. a) Friends
    b) Teachers
    c) Kings
    d) Parents
  14. Hannah prayed to God for a __________. a) Child
    b) Pet
    c) House
    d) Car
  15. When we pray, it’s like having a __________ with God. a) Conversation
    b) Race
    c) Party
    d) Journey

  1. Presentation (Step 1):
  2. Introduction (Step 2):
    • Define Prayer: Prayer is talking to God, like having a conversation with Him. 🙏
    • Share a simple example: Saying “thank you” to God is a type of prayer.
  3. Teacher’s Activities (Step 3):
    • Show Pictures: Display pictures of people praying in the Bible.
    • Explain Bible Evidences: Highlight stories like Elijah praying for rain or Moses parting the sea.
    • Discuss Examples: Mention people in the Bible who prayed, like Abraham and David.
  4. Learners’ Activities:
    • Describe Prayer: Students express what prayer means to them.
    • Discussion: Talk about why praying is powerful using simple examples.
  5. Assessment:
    • Observation: Evaluate how well students participate in discussions.
    • Questions: Ask simple questions about the definition of prayer and Bible stories.


  1. What is the topic of today’s lesson?
  2. Can you give a simple definition of prayer?
  3. Name one person from the Bible who prayed for rain.
  4. Why is saying “thank you” a form of prayer?
  5. Mention a story from the Bible where prayer showed its power.
  6. Who prayed for wisdom in the Bible?
  7. How is prayer like having a conversation?
  8. Why do you think praying is important?
  9. Name one person in the Bible who prayed for a child.
  10. What did we learn about prayer in the previous lesson?


  • Teacher’s Activity: Go around the class to assess understanding and correct any misconceptions.
  • Feedback: Provide positive reinforcement and encourage students to share their thoughts.
  • Homework: Ask students to talk to someone at home about what they learned in today’s class.
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