Revision Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 11

Art and Craft Lesson Plan

Subject: Cultural and Creative Arts

Class: Primary 2

Term: First Term

Week: 11 (Revision of All Topics Covered)

Age: 7 years

Behavioral Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Review and recall all topics covered in the term.
  2. Answer review questions related to each topic.
  3. Demonstrate understanding of key concepts in Art and Craft.

Key Words

  • Review
  • Recall
  • Concepts

Set Induction

  • Begin by asking pupils to name any topics they remember learning about in Art and Craft this term.

Entry Behavior

  • Pupils are expected to remember the main ideas and activities from previous lessons.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Visual aids (posters, pictures from previous lessons)
  • Written summaries of each topic covered

Building Background / Connection to Prior Knowledge

  • Remind pupils of the different activities and discussions they had in previous lessons.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Recall
  • Application
  • Evaluation

Learning Materials

  • Summaries of each topic covered
  • Visual aids from previous lessons

Reference Books

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Cultural and Creative Arts

Instructional Materials

  • Posters and visual aids from previous lessons
  • Review questions handout


  • Topics Covered:
    1. Shapes and Readiness Test
    2. Types of Objects and Shapes
    3. Colour
    4. Origination of Colour and Basic Colours
    5. Colour Mixing
    6. Importance of Music
    7. Traditional Dance
    8. Introduction to Craft Making

Learning Activities

  1. Class Discussion:
    • Review each topic briefly, asking pupils to summarize what they learned.
  2. Question and Answer Session:
    • Ask review questions related to each topic to assess understanding.
  3. Hands-on Activities:
    • Engage pupils in a brief practical activity related to one or more of the topics, such as drawing shapes or identifying colors.


Step 1: Revising the Previous Topics

  • Briefly recap the main points of each topic covered throughout the term.

Step 2: Review Questions

  • Ask questions related to each topic to assess pupils’ understanding and memory.

Step 3: Hands-on Activity

  • Engage pupils in a brief practical activity related to one or more of the topics covered.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Guide the review of each topic.
  • Pose review questions and facilitate discussions.

Learners’ Activities

  • Recall and summarize key points from each topic.
  • Participate in answering review questions and engaging in hands-on activities.


  1. Review Questions:
    • Ask questions like:
      • What are the six basic shapes?
      • Name two types of objects you can find in the classroom.
      • What are the primary colors?
      • How do you mix blue and yellow to get green?
      • Why is music important?
      • Name a traditional dance in Nigeria.
  2. Application Tasks:
    • Practical tasks related to drawing shapes, identifying colors, or naming objects.


  1. ______ are the primary colors.
    a) Green, purple, orange
    b) Red, blue, yellow
    c) Pink, brown, black
    d) White, gray, blue

  2. When you mix red and yellow, you get ______.
    a) Orange
    b) Green
    c) Purple
    d) Blue

  3. Blue and yellow mixed together make ______.
    a) Purple
    b) Orange
    c) Green
    d) Red

  4. In the drawing session, use ______ colors.
    a) Only one
    b) Various
    c) No
    d) Black and white

  5. ______ are considered secondary colors.
    a) Red, blue, yellow
    b) Green, purple, orange
    c) Pink, brown, black
    d) White, gray, blue

  6. Secondary colors are made by mixing ______.
    a) Primary colors
    b) Black and white
    c) Any colors
    d) Pink and brown

  7. The primary color blue mixed with yellow creates ______.
    a) Green
    b) Purple
    c) Orange
    d) Red

  8. During the drawing session, be ______ with your color choices.
    a) Boring
    b) Creative
    c) Silent
    d) Quick

  9. ______ is not a primary color.
    a) Red
    b) Blue
    c) Green
    d) Yellow

  10. ______ is a secondary color.
    a) Red
    b) Orange
    c) Blue
    d) Yellow

  11. The secondary color made by mixing red and blue is ______.
    a) Orange
    b) Green
    c) Purple
    d) Pink

  12. In the drawing session, you can use ______ colors.
    a) Only one
    b) Various
    c) No
    d) Black and white

  13. ______ session follows the introduction to secondary colors.
    a) Dancing
    b) Drawing
    c) Sleeping
    d) Talking

  14. When sharing and discussing drawings, talk about the ______ used.
    a) Shapes
    b) Sizes
    c) Colors
    d) Numbers

  15. ______ colors are the foundation for all others.
    a) Secondary
    b) Tertiary
    c) Primary
    d) Rainbow


  • Recap the key learnings from the entire term.
  • Provide feedback and reinforcement where necessary.

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